2 research outputs found

    Programa de psicoprofilaxis obstétrica durante el confinamiento por la pandemia de la COVID-19

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    Introduction: social distancing during COVID-19 pandemic leads to home confinement, being rigorous in vulnerable groups, among them pregnant women. Consequently, the continuity of the psychoprophylaxis program for obstetric care; which is carried out in the healthcare area is postponed, this program contributes to the preparation of pregnancy, delivery and puerperium, influencing on the good of the mother to be. Objective: to design a practical and simple program of psychoprophylaxis for obstetric care that pregnant women can practice during home confinement, allowing the continuity of delivery preparation.Methods: a literature review with reference to psychoprophylactic exercises was conducted; which can be of simple guidance by part of the medical personnel and to be practiced by pregnant women themselves, allowing the continuity of the preparation process.  Results: the evidence points out the importance of the psychoprophylaxis program for obstetric care and the benefits on pregnancy, delivery and puerperium process, along with the need to maintain the continuity of the program during home confinement.Conclusions: the continuity of the planned prophylactic exercises, linked to an adequate feeding, relaxation periods and follow the guidance of the basic team of healthcare, is essential to promote a required and favorable environment for a perfect harmony pregnancy, a risk-free delivery and a successful recovery of the mother to be and the newborn.      Introducción: el aislamiento social durante la pandemia de COVID-19 conlleva al confinamiento en casa, para los grupos que resultan vulnerables como lo las gestantes, es más riguroso. Como resultado se pierde la continuidad del programa de psicoprofilaxis obstétrica que se realiza en cada área de salud y que tantos beneficios aporta a la preparación para el proceso de gestación, parto y puerperio de la futura mamá.Objetivo: diseñar un programa de psicoprofilaxis sobre parto práctico y sencillo que pueda ser realizado por la gestante durante su confinamiento en el hogar para continuar con su preparación.Métodos: revisión bibliográfica sobre los ejercicios psicoprofilácticos que puedan ser fácilmente orientados por el personal médico y sencillo de realizar por parte de las gestantes, para continuar con su proceso de preparación.Resultados: la evidencia señala la importancia que los ejercicios de psicoprofilaxis obstétrica y los beneficios que tienen sobre el proceso gestacional, el parto y el puerperio. De ahí la necesidad de mantener la continuidad del programa durante el confinamiento.Conclusiones: la continuidad de los ejercicios profilácticos programados, unido a la alimentación adecuada, el descanso y el seguimiento de las orientaciones brindadas por el equipo básico de salud, promueven el ambiente favorable necesario para un embarazo armonioso, un parto sin riesgos y una recuperación exitosa de la madre y el bebé

    Experience of the telephone counseling service for people with psychological disorders associated with social isolation

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    Background: In the current conditions of social isolation, imposed by COVID-19, psychological help lines have been implemented via telephone. It is of interest to know if the contribution of this counseling service is effective; and to what extent the population has assumed this as a reliable way of psychological help.Objective: to describe the experience of the telephone counseling service to people with psychological disorders associated with social isolation.Methods: a descriptive study was carried out of the telephone counseling service aimed at the population with psychological disorders, carried out by the Mella District Mental Health Center, Camagüey province, during May 2020. The reasons for the call, clinical manifestations and behavior to follow were the main variables studied.Results: the elderly population contributed the highest number of calls (40.6%), as well as the most frequent reason being the search for psychological support. Depression and anxiety were found as the main clinical manifestations; and psychological support and monitoring of this as the behaviors to follow in most cases.Conclusion: due to the impossibility of going to specialized mental health centers, due to the conditions imposed by the pandemic, telephone counseling allowed a considerable group of people to receive psychological help backed by trained professionals, in correspondence with individual needs.</p