159 research outputs found

    N-Cadherin cleavage during activated hepatic stellate cell apoptosis is inhibited by tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1. [In supplement: 11th International Symposium on the Cells of the Hepatic Sinusoid and their Relation to Other Cells]

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    Apoptosis of hepatic stellate cells (HSC) has previously been shown to occur during spontaneous resolution of experimental liver fibrosis. TIMP-1 has also been shown to have a key role because of its ability to inhibit apoptosis of HSC via matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibition. This has led to further study of novel substrates for MMPs that might impact on HSC survival. N-Cadherin is known to mediate cell-cell contacts in fibroblasts. In this study we demonstrate that N-Cadherin is expressed by activated rat HSC. Furthermore, during apoptosis of HSC, the N-Cadherin is cleaved into smaller fragments. Apoptosis of HSC may be inhibited by TIMP-1. This is associated with reduced fragmentation of N-Cadherin. N-Cadherin may have an important role in supporting HSC survival while N-Cadherin cleavage may play a part in promoting HSC apoptosis in recovery from liver fibrosis

    Maintaining hepatic stem cell gene expression on biological and synthetic substrata

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    The liver is a highly resilient organ that possesses enormous regenerative capacity. This is mediated mainly through the most abundant cell type found in the liver, the hepatocyte. When the regenerative capacity of the hepatocyte is compromised, during chronic or acute liver injury, hepatic progenitor cells (HPCs) are activated to replace the damaged tissue. The HPC resides in a laminin-rich environment; as HPCs differentiate toward a hepatic or biliary fate, the extracellular matrix (ECM) composition changes, influencing cell behavior. To assess the impact that the biological ECM and the synthetic ECM have on the maintenance of hepatic stem cell gene expression, a murine hepatic stem cell line was employed. We demonstrate that hepatic stem cell gene expression could be maintained using a biological or synthetic substratum, but not on plastic alone

    Origins of fibrosis:pericytes take centre stage

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    Pericytes are ubiquitous perivascular cells that have recently attracted interest as potential myofibroblast precursors. In turn, myofibroblasts are the major source of extracellular matrix components that accumulate during tissue fibrosis. Given the worldwide burden of fibrotic disease and paucity of therapeutic options available to halt its progression, elucidating the origins of myofibroblasts is of prime importance. The advent of genetic strategies that permit fate-mapping of specific cell populations through permanent and heritable expression of reporter proteins has begun to shed light on the source of the fibrogenic myofibroblast. Here we discuss recent studies in multiple organs that highlight the central role of pericytes in the origins of fibrosis

    Spatiotemporally dynamic electric fields for brain cancer treatment: an in vitro investigation

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    Objective. The treatment of glioblastoma (GBM) using low intensity electric fields (∼1 V cm-1) is being investigated using multiple implanted bioelectrodes, which was termed intratumoral modulation therapy (IMT). Previous IMT studies theoretically optimized treatment parameters to maximize coverage with rotating fields, which required experimental investigation. In this study, we employed computer simulations to generate spatiotemporally dynamic electric fields, designed and purpose-built an IMT device for in vitro experiments, and evaluated the human GBM cellular responses to these fields. Approach. After measuring the electrical conductivity of the in vitro culturing medium, we designed experiments to evaluate the efficacy of various spatiotemporally dynamic fields: (a) different rotating field magnitudes, (b) rotating versus non-rotating fields, (c) 200 kHz versus 10 kHz stimulation, and (d) constructive versus destructive interference. A custom printed circuit board (PCB) was fabricated to enable four-electrode IMT in a 24-well plate. Patient derived GBM cells were treated and analyzed for viability using bioluminescence imaging. Main results. The optimal PCB design had electrodes placed 6.3 mm from the center. Spatiotemporally dynamic IMT fields at magnitudes of 1, 1.5, and 2 V cm-1reduced GBM cell viability to 58%, 37% and 2% of sham controls respectively. Rotating versus non-rotating, and 200 kHz versus 10 kHz fields showed no statistical difference. The rotating configuration yielded a significant reduction (p\u3c 0.01) in cell viability (47 ± 4%) compared to the voltage matched (99 ± 2%) and power matched (66 ± 3%) destructive interference cases. Significance. We found the most important factors in GBM cell susceptibility to IMT are electric field strength and homogeneity. Spatiotemporally dynamic electric fields have been evaluated in this study, where improvements to electric field coverage with lower power consumption and minimal field cancellations has been demonstrated. The impact of this optimized paradigm on cell susceptibility justifies its future use in preclinical and clinical trial investigations

    In utero exposures to perfluoroalkyl substances and the human fetal liver metabolome in Scotland : a cross-sectional study

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    The Fetal Human study was funded by the UK Medical Research Council (MR/L010011/1) to PAF, PJO’S, JPI, DCH, and AD, by the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union under Grant Agreement 212885, and by NHS Grampian Endowments grants (08/02, 09/12, 13/56, and 15/1/010) to PAF. The metabolomics and exposomics study was supported by the Swedish Research Council (to TH and MO; grants 2016-05176 and 2020-03674), Formas (to TH and MO; grant 2019-00869), Novo Nordisk Foundation (to TH; grant NNF20OC0063971), Research Council of Finland (to MO; grant 333981), the Inflammation in human early life: targeting impacts on life-course health consortium funded by the Horizon Europe Program of the European Union (Grant Agreement 101094099 to MO, TH, and PAF), and the framework of the European Partnership for the Assessment of Risks from Chemicals, and has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme (grant agreement 101057014). Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. The authors would like to thank (1) the Fowler team members, NHS Grampian research nurses, and staff at the Pregnancy Counselling Service for their essential work in recruiting, collecting, and processing fetuses; and (2) the Centre for Genome Enabled Biology and Medicine, University of Aberdeen, for carrying out the RNA-Seq. The RNA-Seq data analysis was supported by use of the University of Aberdeen Maxwell High Performance Computer Cluster.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Reversibility of liver fibrosis

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    Liver fibrosis, and its end stage cirrhosis are a major cause of morbidity and mortality and therapeutic options are limited. However, the traditional view of liver disease as an irreversible process is obsolete and it is now evident that the development of liver fibrosis is a dynamic and potentially bidirectional process. Spontaneous resolution of scarring is seen in animal models of liver fibrosis and in human trials in which the stimuli responsible for chronic or repeated hepatic inflammation is successfully removed. Key players in the process are hepatic stellate cells, macrophages, MMPs and their inhibitors Timps. It is also evident that in advanced fibrotic liver disease, specific histological features define what is currently described as "irreversible" fibrosis. This includes the development of paucicellular scars enriched in extensively cross-linked matrix components, such as fibrillar collagen and elastin. Our recent work has focused on the role of macrophage metalloelastase (MMP-12) in the turnover of elastin in reversible and irreversible models of fibrosis. We have shown that elastin turnover in liver injury and fibrosis is regulated by macrophages via Mmp-12 expression, activity and ratio to its inhibitor Timp-1. Failure of elastin degradation, together with increased deposition leads to accumulation of elastin in the fibrotic scars