23 research outputs found

    Integrating Artificial Intelligence for Drug Discovery in the Context of Revolutionizing Drug Delivery

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    Drug development is expensive, time-consuming, and has a high failure rate. In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative tool in drug discovery, offering innovative solutions to complex challenges in the pharmaceutical industry. This manuscript covers the multifaceted role of AI in drug discovery, encompassing AI-assisted drug delivery design, the discovery of new drugs, and the development of novel AI techniques. We explore various AI methodologies, including machine learning and deep learning, and their applications in target identification, virtual screening, and drug design. This paper also discusses the historical development of AI in medicine, emphasizing its profound impact on healthcare. Furthermore, it addresses AI’s role in the repositioning of existing drugs and the identification of drug combinations, underscoring its potential in revolutionizing drug delivery systems. The manuscript provides a comprehensive overview of the AI programs and platforms currently used in drug discovery, illustrating the technological advancements and future directions of this field. This study not only presents the current state of AI in drug discovery but also anticipates its future trajectory, highlighting the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead

    Polymeric Coatings and Antimicrobial Peptides as Efficient Systems for Treating Implantable Medical Devices Associated-Infections

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    Many infections are associated with the use of implantable medical devices. The excessive utilization of antibiotic treatment has resulted in the development of antimicrobial resistance. Consequently, scientists have recently focused on conceiving new ways for treating infections with a longer duration of action and minimum environmental toxicity. One approach in infection control is based on the development of antimicrobial coatings based on polymers and antimicrobial peptides, also termed as “natural antibiotics”

    Polymeric Coatings and Antimicrobial Peptides as Efficient Systems for Treating Implantable Medical Devices Associated-Infections

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    Many infections are associated with the use of implantable medical devices. The excessive utilization of antibiotic treatment has resulted in the development of antimicrobial resistance. Consequently, scientists have recently focused on conceiving new ways for treating infections with a longer duration of action and minimum environmental toxicity. One approach in infection control is based on the development of antimicrobial coatings based on polymers and antimicrobial peptides, also termed as “natural antibiotics”

    Treatment Strategies for Infected Wounds

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    The treatment of skin wounds is a key research domain owing to the important functional and aesthetic role of this tissue. When the skin is impaired, bacteria can soon infiltrate into underlying tissues which can lead to life-threatening infections. Consequently, effective treatments are necessary to deal with such pathological conditions. Recently, wound dressings loaded with antimicrobial agents have emerged as viable options to reduce wound bacterial colonization and infection, in order to improve the healing process. In this paper, we present an overview of the most prominent antibiotic-embedded wound dressings, as well as the limitations of their use. A promising, but still an underrated group of potential antibacterial agents that can be integrated into wound dressings are natural products, especially essential oils. Some of the most commonly used essential oils against multidrug-resistant microorganisms, such as tea tree, St. John’s Wort, lavender and oregano, together with their incorporation into wound dressings are presented. In addition, another natural product that exhibits encouraging antibacterial activity is honey. We highlight recent results of several studies carried out by researchers from different regions of the world on wound dressings impregnated with honey, with a special emphasis on Manuka honey. Finally, we highlight recent advances in using nanoparticles as platforms to increase the effect of pharmaceutical formulations aimed at wound healing. Silver, gold, and zinc nanoparticles alone or functionalized with diverse antimicrobial compounds have been integrated into wound dressings and demonstrated therapeutic effects on wounds

    Nanomaterials for Drug Delivery to the Central Nervous System

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    The intricate microstructure of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) is responsible for the accurate intrinsic regulation of the central nervous system (CNS), in terms of neuronal pathophysiological phenomena. Any disruption to the BBB can be associated with genetic defects triggering or with local antigenic invasion (either neurotoxic blood-derived metabolites and residues or microbial pathogens). Such events can be further related to systemic inflammatory or immune disorders, which can subsequently initiate several neurodegenerative pathways. Any degenerative process related to the CNS results in progressive and yet incurable impairment of neuronal cells. Since these particular neurons are mostly scanty or incapable of self-repair and regeneration processes, there is tremendous worldwide interest in novel therapeutic strategies for such specific conditions. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases (AD and PD, respectively) are conditions found worldwide, being considered the most rampant degenerative pathologies related to CNS. The current therapy of these conditions, including both clinical and experimental approaches, mainly enables symptom management and subsidiary neuronal protection and even less disease regression. Still, a thorough understanding of the BBB pathophysiology and an accurate molecular and sub-molecular management of AD and PD will provide beneficial support for more specific and selective therapy. Since nanotechnology-derived materials and devices proved attractive and efficient platforms for modern biomedicine (including detection, imaging, diagnosis, medication, restoration and regeneration), a particular approach for AD and PD management relies on nanoparticle-based therapy. In this paper we will discuss relevant aspects related to the BBB and its impact on drug-based treatment and emphasize that nanoparticles are suitable and versatile candidates for the development of novel and performance-enhanced nanopharmaceuticals for neurodegenerative conditions therapy

    Calcium Phosphates–Chitosan Composite Layers Obtained by Combining Radio-Frequency Magnetron Sputtering and Matrix-Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation Techniques

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    In this work, we report the synthesis of calcium phosphate–chitosan composite layers. Calcium phosphate layers were deposited on titanium substrates by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering technique by varying the substrate temperature from room temperature (25 °C) up to 100 and 300 °C. Further, chitosan was deposited by matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation technique on the calcium phosphate layers. The temperature at the substrate during the deposition process of calcium phosphate layers plays an important role in the embedding of chitosan, as scanning electron microscopy analysis showed. The degree of chitosan incorporation into the calcium phosphate layers significantly influence the physico-chemical properties and the adherence strength of the resulted layers to the substrates. For example, the decreases of Ca/P ratio at the addition of chitosan suggests that a calcium deficient hydroxyapatite structure is formed when the CaP layers are generated on Ti substrates kept at room temperature during the deposition process. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis of the samples suggest that the PO43−/CO32− substitution is possible. The X-ray diffraction spectra indicated that the crystalline structure of the calcium phosphate layers obtained at the 300 °C substrate temperature is disturbed by the addition of chitosan. The adherence strength of the composite layers to the titanium substrates is diminished after the chitosan deposition. However, no complete exfoliation of the layers was observed

    Composite Coatings for Osteoblast Growth Attachment Fabricated by Matrix-Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation

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    The bioactive and biocompatible properties of hydroxyapatite (HAp) promote the osseointegration process. HAp is widely used in biomedical applications, especially in orthopedics, as well as a coating material for metallic implants. We obtained composite coatings based on HAp, chitosan (CS), and FGF2 by a matrix-assisted pulsed laser evaporation (MAPLE) technique. The coatings were physico-chemically investigated by means of X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Infrared Microscopy (IRM), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Further, biological investigations were performed. The MAPLE-composite coatings were tested in vitro on the MC3T3-E1 cell line in order to endorse cell attachment and growth without toxic effects and to promote pre-osteoblast differentiation towards the osteogenic lineage. These coatings can be considered suitable for bone tissue engineering applications that lack toxicity and promotes cell adhesion and proliferation while also sustaining the differentiation of pre-osteoblasts towards mature bone cells

    Nanomagnetite-embedded PLGA Spheres for Multipurpose Medical Applications

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    We report on the synthesis and evaluation of biopolymeric spheres of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) containing different amounts of magnetite nanoparticles and Ibuprofen (PLGA-Fe3O4-IBUP), but also chitosan (PLGA-CS-Fe3O4-IBUP), to be considered as drug delivery systems. Besides morphological, structural, and compositional characterizations, the PLGA-Fe3O4-IBUP composite microspheres were subjected to drug release studies, performed both under biomimetically-simulated dynamic conditions and under external radiofrequency magnetic fields. The experimental data resulted by performing the drug release studies evidenced that PLGA-Fe3O4-IBUP microspheres with the lowest contents of Fe3O4 nanoparticles are optimal candidates for triggered drug release under external stimulation related to hyperthermia effect. The as-selected microspheres and their chitosan-containing counterparts were biologically assessed on macrophage cultures, being evaluated as biocompatible and bioactive materials that are able to promote cellular adhesion and proliferation. The composite biopolymeric spheres resulted in inhibited microbial growth and biofilm formation, as assessed against Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans microbial strains. Significantly improved antimicrobial effects were reported in the case of chitosan-containing biomaterials, regardless of the microorganisms’ type. The nanostructured composite biopolymeric spheres evidenced proper characteristics as prolonged and controlled drug release platforms for multipurpose biomedical applications

    Oxidation behaviour of composite CrN/(Cr,V)N coatings with different contents of vanadium induced by UV nanosecond laser pulses

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    The oxidation behaviour and morphological modification of CrN/(Cr,V)N coatings on Si wafers were studied after UV nanosecond laser (wavelength 248 nm, pulse duration 25 ns) processing in ambient air. The evolution of the surface composition and microstructure with the number of accumulated/subsequent pulses was systematically analysed depending on the initial content of vanadium in the as-deposited coatings. Irradiation of CrN/(Cr,V)N coatings with different content of vanadium was carried out at a fluence of 0.17 J cm−2with different number of pulses. The concentration of metallic components was fairly homogeneous distributed throughout the sample. However, on surface and in sub-surface regions the contents of Cr and V are diminished due to laser-induced oxidation. The composition and thickness of forming oxides mixture, Cr2O3and V2O5, are depending on the number of applied laser pulses and the initial vanadium content. The asymmetric progress of surface morphology is characterized by the formation of grainy structures at peripheries and the appearance of cracks and irregular closed shapes in the centre of the irradiation area

    Bioactive Coatings Loaded with Osteogenic Protein for Metallic Implants

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    Osteoconductive and osteoinductive coatings represent attractive and tunable strategies towards the enhanced biomechanics and osseointegration of metallic implants, providing accurate local modulation of bone-to-implant interface. Composite materials based on polylactide (PLA) and hydroxyapatite (HAp) are proved beneficial substrates for the modulation of bone cells’ development, being suitable mechanical supports for the repair and regeneration of bone tissue. Moreover, the addition of osteogenic proteins represents the next step towards the fabrication of advanced biomaterials for hard tissue engineering applications, as their regulatory mechanisms beneficially contribute to the new bone formation. In this respect, laser-processed composites, based on PLA, Hap, and bone morphogenetic protein 4(BMP4), are herein proposed as bioactive coatings for metallic implants. The nanostructured coatings proved superior ability to promote the adhesion, viability, and proliferation of osteoprogenitor cells, without affecting their normal development and further sustaining the osteogenic differentiation of the cells. Our results are complementary to previous studies regarding the successful use of chemically BMP-modified biomaterials in orthopedic and orthodontic applications