6 research outputs found

    Efekti biopesticida Kingbo na odrasle ženke Tetranychus urticae Koch

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    Toxic and sublethal effects of the biopesticide Kingbo (oxymatrine 0.2% + psoralen 0.4%) on female adults of two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) were investigated in two laboratory bioassays. The assays were set up in four replicates on bean leaf discs (30 mm in diameter) placed on moistened cotton wads in Petri dishes. Preovipositional females were then released on them and treated directly with the biopesticide at a concentration series using a Potter device (2 ml liquid, 100 kPa air pressure, 2.7 ± 0.2 mg/cm2 aqueous deposit). Each replicate included 4-7 Petri dishes containing a total of 20-35 females. In the first assay, females were exposed to continuous acaricidal activity on treated discs over a period of 96 h; in the second assay, they were exposed for 24 h and then transferred to untreated discs and kept there for the next 72 h. Kingbo toxicity to females, expressed as LC50, was significantly higher in the first bioassay (14.83 μl/l) than in the second one (26.39 μl/l). Total gross fecundity of females in the first assay was reduced by 37-95% and net fecundity by 48-97%, depending on concentration; in the second assay, the respective fecundity reductions were 15-87% and 23-91%. We found that a 24 h exposure to the biopesticide Kingbo was sufficient for sustaining significant toxic and sublethal effects. Further research should provide additional data on the recovery potential of T. urticae populations.Toksični i subletalni efekti biopesticida Kingbo (oksimatrin 0,2% + psoralen 0,4%) na odrasle ženke obične paučinaste grinje (Tetranychus urticae Koch) ispitivani su u dva laboratorijska ogleda. Ogledi su izvedeni u četiri ponavljanja na kružnim lisnim isečcima primarnih listova pasulja (prečnika 30 mm) postavljenim u petri-sudove na navlaženu vatu, na kojima su pre-ovipozicione ženke direktno tretirane serijom koncentracija biopesticida pomoću Poter-aparata (2 ml tečnosti, pritisak 100 kPa, vlažni depozit 2,7 ± 0.2 mg/cm2). Tretirano je 4-7 petri-sudova sa 20-35 ženki po ponavljanju. U prvom ogledu ženke su bile 96 h kontinuirano izložene delovanju akaricida na tretiranim isečcima, dok su u drugom ogledu posle 24 h prebačene na netretirane isečke, gde su ostale naredna 72 h. Na nivou LC50, utvrđena je značajno veća toksičnost biopesticida Kingbo za ženke u prvom ogledu (14.83 μl/l) u poređenju sa ženkama u drugom ogledu (26.39 μl/l). Ukupan bruto-fekunditet ženki u prvom ogledu redukovan je za 37-95%, a neto-fekunditet za 48-97%, u zavisnosti od koncentracije; u drugom ogledu odgovarajuća redukcija fekunditeta iznosila je 15-87% i 23-91%. Konstatovano je da je 24-časovna ekspozicija biopesticidu Kingbo dovoljna za nastajanje značajnih toksičnih i subletalnih efekata, kao i da su potrebna dalja istraživanja u cilju preciznije procene potencijala oporavka populacije T. urticae

    Životni parametri i rast populacije bele leptiraste vaši (Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood) na različitim genotipovima paradajza

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    The effects of five tomato genotypes (cv. Narvik and hybrids NS-6, Tamaris, Alliance and Marko) on the survival, reproduction, development and population growth of the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum were examined. A laboratory population of T. vaporariorum had been reared on tobacco plants for three years before the study. Females that laid eggs on the genotype Marko lived significantly longer and their offspring needed significantly shorter periods to develop than females on the genotype Narvik. The highest gross and net fecundity rates were found in females on the genotype Marko (36.74 eggs/ female and 27.93 eggs/female, respectively) and they differed significantly from the corresponding rates of females living on the genotype NS-6 (18.55 eggs/female and 15.33 eggs/ female), who had the lowest fecundity rates. The highest gross and net fertility rates were also found in females on the genotype Marko (31.24 adults/female and 23.73 adults/female), and they were significantly higher than those of females living on NS-6 (14.85 adults/female and 12.53 adults/female). Besides, net fertility rate of the females living on the genotype Narvik (13.80 adults/female) was also significantly lower than the rate of females on Marko. The instantaneous rates of increase showed no significant difference over a 10-day interval following the start of oviposition, while the increase rate was significantly higher on the genotype Marko after 12, 14 and 16 days, compared to the genotype NS-6. Eighteen, 20 and 22 days after the beginning of oviposition, the instantaneous rate of increase on the genotype Marko was significantly higher than it was on NS-6 and Narvik. Our data provide a basis for further research aiming to improve programs of integrated management of greenhouse whitefly.Ispitivan je uticaj pet genotipova paradajza (sorta Narvik, hibridi NS-6, Tamaris, Alliance i Marko) na preživljavanje, reprodukciju, razviće i rast populacije bele leptiraste vaši Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood. Laboratorijska populacija T. vaporariorum gajena je na duvanu tri godine pre postavljanja ogleda. Ženke koje su polagale jaja na genotipu Marko živele su značajno duže, a razviće njihovog potomstva trajalo je značajno kraće, u poređenju sa ženkama na genotipu Narvik. Najviše stope bruto fekunditeta i neto fekunditeta zabeležene su kod ženki na genotipu Marko (36,74 jaja/ženki i 27,93 jaja/ženki) i one su se značajno razlikovale od odgovarajućih vrednosti kod ženki na genotipu NS-6 (18,55 jaja/ženki i 15,33 jaja/ženki), gde su zabeležene najniže stope fekunditeta. Najveće vrednosti bruto i neto fertiliteta takođe su imale ženke na genotipu Marko (31,24 jedinki/ženki i 23,73 jedinki/ ženki), i ove vrednosti su bile značajno veće u poređenju sa ženkama na genotipu NS-6 (14,85 jedinki/ženki i 12,53 jedinki/ženki). Pored toga, i stopa neto fertiliteta ženki na genotipu Narvik (13,80 jedinki/ženki) bila je značajno niža u poređenju sa stopom neto-fertiliteta ženki na genotipu Marko. Vrednosti trenutne stope rasta nisu se značajno razlikovale za interval 10 dana od početka ovipozicije, dok je za intervale od 12, 14, i 16 dana trenutna stopa rasta na genotipu Marko bila značajno viša u odnosu na genotip NS-6. U intervalima 18, 20 i 22 dana od početka ovipozicije, trenutna stopa rasta na genotipu Marko bila je značajno viša u odnosu na genotipove NS-6 i Narvik. Dobijeni rezultati predstavljaju polaznu osnovu za dalja istraživanja u okviru unapređivanja programa integralnog upravljanja štetnom vrstom T. vaporariorum

    Evaluacija dva biopesticida u suzbijanju Tetranychus urticae i Panonychus ulmi (Acari: Tetranychidae) u plasteniku i polju

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    The mycopesticide Naturalis (based on Beauveria bassiana strain ATCC 74040) and botanical pesticide Kingbo (based on oxymatrine, an alkaloid from Sophora flavescens, a traditional Chinese herb) were tested against the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) on greenhouse vegetables and the European red mite (Panonychus ulmi) on apples. These biopesticide products were applied twice at 5-day interval and concentrations of 0.1% and 0.2%, and their effectiveness was compared to abamectin-based products and the synthetic acaricides acrinathrin and spirodiclofen, applied once at their recommended rates. The mycopesticide Naturalis, applied at 0.1% concentration against T. urticae on cucumber, reduced mite population density by 85-86%, achieving 91-93% efficacy. In a trial on tomato, efficacy reached some 96%, while population density was reduced by 93%. In a field trial on apple, Naturalis demonstrated an increasing and long-lasting effectiveness against the summer population of P. ulmi of nearly 100%, and population reduction was achieved in assessments 30 days after the first treatment. Naturalis applied at a double rate achieved a somewhat better effect but only in the first trial. The botanical pesticide Kingbo, applied at 0.1% concentration, demonstrated very high control efficacy (≥98%) and population density reduction (≥96%) of T. urticae in both trials. A high and long-lasting effectiveness of this bioacaricide was also achieved in a trial on P. ulmi. Its concentration of 0.2% achieved similar effect. The results in these trials indicate that applications of the mycopesticide Naturalis and the botanical pesticide Kingbo can provide effective control of T. urticae on cucumber and tomato grown in greenhouses, as well as P. ulmi on apple.Ispitivana je efektivnost mikopesticida Naturalis (na bazi Beauveria bassiana, soj ATCC 74040) i botaničkog pesticida Kingbo (na bazi oksimatrina, alkaloida iz biljke Sophora flavescens, poznate u kineskoj tradicionalnoj madicini) u suzbijanju obične paučinaste grinje (Tetranychus urticae) na povrću u plasteniku i crvene voćne grinje (Panonychus ulmi) na jabuci. Ovi biopesticidi su primenjeni dva puta u razmaku od 5 dana, u koncentracijama 0,1% i 0,2%, a njihova efektivnost je upoređena sa akaricidima na bazi abamektina, akrinatrina i spirodiklofena, primenjenim jednom u preporučenim koncentracijama. Mikopesticid Naturalis, primenjen u koncentraciji 0,1% protiv T. urticae na krastavcu, redukovao je gustinu populacije za 85-86% i ostvario efikasnost 91-93%. U ogledu na paradajzu, efikasnost je dostigla 96%, dok je populaciona gustaina redukovana za 93%. U ogledu u zasadu jabuke, Naturalis je pokazao rastuću i dugotrajnu efikasnost u suzbijanju letnje populacije P. ulmi: u oceni 30 dana posle prvog tretiranja zabeleženi su gotovo 100% efikasnost i redukcija populacione gustine. Efektivnost preparata Naturalis primenjenog u dvostruko većoj koncentraciji bila je nešto bolja, ali samo u prvom ogledu. Botanički pesticid Kingbo je pokazao visoku efikasnost (≥98%) i redukciju populacione gustine (≥96%) u oba ogleda sa T. urticae. U ogledu suzbijanja P. ulmi postignuta je visoka i dugotrajna efektivnost ovog bioakaricida. Koncentracija 0,2% ostvarila je slične efekte. Rezultati ovih ogleda pokazuju da se primenom preparata Naturalis i Kingbo obezbeđuje efikasno suzbijanje T. urticae na krastavcu i paradajzu u plasteniku, kao i P. ulmi na jabuci

    The Impact of 22q11.2 Microdeletion on Cardiac Surgery Postoperative Outcome

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    22q11.2 microdeletion is the most common microdeletion in humans. The purpose of this study was to evaluate postoperative outcome in children with 22q11.2 microdeletion who had undergone complete surgical correction of a congenital heart defect. The study included 34 patients who underwent complete correction of conotruncal heart defects. Of these, 17 patients diagnosed with 22q11.2 microdeletion represent the investigated group. Another 17 patients without 22q11.2 microdeletion represent the control group. Investigated and control groups differ significantly for total length of stay in the hospital (average 37.35 and 14.12 days, respectively); length of postoperative stay in the intensive care unit (average 10.82 and 6.76 days, respectively); sepsis (eight and two patients, respectively); administration of antibiotics (15 and seven patients, respectively); duration of antibiotic therapy (average 17.65 and 14.59 days, respectively); occurrence of hypocalcemia (16 and 0 patients, respectively); and initiation of peroral nutrition during the postoperative course (average 10.29 and 3.88 days, respectively). No difference was found for duration of ventilatory support (average 6.12 and 4.24 days, respectively), administration of total parenteral nutrition, and postoperative mortality rate. The study results suggest that genotype of 22q11.2 microdeletion affects postoperative outcome after cardiac surgery. Possible targets for intervention in postoperative intensive care management are prevention and treatment of systemic infections, monitoring, and treatment of hypocalcemias, rational administration of antibiotics and careful planning of nutrition. Consequently, this could shorten patients' intensive care stay and overall duration of hospitalization