167 research outputs found

    On the unit distance problem

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    The Erd\H os unit distance conjecture in the plane says that the number of pairs of points from a point set of size nn separated by a fixed (Euclidean) distance is ≀CΟ΅n1+Ο΅\leq C_{\epsilon} n^{1+\epsilon} for any Ο΅>0\epsilon>0. The best known bound is Cn43Cn^{\frac{4}{3}}. We show that if the set under consideration is well-distributed and the fixed distance is much smaller than the diameter of the set, then the exponent 43\frac{4}{3} is significantly improved. Corresponding results are also established in higher dimensions. The results are obtained by solving the corresponding continuous problem and using a continuous-to-discrete conversion mechanism. The degree of sharpness of results is tested using the known results on the distribution of lattice points dilates of convex domains. We also introduce the following variant of the Erd\H os unit distance problem: how many pairs of points from a set of size nn are separated by an integer distance? We obtain some results in this direction and formulate a conjecture

    Maximal averages over flat radial hypersurfaces

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    We prove nearly sharp Orlicz space estimates for maximal averages over flat radial hypersurfaces in Rd{\Bbb R}^d, dβ‰₯3d \ge 3

    Fourier transform, L2L^2 restriction theorem, and scaling

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    We show, using a Knapp-type homogeneity argument, that the (Lp,L2)(L^p, L^2) restriction theorem implies a growth condition on the hypersurface in question. We further use this result to show that the optimal (Lp,L2)(L^p, L^2) restriction theorem implies the sharp isotropic decay rate for the Fourier transform of the Lebesgue measure carried by compact convex finite hypersurfaces

    Distinct distances on a sphere

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    We study the Erdos distance conjecture on the unit sphere in three dimensions using Fourier analytic methods.Comment: Erdos distance conjecture on the sphere is investigated under a discrete energy assumptio

    Pinned distance problem, slicing measures and local smoothing estimates

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    We improve the Peres-Schlag result on pinned distances in sets of a given Hausdorff dimension. In particular, for Euclidean distances, with Ξ”y(E)={∣xβˆ’y∣:x∈E},\Delta^y(E) = \{|x-y|:x\in E\}, we prove that for any E,FβŠ‚RdE, F\subset{\Bbb R}^d, there exists a probability measure ΞΌF\mu_F on FF such that for ΞΌF\mu_F-a.e. y∈Fy\in F, (1) dim⁑H(Ξ”y(E))β‰₯Ξ²\dim_{{\mathcal H}}(\Delta^y(E))\geq\beta if dim⁑H(E)+dβˆ’1d+1dim⁑H(F)>dβˆ’1+Ξ²\dim_{{\mathcal H}}(E) + \frac{d-1}{d+1}\dim_{{\mathcal H}}(F) > d - 1 + \beta; (2) Ξ”y(E)\Delta^y(E) has positive Lebesgue measure if dim⁑H(E)+dβˆ’1d+1dim⁑H(F)>d\dim_{{\mathcal H}}(E)+\frac{d-1}{d+1}\dim_{{\mathcal H}}(F) > d; (3) Ξ”y(E)\Delta^y(E) has non-empty interior if dim⁑H(E)+dβˆ’1d+1dim⁑H(F)>d+1\dim_{{\mathcal H}}(E)+\frac{d-1}{d+1}\dim_{{\mathcal H}}(F) > d+1. We also show that in the case when dim⁑H(E)+dβˆ’1d+1dim⁑H(F)>d\dim_{{\mathcal H}}(E)+\frac{d-1}{d+1}\dim_{{\mathcal H}}(F)>d, for ΞΌF\mu_F-a.e. y∈Fy\in F, {t∈R:dim⁑H({x∈E:∣xβˆ’y∣=t})β‰₯dim⁑H(E)+d+1dβˆ’1dim⁑H(F)βˆ’d} \left\{t\in{\Bbb R} : \dim_{{\mathcal H}}(\{x\in E:|x-y|=t\}) \geq \dim_{{\mathcal H}}(E)+\frac{d+1}{d-1}\dim_{{\mathcal H}}(F)-d \right\} has positive Lebesgue measure. This describes dimensions of slicing subsets of EE, sliced by spheres centered at yy. In our proof, local smoothing estimates of Fourier integral operators (FIO) plays a crucial role. In turn, we obtain results on sharpness of local smoothing estimates by constructing geometric counterexamples

    Pinned distance sets, Wolff's exponent in finite fields and improved sum-product estimates

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    An analog of the Falconer distance problem in vector spaces over finite fields asks for the threshold Ξ±>0\alpha>0 such that βˆ£Ξ”(E)βˆ£β‰³q|\Delta(E)| \gtrsim q whenever ∣Eβˆ£β‰³qΞ±|E| \gtrsim q^{\alpha}, where EβŠ‚FqdE \subset {\Bbb F}_q^d, the dd-dimensional vector space over a finite field with qq elements (not necessarily prime). Here Ξ”(E)={(x1βˆ’y1)2+...+(xdβˆ’yd)2:x,y∈E}\Delta(E)=\{{(x_1-y_1)}^2+...+{(x_d-y_d)}^2: x,y \in E\}. The second listed author and Misha Rudnev established the threshold d+12\frac{d+1}{2}, and the authors of this paper, Doowon Koh and Misha Rudnev proved that this exponent is sharp in even dimensions. In this paper we improve the threshold to d22dβˆ’1\frac{d^2}{2d-1} under the additional assumption that EE has product structure. In particular, we obtain the exponent 4/3, consistent with the corresponding exponent in Euclidean space obtained by Wolff

    Gabor orthogonal bases and convexity

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    Let g(x)=Ο‡B(x)g(x)=\chi_B(x) be the indicator function of a bounded convex set in Rd\Bbb R^d, dβ‰₯2d\geq 2, with a smooth boundary and everywhere non-vanishing Gaussian curvature. Using a combinatorial appraoch we prove that if dβ‰ 1mod  4d \neq 1 \mod 4, then there does not exist SβŠ‚R2dS \subset {\Bbb R}^{2d} such that {g(xβˆ’a)e2Ο€ixβ‹…b}(a,b)∈S{ \{g(x-a)e^{2 \pi i x \cdot b} \}}_{(a,b) \in S} is an orthonormal basis for L2(Rd)L^2({\Bbb R}^d)

    Lattice points close to families of surfaces, non-isotropic dilations and regularity of generalized Radon transforms

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    We prove that if Ο•:RdΓ—Rdβ†’R\phi: {\Bbb R}^d \times {\Bbb R}^d \to {\Bbb R}, dβ‰₯2d \ge 2, is a homogeneous function, smooth away from the origin and having non-zero Monge-Ampere determinant away from the origin, then R^{-d} # \{(n,m) \in {\Bbb Z}^d \times {\Bbb Z}^d: |n|, |m| \leq CR; R \leq \phi(n,m) \leq R+\delta \} \lesssim \max \{R^{d-2+\frac{2}{d+1}}, R^{d-1} \delta \}. This is a variable coefficient version of a result proved by Lettington in \cite{L10}, extending a previous result by Andrews in \cite{A63}, showing that if BβŠ‚RdB \subset {\Bbb R}^d, dβ‰₯2d \ge 2, is a symmetric convex body with a sufficiently smooth boundary and non-vanishing Gaussian curvature, then # \{k \in {\mathbb Z}^d: dist(k, R \partial B) \leq \delta \} \lesssim \max \{R^{d-2+\frac{2}{d+1}}, R^{d-1} \delta \}. (*) Furthermore, we shall see that the same argument yields a non-isotropic analog of (βˆ—)(*), one for which the exponent on the right hand side is, in general, sharp, even in the infinitely smooth case. This sheds some light on the nature of the exponents and their connection with the conjecture due to Wolfgang Schmidt on the distribution of lattice points on dilates of smooth convex surfaces in Rd{\Bbb R}^d

    Group actions and a multi-parameter Falconer distance problem

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    In this paper we study the following multi-parameter variant of the celebrated Falconer distance problem. Given d=(d1,d2,…,dβ„“)∈Nβ„“{\textbf{d}}=(d_1,d_2, \dots, d_{\ell})\in \mathbb{N}^{\ell} with d1+d2+β‹―+dβ„“=dd_1+d_2+\dots+d_{\ell}=d and EβŠ†RdE \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d, we define Ξ”d(E)={(∣x(1)βˆ’y(1)∣,…,∣x(β„“)βˆ’y(β„“)∣):x,y∈E}βŠ†Rβ„“, \Delta_{{\textbf{d}}}(E) = \left\{ \left(|x^{(1)}-y^{(1)}|,\ldots,|x^{(\ell)}-y^{(\ell)}|\right) : x,y \in E \right\} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{\ell}, where for x∈Rdx\in \mathbb{R}^d we write x=(x(1),…,x(β„“))x=\left( x^{(1)},\dots, x^{(\ell)} \right) with x(i)∈Rdix^{(i)} \in \mathbb{R}^{d_i}. We ask how large does the Hausdorff dimension of EE need to be to ensure that the β„“\ell-dimensional Lebesgue measure of Ξ”d(E)\Delta_{{\textbf{d}}}(E) is positive? We prove that if 2≀di2 \leq d_i for 1≀i≀ℓ1 \leq i \leq \ell, then the conclusion holds provided dim⁑(E)>dβˆ’min⁑di2+13. \dim(E)>d-\frac{\min d_i}{2}+\frac{1}{3}. We also note that, by previous constructions, the conclusion does not in general hold if dim⁑(E)<dβˆ’min⁑di2.\dim(E)<d-\frac{\min d_i}{2}. A group action derivation of a suitable Mattila integral plays an important role in the argument

    Erdos-Falconer distance problem, exponential sums, and Fourier analytic approach to incidence theorems in vector spaces over finite fields

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    We prove several incidence theorems in vector spaces over finite fields using bounds for various classes of exponential sums and apply these to Erdos-Falconer type distance problems
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