9 research outputs found

    The Use of Podcasts in Education

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    Background: The use of podcasts has emerged as an important tool for use in education. This is especially relevant in nursing schools with the shortage of nursing faculty. The use of podcasts allows the instructor to provide lectures and other course content to students. [See PDF for complete abstract

    Pilot Project: Use of Wikis to Supplement Student Orientation

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    Background: During the orientation process, new students are often inundated with manuals, maps, and other materials essential to their success as students. The experience can leave students feeling overwhelmed, unable to sift through the substantial amount of information that has been given to them. Wikis, in contrast, are well-suited for facilitating userinteraction with vast amounts of diverse information. [See PDF for complete abstract

    From Caregiver to Computer Geek: The Design of a Web Resource for Novice Clinical Informaticians

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    Introduction: Throughout the United States, there are massive initiatives in place to reform healthcare through the implementation of electronic health records. The goals are to improve patient care through improved access to records, the improvement of business and reimbursement processes, streamlining of clinician workflows for increased efficiency, and reducing the variability in the delivery of patient care. [See PDF for complete abstract

    Role of technology: Podcast in influencing respondents to receive a flu shot

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    Background and Problem: Studies have demonstrated that flu shots are an effective method to control flu infection. However, statistics reveal that only about 68% of people get vaccinated in the U.S. every year. We wanted to develop and evaluate an intervention to increase influenza vaccination rate. [See PDF for complete abstract

    Improving Chat in an Online Graduate Class

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    Introduction: Foundations of Health Information Sciences I is the first class many students take to introduce them to the field of health informatics. It is completely online, and uses optional weekly text-only chats to provide real time interaction between faculty and students. Chat sessions were very disorganized and difficult to follow, both real time and on the transcript. Research suggests that the disorganization contributes to cognitive load. [See PDF for complete abstract

    Keeping learning central: a model for implementing emerging technologies

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    Felt problem: Technology integration continues to be a challenge for health science faculty. While students expect emerging technologies to be used in the classroom, faculty members desire a strategic process to incorporate technology for the students’ benefit. Our solution: We have developed a model that provides faculty a strategy for integrating emerging technologies into the classroom. The model is grounded in student learning and may be applied to any technology. We present the model alongside examples from faculty who have used it to incorporate technology into their health sciences classrooms