3 research outputs found

    Phenotype of a modern patient with valvular heart diseases: literature review

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    In modern conditions, valvular heart diseases (VHD) are one of the most common pathologies among cardiovascular diseases with a dynamic change in the phenotype of patients. An increase in the prevalence of VHD is currently observed due to the active implementation of diagnostic methods in cardiology. Geographical differences in the genesis of the development of valvular heart defects are noted, and the portrait of patients also changes as a result of aging and the addition of comorbid pathology. The purpose of the literature review was to present current trends in changing phenotype of patients with VHD, to study current data on the epidemiology of valve pathology, the contribution of various cardiovascular risk factors and comorbidity of patients on the course of the disease. Current data on the number of surgical interventions performed for VHD based on Russian, European, American, Australian and other studies, data on patient survival and mortality, as well as differences in these indicators in age groups of different countries are presented. The review will be useful for doctors to understand the modern portrait of a patient with VHD, trends in cardiovascular risk factors that influence the course of the disease and prognosis in patients with VHD


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    HighlightsWe report a case of a patient with extreme hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and complex cardiac pathology undergoing heart transplantation. The article will be useful for cardiologists, therapists and cardiovascular surgeons. AbstractWe present a case of a patient with extreme hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Wolff–Parkinson–White syndrome and nonspecific chronic exudative pericardial effusion with recurrent idiopathic transudative pericardial effusion. This case involves several approaches to treatment – medication and surgery for treating a patient with combined cardiomyopathy and pericardial effusion, which served as a “bridge” for a later change inro radical treatment - orthotopic heart transplantation.Основные положенияОписан редкий случай экстремальной гипертрофической кардиомиопатии у пациента с комплексной кардиологической патологией, особенности ведения которого позволили дождаться этапа радикального хирургического лечения в виде трансплантации сердца. Статья будет полезна кардиологам, терапевтам и сердечно-сосудистым хирургам. РезюмеВ рамках клинического случая представлен портрет пациента с экстремальной гипертрофической кардиомиопатией, синдромом Вольфа – Паркинсона – Уайта и неспецифическим хроническим экссудативным перикардитом с рецидивирующим гидроперикардом идиопатического генеза. Данный случай актуален комплексным подходом – выбором как медикаментозного, так и интервенционного, хирургического способов лечения пациента с сочетанной кардиологической патологией, которые явились «мостом» для радикального лечения в виде ортотопической трансплантации сердца.