5 research outputs found

    Light charged particle emission induced by fast neutrons with energies between 25 and 65 MeV on iron

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    Double-differential cross sections (energy spectra) for proton, deuteron, triton and alpha-particle emission in fast neutron-induced reactions on iron are reported for ten incident neutron energies between 25 and 65 Mev Energy spectra were obtained at nine laboratory angles between 20degrees and 160degrees and extrapolated or interpolated to ten other angles extending the angular distribution from 2.5degrees to 177.5degrees. The experimental set-up and the procedure for data taking and data reduction are briefly presented. Deduced energy-differential and total cross sections are also reported. Experimental cross sections are compared with data from proton-induced reactions on Fe-54 and Fe-56, and with our data from neutron-induced reactions on cobalt. Theoretical calculations of GNASH and TALYS reaction codes are also compared to the experimental data