6 research outputs found

    Iskustvo projektiranja i izgradnje stambene zgrade u stješnjenim gradskim uvjetima

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    In the article the experience of mastering a difficult geological and relief related site area is presented. The drop markers led to the necessity of constructing a semi-underground three-level parking. The protection of foundation pit from existent building and transport communications is accepted as a sheet pile wall from double-row borings piles, incorporated by grillage. Sheet pile wall is integrated into the structural scheme of the building. The appropriate calculations of the basic parameters and the overall stability of building are executed. Routine tests of borings piles wall and prismatic piles of main pile field have confirmed the validity and effectiveness of the design decision.U članku je predstavljeno iskustvo geološki i reljefno zahtjevnog gradilišta. Zbog nepovoljnih visinskih razlika izvodio se polu-podzemni parking na 3 nivoa. Osiguranje građevinske jame izvedeno je uz pomoć dva reda bušenih pilota povezanih naglavnom konstrukcijom i žmurja. Potporna konstrukcija integrirana je u opću konstrukciju stambene zgrade. Provedeni su odgovarajući proračuni osnovnih parametara i opće stabilnosti građevine. Kontrolna ispitivanja bušenih pilota potporne konstrukcije i pilota temeljne konstrukcije potvrdili su ispravnost i efektivnost odabranog projektnog rješenja

    Specifičnosti procesa deformacije tla podloge pokusnih temeljnih ploča

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    The basic principles of methods for determination of interconnection of the structural strength, the coefficients of lateral pressure and lateral extension according the results of research in the field. The increase of the structural strength of the artificial massive in time shown, its influence on the depth of the deformation zone revealed, the correlation of the settlements by compaction and lateral extension, as well as on the lateral extension coefficient. The methods for determining the coefficients of lateral expansion and lateral pressure developed and tested. The assumption of a linear decrease of the relative settlements оn the depth on the basis of which the total value of settlement, in the first approximation, divided into two parts ‒ due to compaction (decrease of porosity) and lateral extension (reshape) accepted.U radu su predstavljeni osnovni principi metodologije određivanja povezanosti strukturne čvrstoće, koeficijenata bočnog tlaka i poprečnog širenja prema rezultatima terenskih istraživanja. Pokazano povećanje strukturne čvrstoće umjetnih naslaga u vremenu, otkriven njen utjecaj na dubinu zone deformacije, odnos slijeganja izazvanih sabijanjem i poprečnim širenjem, te također utjecaj na koeficijent poprečnog širenja. Razrađeni su i ispitane metodologije određivanja koeficijenta bočnog širenja i bočnog tlaka. Prihvaćena je pretpostavka o linearnom smanjenju relativnih slijeganja po dubini, na temelju koje ukupna veličina slijeganja, u prvoj iteraciji, podijeljena u dva djela – uslijed sabijanja (smanjenja obujma pora) i bočnog širenja (promjene oblika)

    Метод прогнозирования числа публикаций на основе интегрального показателя по данным Web of Science и Scopus

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    The study is completed within the framework of the state order of the Minstryof Education and Science of the Russian Federation “Monitoring and analysis of publication and patent activities in Russian and global science to support the national policy in science and technology” (Project No. 28.12616.2018/12.1). The authors aim at building relevant instruments for assessing and forecasting the total amount of Russian science publication based on the data of two global science citation systems, i. e. Web of Science and Scopus, with de-duplicating by digital object identifier used in both systems. The related tasks are defined: selection of the method to forecast the number of Web of Science indexed articles within the “back forecast” method; development of integral index to calculate the number of publication based on Web of Science and Scopus data; calculation and forecast of the number of articles and publications by G7 and BRICS states up to the year 2021 with scientometric methods based on Web of Science and Scopus data. The authors suggest a conceptually new method to calculate the integral index of publications based on Web of Science and Scopus data to exclude duplication. The total number of academic articles and publications (based on Web of Science and Scopus data) is calculated for the period 2007-2016, and the forecast is provided up to the year 2021.Цель представленного в статье исследования - формирование релевантного инструментария расчёта и прогноза совокупного числа публикаций российских исследователей на основе данных двух глобальных систем научного цитирования - Web of Science и Scopus - с дедубликацией по Цифровым идентификаторам объекта, используемым в обеих системах. Определены задачи, которые необходимо решить для достижения этой цели: выбор способа прогнозирования числа научных статей, индексируемых в Web of Science в рамках метода «прогнозирование назад»; разработка интегрального показателя расчёта числа публикаций на основе данных Web of Science и Scopus; расчёт и прогноз числа научных статей и публикаций по странам G7 и BRICS до 2021 г. с помощью разработанного наукометрического инструментария на основе данных Web of Science и Scopus. В статье предложен принципиально новый способ расчёта интегрального показателя числа публикаций по данным Web of Science и Scopus, исключающий дублирование при учёте публикаций. Статья содержит расчёт по странам G7 и BRICS совокупного числа научных статей и публикаций (по данным Web of Science и Scopus) за период с 2007 г. по 2016 г. и прогноз до 2021 г. Исследование выполнено в рамках государственного задания Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации «Мониторинг и анализ публикационной и патентной активности российской и мировой науки в целях обеспечения реализации государственной научно-технической политики» (проект № 28.12616.2018/12.1)

    Postgraduate Course as a Level of Higher Education: Status, Problems, Possible Solutions

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    The article analyzes the features of the “new” postgraduate course programs that have been implemented in the system of higher education in Russia since 2013. The article also identifies and describes the most vulnerable areas of the “new” postgraduate course and looks at solutions to the identified issues. The analysis of the features and the classification of the problems related to the implementation of doctoral studies as the third level of higher education are based on the results of analytical and sociological researches conducted in Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Pedagogical State University, Association of the Classical Universities in Russia in 2017–2018. When formulating their recommendations on overcoming the challenges facing “new” doctoral education, the authors took into consideration the draft law “About scientific, technical, and innovation activities”, the key priorities of the National project “Science”, and the approaches to the creation of a new qualification system of scientific, research and pedagogical personnel


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    The authors dwell upon the main aspects of the development of doctoral training programs in Russia. Major trends of these programs are defined by the new federal law «On Education in the Russian Federation». The new generation of documents on the implementation of doctoral programs will ensure the conditions for high-quality preparation of scientific and pedagogical staff


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    The article highlights the results of the work of expert commission on the selection of candidates for scholarship of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation for post(graduate students in Academic Year 2014/15. Some academic and research achievements of the contestants are adduced. Special attention is paid to the shortcomings in contestants’ registration materials and to the recommendation for improvement of the candidates’ selection system