10 research outputs found

    Forecasting Sustainable Development of Transport Sectors of Russia and EU: Energy Consumption and Efficiency

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    The paper analyzes energy efficiency for the road transport of Russia and its regions against the backdrop of the ongoing processes in the EU countries. The emphasis is laid on mathematical modeling of energy consumption forecasts for the transport sector. The results show that despite the fact that economy of Russia as a whole has a relatively low level of energy efficiency however in road transport the situation is different. Total consumption of energy in Russia's transport sector is expected to decrease by 15% by 2040, despite a significant increase in the number of vehicles. However, unlike in the EU, the share of renewable sources of energy will be relatively low in the structure of energy consumption in Russia. Keywords: energy consumption; energy efficiency; road transport JEL Classifications: Q35, Q42, Q4

    Кластерный анализ компаний нефтяной промышленности по параметрам налоговой нагрузки

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    The oil industry occupies an important place in Russian economy and in the global energy supply system. The industry has recently been facing a number of internal and external problems, for example, the deteriorating quality and structure of the product base and an increase in the share of tight oil reserves. Confronting these challenges will inevitably incur costs, which will directly affect oil companies’ financial performance. The Russian government uses taxation to incentivize oil companies to improve their efficiency, which renders the question of tax burden particularly salient. This study aims to analyze the tax burden on the Russian oil industry in the period from 2010 to 2017 and to identify the key factors that shape the structure and dynamics of oil companies’ tax payments. The article provides an overview of Russian and international research literature on the problem of tax burden. The role of oil and gas revenues in the structure of the Russian federal budget is shown. The analysis demonstrates that there has been a steady decline in the tax burden on oil companies in recent years due to the changes in the method of calculating the mineral extraction tax and export duties as well as the expanding range of preferential categories of subsurface use objects. The factor analysis combined with quantitative analysis reveals the factors that determine the dynamics and structure of oil companies’ tax payments. The method of cluster analysis is applied in this study to compare the performance of Russian oil companies according to a set of tax burden parameters. The companies are divided into three clusters and specific recommendations are provided for each cluster. For example, Gazprom Neft and LUKOIL have a low tax burden and can be seen, therefore, as potential donors of tax revenues; Rosneft, Bashneft and Tatneft need to increase their efficiency through non-tax optimization; a suitable strategy for Surgutneftegaz, RussNeft, and Slavneft, in our view, would be to adjust the structure of their production activities to increase the share of the domestic crude oil market. Based on the results of the cluster analysis, the authors propose guidelines for reforming taxation of the oil industry and describe the main stages of this process.For citationFilimonova I. V., Provornaya I. V., Shumilova S. I., Zemnukhova E. A. Cluster analysis of Russian oil companies based on tax burden parameters. Journal of Tax Reform. 2019;5(1):42–56. DOI: 10.15826/jtr.2019.5.1.059Article infoReceived September 24, 2018; accepted March 20, 2019  Нефтяная отрасль занимает важное место в экономике России и мировой системе энергоснабжения. В настоящий момент отрасль столкнулась с рядом внутренних и внешних проблем, например, ухудшение качества и структуры товарной базы, увеличение доли трудно извлекаемых запасов нефти. Затраты, направленные на решение этих и многих других проблем, оказывают воздействие на финансовые показатели нефтяных компаний. Налогообложение является инструментом государственного стимулирования и повышения эффективности работы нефтяных компаний России. Целью исследования является определение налогового бремени российской нефтяной промышленности и выявление ключевых факторов, влияющих на структуру и динамику налоговых платежей нефтяных компаний и деление на кластеры по параметрам налогового бремени. В статье проведен анализ налоговой нагрузки компаний нефтяной отрасли за период с 2010 по 2017 г. и с дифференциацией по видам налогов и крупнейшим компаниям отрасли. Выделены основные этапы совершенствования налогообложения нефтяной отрасли России, цели и главные ориентиры реформирования. Показана роль нефтегазовых доходов в структуре доходов федерального бюджета. Исследованы методические подходы отечественных и зарубежных авторов к определению налоговой нагрузки. Авторами предложена методика определения налоговой нагрузки компаний, учитывающая специфику налогообложения нефтяной отрасли. В результате апробирования методики наблюдается устойчивая тенденция снижения налоговой нагрузки нефтяных компаний в последние годы в следствии изменения метода расчета налога на добычу полезных ископаемых и экспортной пошлины, а также расширения спектра льготных категорий объектов недропользования. В рамках исследования был проведен факторный анализ налоговых платежей компаний и выявлены ключевые факторы, влияющие на их структуру и динамику. Дана количественная оценка влияния этих факторов на изменение налоговых платежей компаний. В заключении на основе выполненных расчетов, нефтяные компании разделены на три кластера по показателям налоговой нагрузки и даны рекомендации. Таким образом, Газпром нефть и ЛУКОЙЛ с низким налоговым бременем являются потенциальными донорами налоговых поступлений. Стратегия роста Роснефти, Башнефти и Татнефти заключается в повышении эффективности за счет неналоговой оптимизации. «Сургутнефтегаз», «РуссНефть», «Славнефть», могут скорректировать структуру производственной деятельности в направлении увеличения доли на внутреннем рынке сырой нефти.Для цитированияФилимонова И. В., Проворная И. В., Шумилова С. И., Земнухова Е. А. Кластерный анализ компаний нефтяной промышленности по параметрам налоговой нагрузки // Journal of Tax Reform. 2019. Т. 5, № 1. С. 42–56. DOI: 10.15826/jtr.2019.5.1.059Информация о статьеДата поступления 24 сентября 2018 г.; дата принятия к печати 20 марта 2019 г

    Identification of factors affecting renewable energy consumption by country groups

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    The rapid development of renewable energy sources observed in recent years however has a number of limitations for different regions limited by non-price factors such as corruption and opacity of supporting institutions, lack the necessary technology to integrate renewable into the grid, lobbying and support of the interests of the owners of traditional energy sources and others. The article attempts to analyse the factors that affect the consumption of renewable energy sources in three groups of countries, pointing to the greater importance of such indicators as the share of R & d in GDP, the availability of traditional energy resources, oil prices, transparency of institutions for some countries and their lesser importance for others

    Economic assessment of a complex of measures for the remediation of the territory from technogenic impact

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    In this work, an economic assessment of environmental damage to water and land resources is calculated, and the cost of a project for the reclamation of destroyed lands within the territory of the Komsomolsk gold recovery plant is determined. The object of the study is directly the territory of the enterprise, which is located in the Tisulsky municipal district of the Kemerovo region. According to our calculations, the total assessment of environmental damage from the plant’s activities amounted to 458 million rubles, of which: 294 million rubles – accumulated environmental damage from water pollution; 164 million rubles – accumulated environmental damage from soil pollution in the surrounding area. The cost estimate of the destroyed land reclamation project amounted to 716.7 million rubles. At the same time, income from the sale of equipment and gold mined in the territory of the tailing dump reaches 3916 million rubles

    State-private partnership - the growth factor of gasification of Russian region

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    The gasification of Russian regions is one of the most important problems for the national economy. The development of the gas supply system contributes to the socio-economic development of the regional economy, to the increase increasing the level and quality of life, and to the solution of the key environmental issues. The Krasnoyarskiy Kray is the only region in the east of the country that has a significant resource potential of natural gas but at the same time, it can’t be connected to the trunk gas pipeline in the short and long term perspective. The purpose of the study is to assess the efficiency of investments in the construction of gas supply facilities, gasification, and their exploitation in the southern and central regions of the Krasnoyarskiy Kray. In this study authors solved the following objectives: we systematized information about the current state of the Krasnoyarskiy Kray gasification and the prerequisites for its development (resource base and transport infrastructure); we assessed economic efficiency of the investments in the construction, gasification, and exploitation of gas supply facilities in the southern and central regions of the Krasnoyarskiy Kray; we formulated proposals to ensure economic efficiency using the mechanism of public-private partnership. The authors recommend an option according to which federal budget investments will amount to 70% of their total investment in the Krasnoyarskiy Kray gasification program. Under this option, the selling price of gas will drop to 4708 rubles per 1000 cubic meters of natural gas excluding VAT. Organization of production, preparation for transport, and transportation of natural gas in the central regions of the Krasnoyarskiy Kray will create new highly paid jobs, significantly increase the GRP, and improve the demographic situation

    Convergence of the carbon intensity of the economies of the Asia-Pacific and non-OECD countries to the level of the OECD countries

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    The global goal of the world community is the transition to a “green” economy, characterized by rational use of electricity, reduction of harmful emissions, and consumption of renewable energy sources. The purpose of the research was to study the convergence of capacity emissions in developing countries to European countries’ level. According to the results, countries striving for a lower emission intensity level to varying degrees. In non-OECD European countries, per capita income growth leads to a 0.26% reduction in emissions intensity. This fact means that economic growth creates additional resources that can be used to develop energy-efficient technologies. In the post-Soviet space and the Asia-Pacific region, a significant effect on reducing emission intensity is provided by environmental policy’s effectiveness to minimize carbon dioxide emissions

    Performance effectiveness of Russian energy companies based on EVA and DEA

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    Calculating both EVA and DEA indices is an effective way to comprehensive performance estimation. Russian market is full of differences between largest companies which influence their operation results. Some of them have more refinement facilities, other differ in export share or capital structure. There are plenty factors which we determined at the first stage of this research to compare those companies. Though, not all of them can really explain effectiveness changes such as EVA fluctuations or it’s decreasing trough 2014-2017 years at Russian market. This is possible with using a method suggested in this research

    Abstracts of The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium

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    This abstract book contains abstracts of the various research ideas presented at The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium.The RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium served as a perfect venue for practitioners, engineers, researchers, scientists, managers and decision-makers from all over the world to exchange ideas and technology about the latest innovation developments dealing with risk minimization