155 research outputs found

    Campylobacter in organic and conventional pig productions in France: occurrence, antibiotic resistance and genetic diversity

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    The objectives of this study were to assess the occurrence of Campylobacter in organic and conventional pig productions, and to evaluate their antimicrobial resistance and genetic diversity in these two productions. Sampling was realized in one slaughterhouse: 31 organic herds and 31 conventional herds were considered. Detection of Campylobacter was done on respectively 56 and 58 organic and conventional pig colon contents, and on 60 carcass swabs for each production. Campylobacter strains were studied for their resistance to 8 antibiotics and for their genetic diversity through PFGE using KpnI enzyme. Occurrence in colon content was not significantly different between organic (76.8%) and conventional pigs (74.0%). Only one conventional carcass was contaminated by Campylobacter. All the Campylobacter were C. coli. A total of 266 C. coli were characterized: 138 and 124 from colon content of organic and conventional pigs, respectively, and 4 from carcass. Only 10 isolates were pansusceptible. The most frequent resistance profile was resistance to streptomycin with tetracycline (24.2% and 33.3% of the isolates from conventional and organic pigs, respectively). Isolates from conventional pigs were significantly more frequently resistant to tetracycline and erythromycin, often in association with other resistances: 53.1% of isolates from conventional pigs were resistant to 3 or more antibiotics families compared to 26.8% from organic pigs. The 240 typable isolates were distributed in 122 KpnI profiles. Only one KpnI profile was common for 1 organic and 1 conventional isolates. Index of diversity was very high (ID>0.98) in both productions. This study showed that occurrence and diversity of Campylobacter in organic and conventional pigs are similar. The lower level of antibiotic resistance for organic pigs may be related to the restricted use of antibiotics in this production and / or colonization of organic pigs with susceptible environmental strains

    Campylobacter chez les porcs biologiques et conventionnels: prévalence et antibiorésistance

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    Cette étude a pour objectif d’obtenir et comparer des données de prévalence et de résistance aux antibiotiques de Campylobacter isolés de porcs issus de la production biologique porcine et de la production conventionnelle. Des prélèvements de contenus de colon et des chiffonnettes de carcasses ont été réalisés en 2012, dans un abattoir, sur 31 lots de porcs biologiques et 31 lots de porcs conventionnels (1 ou 2 porcs par lot). La détection de Campylobacter a été réalisée par isolement direct sur gélose Karmali. Le genre Campylobacter et l’espèce des isolats collectés ont été confirmés par PCR. La résistance aux antibiotiques des isolats a été recherchée pour 5 familles d’antibiotiques (Gentamicine et streptomycine, Ciprofloxacine et Acide Nalidixique, Tétracycline (TET), Erythromycine (ERY) et chloramphénicol) par détermination des concentrations minimales inhibitrices (CMI) et interprétation selon les cut-offs épidémiologiques EUCAST. 114 contenus fécaux (56 biologiques et 58 conventionnels) et 120 chiffonnettes de carcasses (60 biologiques et 60 conventionnels) ont été analysés. Les Campylobacter isolés sont de l’espèce C. coli. La prévalence dans les contenus de colon n’est pas significativement différente entre les porcs biologiques (76,8%) et conventionnels (74,0%). C. coli n’a été détecté que sur 1 carcasse de porc conventionnel. Parmi les 264 isolats de C. coli isolés de contenus du colon (140 de porcs biologiques et 124 de porcs conventionnels), seuls 10 isolats sont sensibles aux 5 familles d’antibiotiques. 147 isolats sont résistants à 1 ou 2 familles d’antibiotiques et 107 sont multirésistants (≥ à 3 familles d’antibiotiques). Le profil de résistance majoritaire est la résistance couplée STR-TET, observée pour respectivement 21,8% et 32,9% des isolats issus de porcs conventionnels et biologiques. Entre les deux productions, une différence est observée pour TET et ERY. Les isolats provenant de porcs conventionnels sont significativement (p<0,01) plus souvent résistants à ces 2 antibiotiques, souvent en association avec d’autres résistances: 54,8% des isolats de porcs conventionnels sont multirésistants contre 27,9% des isolats de porcs biologiques (p<0,01). Cette étude montre que le portage de Campylobacter par les porcs est identique quel que soit le type de production. Le niveau plus faible de taux de résistance aux antibiotiques pour les Campylobacters issus de porcs biologiques pourrait être lié à l’usage restreint d’antibiotiques en production biologique et/ou à la colonisation des porcs biologiques par des souches sauvages sensibles

    Comparison of organic and conventional pig productions on prevalence, antibiotic resistance and genetic diversity of Escherichia coli

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    In this part of a CORE Organic II funded project, the objectives were 1) to assess the occurrence of E. coli in organic pig production, in comparison with conventional production, 2) to estimate the E. coli tetracycline resistance level in pig of the two productions, and 3) to evaluate the genetic diversity of strains isolated from these two productions. 25 organic herds and 25 conventional herds were considered in one slaughterhouse from April to October 2012. Two pigs per herds were considered. For each pig, numeration of Escherichia coli and of tetracycline resistant E. coli (TET+E.coli), were realized from colon content. Level of tetracycline resistance for each sample was then determined by the % of tetracycline resistant E. coli from the total number of E. coli. From colon content, on the 100 sampled pigs, E. coli was detected for all the organic pigs (n=50) and conventional (n=50). TET+E.coli was detected for 49 organic pigs (98%) and 48 conventional pigs (96%). The number of E. coli per gram of colon content were significantly higher (6.81 log10UFC/g) than for organic pigs (6.19 log10UFC/g) (p=0.0033). A significant difference for the number of TET+E.coli per gram of colon content was also observed between organic (5.68 log10UFC/g) and conventional pigs (6.33 log10UFC/g) (p=0.00021). The level of tetracycline resistance is significantly (p=0.0033) higher for conventional pigs (57.4%) than for organic pigs (37.9%). A total of 374 E. coli and TET+E.coli isolates were collected. After typing by PFGE using XbaI enzyme, isolates were distributed in 275 pulsotypes. No pulsotype was common between organic and conventional. The diversity is very high, ID=0.997. Inside each production, only 2 pulsotypes was common between two herds. PFGE profiles didn’t permit to associate strains to their origin

    Résistance à la tétracycline et diversité génétique d’Escherichia coli isolés de porcs biologiques et de porcs conventionnels

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    The objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence, tetracycline resistance level and genetic diversity of Escherichia coli isolated from organic pigs in comparison with conventional pigs. 25 organic and 25 conventional herds were considered in one slaughterhouse from April to October 2012. Colon content of 2 pigs per herd was sampled. For each pig, E. coli and tetracycline resistant E. coli (TET+E. coli) were enumerated. Level of tetracycline resistance was then calculated. Isolates were typed by PFGE using XbaI enzyme. E. coli was detected for all the organic (n=50) and conventional pigs (n=50). TET+E. coli was detected for 49 organic (98%) and 48 conventional pigs (96%). The number of E. coli per gram of colon content was significantly higher for conventional (6.81 log10 UFC/g) than for organic pigs (6.19 log10 UFC/g) as well as the number of TET+E. coli with 6.33 log10 UFC/g for conventional pigs and 5.68 log10 UFC/g for organic pigs. Finally, the level of tetracycline resistance was also significantly higher (p=0.0033) for conventional (57.4%) than for organic pigs (37.9%). PFGE was carried out on 374 E. coli; they were distributed in 275 pulsotypes. The genetic diversity was very high (Dvalue=0.997). No pulsotype was common to both organic and conventional pigs. Results suggest that farm managements may have an impact on the amount of E. coli excreted and on their antibiotic resistance. However, it is difficult to estimate the impact on human health with 0.65 log10 UFC/g difference between the two productions. Diversity of strains is so high that it is difficult to associate strains to a production

    Avian mycoplasmoses

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    Avian mycoplasmoses can cause significant economic losses on poultry farms. Mycoplasma gallisepticum is responsible for chronic respiratory disease of chickens and infectious sinusitis of turkeys. M. synoviae causes subclinical respiratory tract infections and infectious synovitis. M. meleagridis and M. iowae are mainly observed in turkeys and may cause growth retardations and embryonic mortality. Mycoplasmas can either be transmitted vertically or horizontally by direct or indirect contact. Diagnostic relies on isolation and identification of the organism or on serology. Control of mycoplasmoses is mainly based on eradication of the infection from breeding stocks and on biosecurity measures.Les mycoplasmoses aviaires sont des maladies réglementées à l'origine de lourdes pertes économiques. Mycoplasma gallisepticum est responsable de la maladie respiratoire chronique chez la poule et de la sinusite infectieuse chez la dinde. M. synoviae est à l'origine d'infections subcliniques de l'appareil respiratoire et de la synovite infectieuse. M. meleagridis et M. iowae ne sont pathogènes que chez la dinde et provoquent essentiellement des retards de croissance et des mortalités embryonnaires. Outre les transmissions verticale et horizontale directe, les mycoplasmes peuvent également être transmis indirectement. Le diagnostic repose sur leur isolement et leur identification, ou sur l'examen sérologique. Le contrôle des mycoplasmoses repose essentiellement sur l'éradication des mycoplasmes dans les troupeaux multiplicateurs et sur une prophylaxie sanitaire exigeante

    Benefits and Inputs From Lactic Acid Bacteria and Their Bacteriocins as Alternatives to Antibiotic Growth Promoters During Food-Animal Production

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    Resistance to antibiotics is escalating and threatening humans and animals worldwide. Different countries have legislated or promoted the ban of antibiotics as growth promoters in livestock and aquaculture to reduce this phenomenon. Therefore, to improve animal growth and reproduction performance and to control multiple bacterial infections, there is a potential to use probiotics as non-antibiotic growth promoters. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) offer various advantages as potential probiotics and can be considered as alternatives to antibiotics during food-animal production. LAB are safe microorganisms with abilities to produce different inhibitory compounds such as bacteriocins, organic acids as lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, diacetyl, and carbon dioxide. LAB can inhibit harmful microorganisms with their arsenal, or through competitive exclusion mechanism based on competition for binding sites and nutrients. LAB endowed with specific enzymatic functions (amylase, protease…) can improve nutrients acquisition as well as animal immune system stimulation. This review aimed at underlining the benefits and inputs from LAB as potential alternatives to antibiotics in poultry, pigs, ruminants, and aquaculture production

    Efficiency of spiramycin and tylosin for the treatment of mycoplasmosis in chickens experimentally inf ected by Mycoplasma gallisepticum

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    Des poulets exempts d’organismes pathogènes spécifiés âgés de 3 semai nes sont inoculés par voie intratracheale avec une souche virulente de Mycoplasma gallisepticum R-P10. A partir du 4' jour après inoculation, les oiseaux reçoivent de la spiramycine selon trois posologies différentes ou de la tylosine pendant 2 ou 3 jours consécutifs. Les résultats montrent que les symptômes respiratoires et les lésions des oiseaux traités sont moins sévères que ceux des oiseaux non traités. La croissance des animaux est améliorée par les différents traitements. Les indices de réisolement de MG sont nettement réduits chez les oiseaux traités mais MG est réisolé dans tous les groupes 27 jours après inoculation.Three week-old specific pathogen free chickens were intratracheally inoculated with a virulent strain of Mycoplasma gallisepticum MG R-P10. From the fourth day after inoculation, birds were given spiramycin at three different doses or tylosin for two or three consecutive days. The results showed that respiratory symptoms and lesions of treated birds were less severe than those of infected non treated chickens. The growth rate was improved by the different medications. The MG recovery scores were markedly reduced in treated birds but MG could be reisolated from all different groups at 27 days post inoculation

    Campylobacter coli in Organic and Conventional Pig Production in France and Sweden: Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance.

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    The purpose of the study was to evaluate and compare the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter coli in conventional and organic pigs from France and Sweden. Fecal or colon samples were collected at farms or at slaughterhouses and cultured for Campylobacter. The minimum inhibitory concentrations of ciprofloxacin, nalidixic acid, streptomycin, tetracycline, erythromycin, and gentamicin were determined by microdilution for a total of 263 French strains from 114 pigs from 50 different farms and 82 Swedish strains from 144 pigs from 54 different farms. Erythromycin resistant isolates were examined for presence of the emerging rRNA methylase erm(B) gene. The study showed that within the colon samples obtained in each country there was no significant difference in prevalence of Campylobacter between pigs in organic and conventional productions [France: conventional: 43/58 (74%); organic: 43/56 (77%) and Sweden: conventional: 24/36 (67%); organic: 20/36 (56%)]. In France, but not in Sweden, significant differences of percentages of resistant isolates were associated with production type (tetracycline, erythromycin) and the number of resistances was significantly higher for isolates from conventional pigs. In Sweden, the number of resistances of fecal isolates was significantly higher compared to colon isolates. The erm(B) gene was not detected in the 87 erythromycin resistant strains tested

    Isolation of Mycoplasma pullorum strain from embryonated turked eggs

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    La souche mycoplasmique 94254 est isolée d’embryons de dindonneaux morts. Ses caractères biochimiques sont identiques à ceux de Mycoplasma pullorum C/CKK et les tests d’inhibition de croissance et immuno-enzyma- tiques se révèlent positifs vis-à-vis du sérum-anti M. pullorum. Son profil protéique est également très voisin de celui de la souche de référence et la souche 94254 entraîne une mortalité embryonnaire après inoculation à l’oeuf embryonné de poule. L’isolement de cette souche à partir d’embryons morts de dindes constitue apparemment un phénomène nouveau puisque M. pullorum semblait jusqu’alors limité à l’espèce poule et non pathogène pour cette espèce.The mycoplasmal strain 94254 was isolated from dead turkey embryos. Tests showed that this strain was biochemically identical and antigenically related to Mycoplasma pullorum strain C/CKK. The protein patterns of 94254 and M. pullorum reference strains were very similar. Inoculation of 94254 strain into chicken embryonated eggs resulted in mortality. Isolation of this strain from dead turkey embryos seems to be a new phenomenom since. M. pullorum was, up to now, considered as non pathogenic and restricted to chickens

    Experimental infection with Mycoplama galliseptioum in chikens, turkeys, laying hens and chick embryos

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    Le pouvoir pathogène de la souche Mycoplasma gallisepticum R est exacerbé par 10 passages successifs sur poulets exempts d’organismes patho gènes spécifiés (EOPS). La souche réisolée MGR P10 est inoculée à des pou lets et des dindonneaux EOPS, des poules pondeuses conventionnelles et des embryons de poule de 19 jours d’incubation. Les symptômes et lésions observés chez ces hôtes révèlent le tropisme respiratoire et le fort pouvoir pathogène de la souche MGR P10. Un léger décrochement de la courbe de ponte est enregistré chez les poules pondeuses et une mortalité impor tante et rapide est observée après inoculation à l’embryon de 19 jours. Le pouvoir de diffusion de la souche est également mis en évidence.The Mycoplasma gallisepticum R strain is serially passaged ten times through specific pathogen free (SPF) chickens in order to exacerbate its potential pathogenicity. The recovered MGR P10 strain is inoculated in SPF chickens and turkeys, commercial laying fowl and nineteen-day-old chick embryos. The inoculation induces general and respiratory symptoms in the different hosts. Mortality occurs in the chicks hatched from inoculated embryos. A drop in egg production is observed in the laying hens. The strain is also shown to be able to spread from bird to bird
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