2 research outputs found

    Quality of education as a requirement of modern society

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    The aim of the work is to study the compliance of the quality of education in Russia with the requirements determined by the needs of the Russian society. The article reveals the genesis of such categories as" quality of education "and"quality of products and services". The features of educational services as a public good in the forms of market relations are revealed. The structure and role of various consumers of educational services are defined separately, and a classification of the needs and requirements of consumers to the quality of education is proposed. In the course of the research, such methods as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, and statistical methods for studying the economic situation were used. The empirical base of the research is scientific works of Russian and foreign authors on the problems of education quality, National standards of the Russian Federation and International standards in the field of quality, the Federal law "on education in the Russian Federation", Federal state educational standards of the Russian Federation, official data of the Federal Treasury and the Federal state statistics service of the Russian Federation

    Determination of Ore Contents of Rare Earth Elements in Geological Samples by Atomic Emission Spectrometry with Arc Two-Jet Plasmatron

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    В работе приведены результаты определения рудных содержаний редкоземельных элементов (РЗЭ) в геологических образцах методом атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрии с дуговым двухструйным плазматроном, позволяющей проводить анализ твердофазных образцов в виде мелкодисперсных порошков. Изучался образец ниобий-редкоземельной руды, отобранный на участке Буранный Томторского месторождения (Арктическая Сибирь, Россия). Результаты анализа по всем РЗЭ, за исключением Tb, Ybи Lu, согласуются с данными ИСП-МС‑анализа. Показано, что использование одновременно нескольких аналитических линий при определении РЗЭ значительно повышает точность определения и достоверность результатовThe paper presents the results of determination of the ore contents of rare earth elements (REE) in geological samples by atomic emission spectrometry with arc two-jet plasmatron, which allows to analyze solid-phase samples asa fine powders. We studied a niobium-rare earth ore sampled at the Buranniy site of the Tomtor deposit (Arctic Siberia, Russia). The results for all REEs, except for Tb, Yb and Lu, are consistent with the ICP-MS data. It is shown that the use of several analytical lines at the same time in the determination of REE significantly increases the determination accuracy and reliability of the result