7 research outputs found

    Development strategy of informative footpaths of the Crimea

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    In modern conditions of development of the Russian tourism market, the practice of introducing “informative paths” routes as one of the forms of interpretation of a healthy lifestyle and a desire to protect the environment is becoming popular. For high-quality functioning of walking routes in Russia in general and the Republic of the Crimea in particular, it is necessary to carry out systematization and expert assessment of old routes, to carry out routine planning of the new ones. For the development and deployment of the existing and new informative walking tours, working out and adaptation of the development strategy of such tourist routes are necessary. The authors claim that a necessary element in developing a strategy for organizing informative walking tours is the diagnosis of the current strategy for managing informative walking tourism. During the research, its own development strategy of modern informative footpaths was developed, which is based on four main forms of strategic development: strategy of growth, development strategy, strategy of business, and strategy of competitiveness. Proceeding from the proposed mechanisms for the development strategy of informative footpaths, quality indicators can be achieved through a methodical approach to the development of a strategy for the development of “informative paths” to achieve compliance with the requirements of the tourist services market, existing goals, forms, methods, procedures, and projects

    System and parameters of transport and management of an educational organization providing training for specialists in tourism

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    The article presents the management system of a higher educational institution, which provides training for specialists in tourism. The system reflects the processes of functioning, creation and development of an educational organization as an object of management. The stages of planning the parameters of managed processes and their constituent management phases, including planning, accounting, control and regulation are given. The objective tree based on the management period is also presented. It has been proved that it is the tasks of planning and the quality of their solution that most affect the efficiency of the entire management system

    Peculiarities of formation and perspectives of development of the world market of the cruise industry

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    In the article, peculiarities of the modern cruise market proceeding from universal tendencies of development are considered by means of the analysis of dynamics of the world market of the cruise industry. The cruise product as a complex of services is presented in the form of three main subsystems: the services offered on the board of the vessel, the services consumed by tourists ashore, and the services connected with advance and realization of a cruise product and rendering assistance to passengers in the process of the organization of a transport travel. The main directions of analysis of the cruise business and its constituent elements are determined. It is established that the competitiveness of the cruise market depends not only on the share occupied on it by this or that company, but also by the indicators characterizing efficiency of functioning of any economic system, basic of which are: the level of income received as a result of the implementation of business activity, the number of the workers occupied in this direction of business and level of their labor productivity

    Specifics of cruise tourism and features of creating a cruise tourism product

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    The paper presents a comprehensive characteristic of cruise tourism as a special type of social and economic activity that involves the implementation of physiological, psychological and other needs of people. Cruise tourism is considered as a whole industry providing the formation, promotion and implementation of a cruise tourism product. A number of basic functions arising from the needs of its organizers and consumers is highlighted, based on the transformation of initial resources into the final product. The industry specificity of cruise tourism is reflected, and features of the cruise as a tourist product are revealed

    Development strategy of informative footpaths of the Crimea

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    In modern conditions of development of the Russian tourism market, the practice of introducing “informative paths” routes as one of the forms of interpretation of a healthy lifestyle and a desire to protect the environment is becoming popular. For high-quality functioning of walking routes in Russia in general and the Republic of the Crimea in particular, it is necessary to carry out systematization and expert assessment of old routes, to carry out routine planning of the new ones. For the development and deployment of the existing and new informative walking tours, working out and adaptation of the development strategy of such tourist routes are necessary. The authors claim that a necessary element in developing a strategy for organizing informative walking tours is the diagnosis of the current strategy for managing informative walking tourism. During the research, its own development strategy of modern informative footpaths was developed, which is based on four main forms of strategic development: strategy of growth, development strategy, strategy of business, and strategy of competitiveness. Proceeding from the proposed mechanisms for the development strategy of informative footpaths, quality indicators can be achieved through a methodical approach to the development of a strategy for the development of “informative paths” to achieve compliance with the requirements of the tourist services market, existing goals, forms, methods, procedures, and projects

    Peculiarities of formation and perspectives of development of the world market of the cruise industry

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    In the article, peculiarities of the modern cruise market proceeding from universal tendencies of development are considered by means of the analysis of dynamics of the world market of the cruise industry. The cruise product as a complex of services is presented in the form of three main subsystems: the services offered on the board of the vessel, the services consumed by tourists ashore, and the services connected with advance and realization of a cruise product and rendering assistance to passengers in the process of the organization of a transport travel. The main directions of analysis of the cruise business and its constituent elements are determined. It is established that the competitiveness of the cruise market depends not only on the share occupied on it by this or that company, but also by the indicators characterizing efficiency of functioning of any economic system, basic of which are: the level of income received as a result of the implementation of business activity, the number of the workers occupied in this direction of business and level of their labor productivity

    System and parameters of transport and management of an educational organization providing training for specialists in tourism

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    The article presents the management system of a higher educational institution, which provides training for specialists in tourism. The system reflects the processes of functioning, creation and development of an educational organization as an object of management. The stages of planning the parameters of managed processes and their constituent management phases, including planning, accounting, control and regulation are given. The objective tree based on the management period is also presented. It has been proved that it is the tasks of planning and the quality of their solution that most affect the efficiency of the entire management system