18 research outputs found

    The Effects of PK11195 and Protoporphyrin IX Can Modulate Chronic Alcohol Intoxication in Rat Liver Mitochondria under the Opening of the Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore

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    Decades of active research have shown that mitochondrial dysfunction, the associated oxidative stress, impaired anti-stress defense mechanisms, and the activation of the proapoptotic signaling pathways underlie pathological changes in organs and tissues. Pathologies caused by alcohol primarily affect the liver. Alcohol abuse is the cause of many liver diseases, such as steatosis, alcoholic steatohepatitis, fibrosis, cirrhosis, and, potentially, hepatocellular cancer. In this study, the effect of chronic alcohol exposure on rat liver mitochondria was investigated. We observed an ethanol-induced increase in sensitivity to calcium, changes in the level of protein kinase Akt and GSK-3β phosphorylation, an induction of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP), and strong alterations in the expression of mPTP regulators. Moreover, we also showed an enhanced effect of PK11195 and PPIX, on the parameters of the mPTP opening in rat liver mitochondria (RLM) isolated from ethanol-treated rats compared to the RLM from control rats. We suggest that the results of this study could help elucidate the mechanisms of chronic ethanol action on the mitochondria and contribute to the development of new therapeutic strategies for treating the effects of ethanol-related diseases

    Astaxanthin Prevents Mitochondrial Impairment Induced by Isoproterenol in Isolated Rat Heart Mitochondria

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    Mitochondria are considered to be a power station of the cell. It is known that they play a major role in both normal and pathological heart function. Alterations in mitochondrial bioenergetics are one of the main causes of the origin and progression of heart failure since they have an inhibitory effect on the activity of respiratory complexes in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Astaxanthin (AST) is a xanthophyll carotenoid of mainly marine origin. It has both lipophilic and hydrophilic properties and may prevent mitochondrial dysfunction by permeating the cell membrane and co-localizing within mitochondria. The carotenoid suppresses oxidative stress-induced mitochondrial dysfunction and the development of diseases. In the present study, it was found that the preliminary oral administration of AST upregulated the activity of respiratory chain complexes and ATP synthase and the level of their main subunits, thereby improving the respiration of rat heart mitochondria (RHM) in the heart injured by isoproterenol (ISO). AST decreased the level of cyclophilin D (CyP-D) and increased the level of adenine nucleotide translocase (ANT) in this condition. It was concluded that AST could be considered as a potential mitochondrial-targeted agent in the therapy of pathological conditions associated with oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction. AST, as a dietary supplement, has a potential in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases

    The Identification of Prohibitin in the Rat Heart Mitochondria in Heart Failure

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    Mitochondria are considered the main organelles in the cell. They play an important role in both normal and abnormal heart function. There is a supramolecular organization between the complexes of the respiratory chain (supercomplexes (SCs)), which are involved in mitochondrial respiration. Prohibitins (PHBs) participate in the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) activity and interact with some subunits of the OXPHOS complexes. In this study, we identified a protein whose level was decreased in the mitochondria of the heart in rats with heart failure. This protein was PHB. Isoproterenol (ISO) has been used as a compound to induce heart failure in rats. We observed that astaxanthin (AX) increased the content of PHB in rat heart mitochondria isolated from ISO-injected rats. Since it is known that PHB forms complexes with some mitochondrial proteins and proteins that are part of the complexes of the respiratory chain, the change in the levels of these proteins was investigated under our experimental conditions. We hypothesized that PHB may be a target for the protective action of AX

    Effect of Melatonin on Rat Heart Mitochondria in Acute Heart Failure in Aged Rats

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    Excessive generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mitochondria and the opening of the nonselective mitochondrial permeability transition pore are important factors that promote cardiac pathologies and dysfunction. The hormone melatonin (MEL) is known to improve the functional state of mitochondria via an antioxidant effect. Here, the effect of MEL administration on heart mitochondria from aged rats with acute cardiac failure caused by isoprenaline hydrochloride (ISO) was studied. A histological analysis revealed that chronic intake of MEL diminished the age-dependent changes in the structure of muscle fibers of the left ventricle, muscle fiber swelling, and injury zones characteristic of acute cardiac failure caused by ISO. In acute heart failure, the respiratory control index (RCI) and the Ca2+ retention capacity in isolated rat heart mitochondria (RHM) were reduced by 30% and 40%, respectively, and mitochondrial swelling increased by 34%. MEL administration abolished the effect of ISO. MEL partially prevented ISO-induced changes at the subunit level of respiratory complexes III and V and drastically decreased the expression of complex I subunit NDUFB8 both in control RHM and in RHM treated with ISO, which led to the inhibition of ROS production. MEL prevents the mitochondrial dysfunction associated with heart failure caused by ISO. It was shown that the level of 2′,3′-cyclicnucleotide-3′-phosphodiasterase (CNPase), which is capable of protecting cells in aging, increased in acute heart failure. MEL also retained the CNPase content in RHM both in control experiments and after ISO-induced heart damage. We concluded that an increase in the CNPase level promotes cardioprotection

    Possible Involvement of 2′,3′-Cyclic Nucleotide-3′-Phosphodiesterase in the Protein Phosphorylation-Mediated Regulation of the Permeability Transition Pore

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    Calcium as a secondary messenger regulates the phosphorylation of several membrane-bound proteins in brain and liver mitochondria. Regulation of the activity of different protein kinases and phosphatases by Ca2+ occurs through its binding with calmodulin. The protein phosphorylation is strongly dependent on the Ca2+-induced mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) opening. 2′,3′-Cyclic nucleotide-3′-phosphodiesterase (CNPase) was phosphorylated by protein kinases A and C. CNPase and melatonin (MEL) might interact with calmodulin. The effects of the calmodulin antagonist calmidazolium and the inhibitor of protein kinase A H89 on mPTP opening in rat brain mitochondria of male Wistar rats were investigated. In addition, the role of CNPase, serine/threonine kinases, and MEL in the mPTP opening was examined. The anti-CNPase antibody added to rat brain mitochondria (RBM) reduced the content of CNPase in mitochondria. The threshold [Ca2+] decreased, and mitochondrial swelling was accelerated in the presence of the anti-CNPase antibody. H89 enhanced the effect of anti-CNPase antibody and accelerated the swelling of mitochondria, while CmZ abolished the effect of anti-CNPase antibody under mPTP opening. The levels of phospho-Akt and phospho-GSK3β increased, while the MEL content did not change. It can be assumed that CNPase may be involved in the regulation of these kinases, which in turn plays an important role in mPTP functioning

    Isoproterenol-Induced Permeability Transition Pore-Related Dysfunction of Heart Mitochondria Is Attenuated by Astaxanthin

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    Mitochondria are key organelles of the cell because their main function is the capture of energy-rich substrates from the cytoplasm and oxidative cleavage with the generation of carbon dioxide and water, processes that are coupled with the synthesis of ATP. Mitochondria are subject to oxidative stress through the formation of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP). Various antioxidants are used to reduce damage caused by oxidative stress and to improve the protection of the antioxidant system. Astaxanthin (AST) is considered to be a dietary antioxidant, which is able to reduce oxidative stress and enhance the antioxidant defense system. In the present investigation, the effect of AST on the functional state of rat heart mitochondria impaired by isoproterenol (ISO) under mPTP functioning was examined. It was found that AST raised mitochondrial respiration, the Ca2+ retention capacity (CRC), and the rate of TPP+ influx in rat heart mitochondria (RHM) isolated from ISO-injected rats. However, the level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production increased. In addition, the concentrations of cardiolipin (CL), Mn-SOD2, and the proteins regulating mPTP rose after the injection of ISO in RHM pretreated with AST. Based on the data obtained, we suggest that AST has a protective effect in rat heart mitochondria

    Astaxanthin Is Able to Prevent Alcohol-Induced Dysfunction of Liver Mitochondria

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    The search for new targets for the pathological action of ethanol remains an urgent task of biomedicine. Since degenerative changes in the liver are associated with the development of oxidative stress, antioxidants are promising agents for the treatment of alcohol-related diseases. In this work, we studied the ability of the carotenoid antioxidant, astaxanthin (AX), to prevent ethanol-induced changes in the liver of rats. It was shown that AX is able to protect the structure of mitochondria from degenerative changes caused by ethanol to improve mitochondrial functions. AX positively influences the activity and expression of proteins of the mitochondrial respiratory chain complexes and ATPase. In addition, a protective effect of AX on the rate and activity of mitochondrial respiration was demonstrated in the work. Thus, studies have shown that AX is involved in protective mechanisms in response to ethanol-induced mitochondrial dysfunction

    The Effect of Astaxanthin on Mitochondrial Dynamics in Rat Heart Mitochondria under ISO-Induced Injury

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    Mitochondria are dynamic organelles that produce ATP in the cell and are sensitive to oxidative damage that impairs mitochondrial function in pathological conditions. Mitochondria are involved not only in a healthy heart but also in the development of heart disease. Therefore, attempts should be made to enhance the body’s defense response against oxidative stress with the help of various antioxidants in order to decrease mitochondrial damage and reduce mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondrial fission and fusion play an important role in the quality control and maintenance of mitochondria. The ketocarotenoid astaxanthin (AX) is an antioxidant able to maintain mitochondrial integrity and prevent oxidative stress. In the present study, we investigated the effect of the protective effect of AX on the functioning of rat heart mitochondria (RHM). Changes in the content of proteins responsible for mitochondrial dynamics, prohibitin 2 (PHB2) as a protein that performs the function of quality control of mitochondrial proteins and participates in the stabilization of mitophagy, and changes in the content of cardiolipin (CL) in rat heart mitochondria after isoproterenol (ISO)-induced damage were examined. AX improved the respiratory control index (RCI), enhanced mitochondrial fusion, and inhibited mitochondrial fission in RHM after ISO injury. Rat heart mitochondria (RHM) were more susceptible to Ca2+-induced mitochondrial permeability pore (mPTP) opening after ISO injection, while AX abolished the effect of ISO. AX is able to perform a protective function in mitochondria, improving their efficiency. Therefore, AX can be considered an important ingredient in the diet for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, AX can be examined as an important component of the diet for the prevention of heart disease

    Astaxanthin Inhibits Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore Opening in Rat Heart Mitochondria

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    The mitochondrion is the main organelle of oxidative stress in cells. Increased permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane is a key phenomenon in cell death. Changes in membrane permeability result from the opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP), a large-conductance channel that forms after the overload of mitochondria with Ca2+ or in response to oxidative stress. The ketocarotenoid astaxanthin (AST) is a potent antioxidant that is capable of maintaining the integrity of mitochondria by preventing oxidative stress. In the present work, the effect of AST on the functioning of mPTP was studied. It was found that AST was able to inhibit the opening of mPTP, slowing down the swelling of mitochondria by both direct addition to mitochondria and administration. AST treatment changed the level of mPTP regulatory proteins in isolated rat heart mitochondria. Consequently, AST can protect mitochondria from changes in the induced permeability of the inner membrane. AST inhibited serine/threonine protein kinase B (Akt)/cAMP-responsive element-binding protein (CREB) signaling pathways in mitochondria, which led to the prevention of mPTP opening. Since AST improves the resistance of rat heart mitochondria to Ca2+-dependent stress, it can be assumed that after further studies, this antioxidant will be considered an effective tool for improving the functioning of the heart muscle in general under normal and medical conditions