21 research outputs found


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    Tijekom 1995. godine na području Osijeka, obavljena su poljska istraživanja o utjecaju krupnoće sjemena soje (frakcije sjemena promjera7,5 mm; 6,5 mm i 5,5 mm) na komponente uroda zrna (broj mahuna po biljci, broj zrna u mahuni i masu 1000 zrna). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da krupnoća sjemena soje nije imala statistički opravdanog utjecaja na dužinu stabljike, ni kod jedne ispitivane frakcije sjemena. Međutim, na broj mahuna po biljci krupnoća sjemena imala je statistički visoko opravdan utjecaj (P<0,01). Tako je krupno sjeme postiglo, u prosjeku , 25 mahuna a sitno sjeme 18 mahuna po jednoj biljci. lzmeđu broja mahuna po biljci i uroda zrna ustanovljena je visoko opravdana korelacija (r=0,948**). lstraživanja su pokazala da krupnoća sjemena nema utjecaja na broj zrna u mahuni, kao ni na masu 1000 zrna. Stoga je povećanje uroda zrna po jednoj biljci, kod krupne frakcije sjemena, najviše uvjetovano povećanjem broja mahuna po biljci. Tako su najveće urode zrna ostvarile biljke zasijane krupnim sjemenom (12,70 g/biljci), a najmanje urode biljke dobivene sjetvom sitnog sjemena soje (8,09 g/biljci). lspoljene razlike statistički su visoko opravdane (P<0,01). Analizom uroda zrna soje nakon žetve, utvrđeno je prisustvo kukaca reda Heteroptera.During 1995 in Osijek area (Croatia), some field trials were done to determine an influence of soybean seed size (seed fractions 7,5 mm; 6,5 mm and 5,5 mm of diameter) on grain yield components (pod numbers per plant, grain numbers in the pod and 1000-kernels weight). According results, soybean seed fractions have had statistically not significant influences on stem length, by all investigated seed fractions. Also, soybean seed fractions have had statistically very significant influences (P<0,01) on pod numbers per plant. The large seeds achieved, on an average, 25 pods and small seeds only 18 pods per plant. Statistically very significant correlation (r=0,948**) was founded between pod numbers per plant and grain yield. The investigations were shown that seed size has had not the influence on grain numbers in the pod and on 1000-kernels weight. Therefore, grain yield increases per plant, by large seeds, are results of increases of pod numbers per plant. Also, the plants grown from large seeds have achieved the greatest grain yields (12,70 g per plant), and the plants grown from small seeds have achieved the lowest one (8,09 g per plant). The differences in grain yields, found between soybean seed fractions, were statistically very significant (P<0,01). The existing of Heteroptera insects in soybean grain yields was founded by analysis after harvest


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    Red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) is a major pest of stored products. The aim of this study was to assess the potential fumigant effects of 1,8-cineole, essential oil component, on the T. castaneum pupae. The compound was tested in 6 doses; in two treatments (fumigation without grain and with wheat grain), exposed for 48 h, in 4 repetitions, for each gender. The compound 1,8-cineole had lethal effect on the treated pupae at both genders and in the both treatments. Total proportion of the normally developed beetles was decreased. In addition, 1,8-cineole had also a growth regulator effect, producing adultoids and deformed units, with males more susceptible. In the treatment with the grain there were significant lower dead pupae, normally developed live male beetles and also deformed female units in the stage 2. In general, compound 1,8-cineole has multiple effect against T. castaneum in pupal stage.Kestenjasti brašnar Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), je značajan štetnik uskladištenih poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Cilj rada je ispitati fumigantnu učinkovitost 1,8-cineola na kukuljice T. castaneum. Izolat je testiran u 6 doza; u dva tretmana (fumigacija bez zrna i sa zrnom pšenice) s ekspozicijom od 48 sati, u 4 ponavljanja, za svaki spol. Izolat 1,8-cineol je djelovao letalno na tretirane kukuljice kod oba spola i u oba tretmana. Smanjen je ukupni udio normalno razvijenih odraslih brašnara. Također, 1,8-cineol djelovao je i kao regulator rasta kukuljica, stvarajući adultoid i deformirane jedinke, s većom osjetljivošću muškoga spola. U tretmanu sa zrnom značajno je smanjen postotak uginulih kukuljica, normalno razvijenih živih muških jedinki, kao i deformiranih ženskih jedinki u stadiju 2. Može se zaključiti da je izolat 1,8-cineol višestruko učinkovit za suzbijanje T. castaneum u stadiju kukuljice


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    U radu su prikazani rezultati laboratorijskih pokusa na uskladištenoj mekanoj pšenici infestiranoj s dvije vrste skladišnih kukaca: rižin žižak - Sitophilus oryzae L. i kestenjasti brašnar - Tribolium castaneum Herbst., obrađenoj kombinacijama mješavina dijatomejske zemlje (DZ) i piretrina (Diatect V, Diatect II, Bug-B-Gon, Perma-Guard D-20) i DZ bez piretrina (Protect-It, Perma-Guard i DZ iz Hrvatske). Rezultati su pokazali opravdanost mješavina DZ i piretrina, jer su značajno djelotvornije na test kukce u odnosu na DZ bez piretrina. S obzirom na to da Hrvatska ima nalazišta DZ-a i autohtoni buhač, moguće je mješavinom DZ i piretrina razviti ekološko prihvatljiv hrvatski insekticid za domaće potrebe, a, isto tako, i za izvoz u druge zemlje.This study shows results of laboratory experiments on stored soft white wheat infested with two stored pest species: rice weevil - Sitophilus oryzae (L.), and red flour beetle - Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), treated with different mixtures of Diatomaceus earth (DE) and pyrethrins (Diatect V, Diatect II, Bug-B-Gon, Perma-Guard D-20 ), and DE without pyrethrins (Protect-It, Perma-Guard and DE from Croatia). The obtained results confirmed that the mixture of DE and pyrethrin and PBO is useful against test-insects and generated significantly higher effectiveness when compared with the results obtained with DE without pyrethrins. Due to the fact that Croatia has the sources of good DE and indigenous Dalmatian pyrethrum, it is possible to develop and produce safe, natural and ecologically acceptable Croatian insecticide by using mixture of DE and pyrethrins, for domestic market and export


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    U radu su prikazani rezultati laboratorijskih pokusa na uskladištenoj mekanoj pšenici infestiranoj s dvije vrste skladišnih kukaca: rižin žižak - Sitophilus oryzae L. i kestenjasti brašnar - Tribolium castaneum Herbst., obrađenoj kombinacijama mješavina dijatomejske zemlje (DZ) i piretrina (Diatect V, Diatect II, Bug-B-Gon, Perma-Guard D-20) i DZ bez piretrina (Protect-It, Perma-Guard i DZ iz Hrvatske). Rezultati su pokazali opravdanost mješavina DZ i piretrina, jer su značajno djelotvornije na test kukce u odnosu na DZ bez piretrina. S obzirom na to da Hrvatska ima nalazišta DZ-a i autohtoni buhač, moguće je mješavinom DZ i piretrina razviti ekološko prihvatljiv hrvatski insekticid za domaće potrebe, a, isto tako, i za izvoz u druge zemlje.This study shows results of laboratory experiments on stored soft white wheat infested with two stored pest species: rice weevil - Sitophilus oryzae (L.), and red flour beetle - Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), treated with different mixtures of Diatomaceus earth (DE) and pyrethrins (Diatect V, Diatect II, Bug-B-Gon, Perma-Guard D-20 ), and DE without pyrethrins (Protect-It, Perma-Guard and DE from Croatia). The obtained results confirmed that the mixture of DE and pyrethrin and PBO is useful against test-insects and generated significantly higher effectiveness when compared with the results obtained with DE without pyrethrins. Due to the fact that Croatia has the sources of good DE and indigenous Dalmatian pyrethrum, it is possible to develop and produce safe, natural and ecologically acceptable Croatian insecticide by using mixture of DE and pyrethrins, for domestic market and export


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    Utjecaj štetne entomofaune na kakvoću merkantilne pšenice i brašna proučavan je u okviru trogodišnjeg istraživanja. Korišteni materijal je uskladištena merkantilna pšenica u silosima, a ispitivanje kvalitete reoloških osobina i prisutnosti štetne entomofaune vršena su u laboratoriju silosa «Žitoprerada» d.o.o. Valpovo i Zavoda za zaštitu bilja Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Osijeku. Utvrđeno je prisustvo štetne entomofaune, kakvoća uskladištene merkantilne pšenice i reološke osobine brašna. Od štetne entomofaune utvrđeno je prisustvo Acarinae (grinja), primarnih štetnih kukaca reda Coleoptera i Lepidoptera, sekundarnih kukaca reda Coleoptera, mikofagnih kukaca reda Psocoptera te korisnih kukaca – predatora reda Hymenoptera. Utjecaj štetne entomofaune očituje se u promjeni kvantitativnih osobina uskladištene pšenice (sadržaj vode, hektolitarska masa, primjese). Umanjenje kakvoće brašna dobivenog meljavom zaražene pšenice očituje se kroz promjenu reoloških osobina: stabilnosti tijesta, upijanja vode, razvoja tijesta, rezistencije, energije, rastezljivosti, otpora, maksimalnog otpora, početka bubrenja i viskoziteta.Presence of harmful insects and mites is almost inevitable in mercantile wheat stored in warehouses. They cause significant damages and therefore it is necessary to perform pest control and chemical treatment. Study of harmful and destructive entomophauna impacts on quality of mercantile wheat and flour has been presented. Mercantile wheat stored in silos has been used in the study. Testing of quality of rheological properties and presence of harmful entomophauna were done in the labs within the silos «Žitoprerada d.o.o. Valpovo « and Department of Plant Protection on Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek. Presence of harmful entomophauna, quality of mercantile wheat stored in a warehouse and rheological flour properties were determined. The following harmful entomophauna were found: mites (Acarinae), primary pests of order Coleoptera and Lepidoptera, secondary pests of order Coleoptera and other insects found belong to Coleoptera, Psocoptera and useful insects of Hymenoptera orders. Influence of harmful entomophauna on quality of mercantile wheat is manifested by reduced quality of stored wheat due to decrease of water content and hectoliter mass. Lower quality of flour obtained by milling of infected wheat is manifested by change in rheological properties: dough stability, water absorption, growth, resistance, energy, extensibility, maximum resistance, start of puffing up, and viscosity

    Influence of Storage Condition on Seed Oil Content of Maize, Soybean and Sunflower

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    The study was aimed to examine the changes in seed oil content in different genotypes of maize, soybean and sunflower from 2002 to 2006, in two types of storage conditions which differ in air temperature and humidity: 25°C/75% and 12°C/60%, respectively. Aff ected by storage longevity, in average, seed oil content decreased by 0.82% in maize, 2.19% in soybean and 8.53% in sunflower. Differences in oil content affected by storage longevity were significant among tested crops and genotypes within crops. Storage longevity was negatively associated with oil content. At storage conditions at 12°C/60%, decreasing of seed oil content was less by 0.55% (maize), 1.30% (soybean) and 1.75% (sunflower) than in storage conditions at 25°C/75%. In summary, the lowest seed quality losses were in maize, then in soybean and the highest losses were in sunflower. Decreasing of seed quality losses is possible with suitable storage conditions, particularly for soybean and sunflower

    Popis Psocoptera (Insecta) u Hrvatskoj

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    During 1975 - 1995 in nature and enclosed spaces, on different plants and stored-products a total of 7110 individuals of Psocoptera (males, females, nymphs) of 61 species were collected. The most aboundant species in nature was Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae (Enderlein, 1907) and Liposcelis decolor (Pearman, 1925) in the enclosed spaces. Species of families Lachesillidae, Trogiidae, Peripsocidae, Psocidae, Ceacillidae, Stenopsocidae, Elipsocidae, Philotarsidae, Psyllipsocidae and Trichopsocidae, are less wide spread. All recorded insects of the order Psocoptera in the Republic of Croatia have suitable ecological conditions for their wide spreading.Tijekom 1975 - 1995 godine u prirodi i u zatvorenim prostorima, na različitom bilju i u uskladištenim proizvodima sakupljeno je 7110 primjeraka Psocoptera (ženke, mužjaci, nimfe), ukupno 61 vrsta. Najzastupljenije u prirodi bile su vrste Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae (Enderlein, 1907) i vrsta Liposcelis decolor (Pearman, 1925) u zatvorenim prostorima. Ostali pripadnici familija Lachesillidae, Trogiidae, Peripsocidae, Psocidae, Ceacillidae, Stenopsocidae, Elipsocidae, Philotarsidae, Psyllipsocidae i Trichopsocidae, bili su manje brojno zastupljeni. Svi zabilježeni kukci reda Psocoptera u Republici Hrvatskoj za svoj život i razvoj imaju pogodne ekološke uvjete za široku rasprostranjenost

    Popis Psocoptera (Insecta) u Hrvatskoj

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    During 1975 - 1995 in nature and enclosed spaces, on different plants and stored-products a total of 7110 individuals of Psocoptera (males, females, nymphs) of 61 species were collected. The most aboundant species in nature was Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae (Enderlein, 1907) and Liposcelis decolor (Pearman, 1925) in the enclosed spaces. Species of families Lachesillidae, Trogiidae, Peripsocidae, Psocidae, Ceacillidae, Stenopsocidae, Elipsocidae, Philotarsidae, Psyllipsocidae and Trichopsocidae, are less wide spread. All recorded insects of the order Psocoptera in the Republic of Croatia have suitable ecological conditions for their wide spreading.Tijekom 1975 - 1995 godine u prirodi i u zatvorenim prostorima, na različitom bilju i u uskladištenim proizvodima sakupljeno je 7110 primjeraka Psocoptera (ženke, mužjaci, nimfe), ukupno 61 vrsta. Najzastupljenije u prirodi bile su vrste Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae (Enderlein, 1907) i vrsta Liposcelis decolor (Pearman, 1925) u zatvorenim prostorima. Ostali pripadnici familija Lachesillidae, Trogiidae, Peripsocidae, Psocidae, Ceacillidae, Stenopsocidae, Elipsocidae, Philotarsidae, Psyllipsocidae i Trichopsocidae, bili su manje brojno zastupljeni. Svi zabilježeni kukci reda Psocoptera u Republici Hrvatskoj za svoj život i razvoj imaju pogodne ekološke uvjete za široku rasprostranjenost