10,991 research outputs found

    A near-infrared and optical photometric study of the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy: implications for the metallicity spread

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    We present here a detailed study of the Sculptor dSph galaxy red giant branch (RGB) and horizontal branch (HB) morphology, combining new near-infrared photometry from CIRSI, with optical data from the ESO WFI. For a Sculptor-like old and generally metal-poor system, the position of RGB stars on the colour-magnitude diagram is mainly metallicity dependent. The advantage of using optical-NIR colours is that the position of the RGB locus is much more sensitive to metallicity than with optical colours alone. In contrast the horizontal branch (HB) morphology is strongly dependent on both metallicity and age. Therefore a detailed study of both the RGB in optical-NIR colours and the HB can help break the age-metallicity degeneracy. Our measured photometric width of the Sculptor giant branch corresponds to a range in metallicity of 0.75 dex. We detect the RGB and AGB bumps in both the NIR and optical luminosity functions, and derive from them a mean metallicity of [M/H] = -1.3 +/- 0.1. From isochrone fitting we derive a mean metallicity of [Fe/H] = -1.42 with a dispersion of 0.2 dex. These photometric estimators are for the first time consistent with individual metallicity measurements derived from spectroscopic observations. No spatial gradient is detected in the RGB morphology within a radius of 13 arcmin, twice the core radius. On the other hand, a significant gradient is observed in the HB morphology index, confirming the `second parameter problem' present in this galaxy. These observations are consistent with an early extended period of star formation continuing in time for a few Gyr. (Abridged)Comment: 9 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Sagittarius: The Nearest Dwarf Galaxy

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    We have discovered a new Galactic satellite galaxy in the constellation of Sagittarius. The Sagittarius dwarf galaxy is the nearest galaxy known, subtends an angle of >10> 10 degrees on the sky, lies at a distance of 24 \kpc from the Sun, \sim 16 \kpc from the centre of the Milky Way. Itis comparable in size and luminosity to the largest dwarf spheroidal, has a well populated red horizontal branch with a blue HB extension; a substantial carbon star population; and a strong intermediate age stellar component with evidence of a metallicity spread. Isodensity maps show it to be markedly elongated along a direction pointing towards the Galactic centre and suggest that it has been tidally distorted. The close proximity to the Galactic centre, the morphological appearance and the radial velocity of 140 km/s indicate that this system must have undergone at most very few close orbital encounters with the Milky Way. It is currently undergoing strong tidal disruption prior to being integrated into the Galaxy. Probably all of the four globular clusters, M54, Arp 2, Ter 7 and Ter 8, are associated with the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy, and will probably share the fate of their progenitor.Comment: MNRAS in press, 22pp uuencoded PS file, 26 printed figures available on request from [email protected]

    The Birthplace of Low-Mass X-ray Binaries: Field Versus Globular Cluster Populations

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    Recent Chandra studies of low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) within early-type galaxies have found that LMXBs are commonly located within globular clusters of the galaxies. However, whether all LMXBs are formed within globular clusters has remained an open question. If all LMXBs formed within globular clusters, the summed X-ray luminosity of the LMXBs in a galaxy should be directly proportional to the number of globular clusters in the galaxy regardless of where the LMXBs currently reside. We have compared these two quantities over the same angular area for a sample of 12 elliptical and S0 galaxies observed with Chandra and found that the correlation between the two quantities is weaker than expected if all LMXBs formed within globular clusters. This indicates that a significant number of the LMXBs were formed in the field, and naturally accounts for the spread in field-to-cluster fractions of LMXBs from galaxy to galaxy. We also find that the "pollution" of globular cluster LMXBs into the field has been minimal within elliptical galaxies, but there is evidence that roughly half of the LMXBs originally in the globular clusters of S0 galaxies in our sample have escaped into the field. This is due to higher globular cluster disruption rates in S0s resulting from stronger gravitational shocks caused by the passage of globular clusters through the disks of S0 galaxies that are absent in elliptical galaxies.Comment: To appear in ApJ, 1 October 2005, v631 2 issue, 9 pages, 3 figures, typos and a few minor issues correcte

    APM z>4 QSO Survey: Distribution and Evolution of High Column Density HI Absorbers

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    Eleven candidate damped Lya absorption systems were identified in 27 spectra of the quasars from the APM z>4 survey covering the redshift range 2.83.5). High resolution echelle spectra (0.8A FWHM) have been obtained for three quasars, including 2 of the highest redshift objects in the survey. Two damped systems have confirmed HI column densities of N(HI) >= 10^20.3 atoms cm^-2, with a third falling just below this threshold. We have discovered the highest redshift damped Lya absorber known at z=4.383 in QSO BR1202-0725. The APM QSOs provide a substantial increase in the redshift path available for damped surveys for z>3. We combine this high redshift sample with other quasar samples covering the redshift range 0.008 < z < 4.7 to study the redshift evolution and the column density distribution function for absorbers with log N(HI)>=17.2. In the HI column density distribution f(N)=kN^-beta we find evidence for breaks in the power law, flattening for 17.221.2. The column density distribution function for the data with log N(HI)>=20.3 is better fit with the form f(N)=(f*/N*)(N/N*)^-beta exp(-N/N*). Significant redshift evolution in the number density per unit redshift is evident in the higher column density systems with an apparent decline in N(z) for z>3.5.Comment: To appear in MNRAS. Latex file (10 pages of text) plus 14 separate postscript figure files. Requires mn.sty. Postscript version with figures embedded is available at http://www.ociw.edu/~lisa/publications.htm

    Evolution of Neutral Gas at High Redshift -- Implications for the Epoch of Galaxy Formation

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    Though observationally rare, damped Lya absorption systems dominate the mass density of neutral gas in the Universe. Eleven high redshift damped Lya systems covering 2.84 QSO Survey, extending these absorption system surveys to the highest redshifts currently possible. Combining our new data set with previous surveys we find that the cosmological mass density in neutral gas, omega_g, does not rise as steeply prior to z~2 as indicated by previous studies. There is evidence in the observed omega_g for a flattening at z~2 and a possible turnover at z~3. When combined with the decline at z>3.5 in number density per unit redshift of damped systems with column densities log N(HI)>21 atoms cm^-2, these results point to an epoch at z>3 prior to which the highest column density damped systems are still forming. We find that over the redshift range 2<z<4 the total mass in neutral gas is marginally comparable with the total visible mass in stars in present day galaxies. However, if one considers the total mass visible in stellar disks alone, ie excluding galactic bulges, the two values are comparable. We are observing a mass of neutral gas comparable to the mass of visible disk stars. Lanzetta, Wolfe & Turnshek (1995) found that omega_g(z~3.5) was twice omega_g(z~2), implying a much larger amount of star formation must have taken place between z=3.5 and z=2 than is indicated by metallicity studies. This created a `cosmic G-dwarf problem'. The more gradual evolution of omega_g we find alleviates this. These results have profound implications for theories of galaxy formation.Comment: To appear in MNRAS. Latex file (4 pages of text) plus 3 separate postscript figure files. Requires mn.sty. Postscript version with figures embedded is available at http://www.ociw.edu/~lisa/publications.htm

    Uncovering CDM halo substructure with tidal streams

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    Models for the formation and growth of structure in a cold dark matter dominated universe predict that galaxy halos should contain significant substructure. Studies of the Milky Way, however, have yet to identify the expected few hundred sub-halos with masses greater than about 10^6 Msun. Here we propose a test for the presence of sub-halos in the halos of galaxies. We show that the structure of the tidal tails of ancient globular clusters is very sensitive to heating by repeated close encounters with the massive dark sub-halos. We discuss the detection of such an effect in the context of the next generation of astrometric missions, and conclude that it should be easily detectable with the GAIA dataset. The finding of a single extended cold stellar stream from a globular cluster would support alternative theories, such as self-interacting dark matter, that give rise to smoother halos.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, submitted to MNRA

    A near zero velocity dispersion stellar component in the Canes Venatici dwarf spheroidal galaxy

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    We present a spectroscopic survey of the newly-discovered Canes Venatici dwarf galaxy using the Keck/DEIMOS spectrograph. Two stellar populations of distinct kinematics are found to be present in this galaxy: an extended, metal-poor component, of half-light radius 7'.8(+2.4/-2.1), which has a velocity dispersion of 13.9(+3.2/-2.5) km/s, and a more concentrated (half-light radius 3'.6(+1.1/-0.8) metal-rich component of extremely low velocity dispersion. At 99% confidence, the upper limit to the central velocity dispersion of the metal-rich population is 1.9 km/s. This is the lowest velocity dispersion ever measured in a galaxy. We perform a Jeans analysis on the two components, and find that the dynamics of the structures can only be consistent if we adopt extreme (and unlikely) values for the scale length and velocity dispersion of the metal-poor population. With a larger radial velocity sample and improved measurements of the density profile of the two populations, we anticipate that it will be possible to place strong constraints on the central distribution of the dark matter in this galaxy.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, accepted by MNRA

    On the accretion origin of a vast extended stellar disk around the Andromeda galaxy

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    We present the discovery of an inhomogenous, low-surface brightness, extended disk-like structure around the Andromeda galaxy (M31) based on a large kinematic survey of more than 2800 stars with the Keck/DEIMOS spectrograph. The stellar structure spans radii from 15 kpc out to ~40 kpc, with detections out to R ~ 70 kpc. The constituent stars lag the expected velocity of circular orbits in the plane of the M31 disk by ~40 kms and have a velocity dispersion of ~30 kms. The color range on the upper RGB shows a large spread indicative of a population with a significant range of metallicity. The mean metallicity of the population, measured from Ca II equivalent widths, is [Fe/H] = -0.9 +/- 0.2. The morphology of the structure is irregular at large radii, and shows a wealth of substructures which must be transitory in nature, and are almost certainly tidal debris. The presence of these substructures indicates that the global entity was formed by accretion. This extended disk follows smoothly on from the central parts of M31 disk with an exponential density law of scale-length of 5.1 +/- 0.1 kpc, similar to that of the bright inner disk. The population possesses similar kinematic and abundance properties over the entire region where it is detected in the survey. We estimate that the structure accounts for approximately 10% of the total luminosity of the M31 disk, and given the huge scale, contains ~30% of the total disk angular momentum. This finding indicates that at least some galactic stellar disks are vastly larger than previously thought and are formed, at least in their outer regions, primarily by accretion. [abridged]Comment: 20 pages, 30 figures, ApJ submitte
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