19 research outputs found


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    On the basis of major macroeconomic decisions are the internal indicators calculated by different institutions and also the rating indicators calculated by the foreign rating institutions. Based on these indicators a country has a lower or a greater level of risk for future investments. Not always a higher risk level corresponds to a higher level of income. There are many situations when we have to know the potential risks in order to take a wise decision. In the paper I presented the calculation methodologies of the country rating for the main agencies and I made a comparison between various levels of sovereign ratings for European Union countries.rating methodologies, Fitch, Moody’s, Standard & Poors, Coface, risk, decision


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    In modern software implementations of artificial neural networks the approach inspired by biology has more or less been abandoned for a more practical approach based on statistics and signal processing. In some of these systems, neural networks, or parts of neural networks (such as artificial neurons), are used as components in larger systems that combine both adaptive and non-adaptive elements. There are many problems which are solved with neural networks, especially in business and economic domains.neuron, neural networks, artificial intelligence, feed-forward neural networks, classification


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    This article analyzes the possibility of determining the Romanian Gross Domestic Product on the basis of a linear model, based on macroeconomic indicators such as unemployment, inflation, exchange rate. The proposed solution allows forecasting the Gross Domestic Product for the following period of time based on equation determined from the model in order to develop scenarios for improving the macroeconomic situation of Romania. The article also can be a starting point in the field of strategic investments, both at macro and micro level. Any foreign investor, before starting a business in another country, calculated and also made predictions about the economic situation of that country, in order not to lose the investment made.regression, GDP, inflation, unemployment, forecast


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    With the development of computers and the increasing the amount of data it appeared the need of identifying new acquaintances, unknown until that moment in a relatively short time. The term of data mining involves the analysis of data from different views (aspects) in order to extract the knowledge to use them further in the foundation of decisions at microeconomic or macroeconomic levels. In this article we apply data analysis techniques such as principal component analysis and cluster analysis in order to group the countries of the European Union based on the financial indicators registered at the end of 2009 year.classification, cluster, data mining, European Union, financial indicators


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    The Internet has taken its place beside the telephone and television as an important part of people’s lives. Consumers use the Internet to shop, bank and invest online. Most consumers use credit or debit cards to pay for online purchases, but other payment methods, like “e-wallets,” are becoming more common. But not all the payments are safe there are a lot of fake sites, hackers, viruses.smart cards, e-payment, vulnerabilities, security

    Studying the cyclicality of the economy and prediction of new high risk of economic crises: a case study on the European countries from 1995 to 2018

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    From ancient time the economies had periods of expansion followed by recession, each crisis was determined by various internal or external factors. With globalization, economic interconnection and the liberalization of resource exchange between states, high risk of economic crises have sprung up. The main purpose of the article is to determine a data model, using specific data analysis techniques, and based on it to study the economic cyclicality in Europe and the prediction of a possible economic crisis. The study was conducted on a number of 37 indicators selected from 11 categories, a set of 29 countries in Europe and over a period of 24 years (19952018) using the K-Means algorithm. Grouping the data for each country in three classes and describing each class by taking into account the variables with the highest discriminative power, leads to the main conclusion that in the next several years, an economic crisis in Europe has a high probability to be a reality

    Software-as-a-Service Programs and Project management: A Case Study on Odoo ERP

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    The paper aims at presenting the particular way of implementing Odoo ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) within the Cloud environment, in order to manage the activities involved by a research project. To successfully achieve the objectives of the project - from choosing the research topic to writing the main body of study and disseminating critical information - the Odoo Project module allows the researchers to establish the stages involved in the implementation process, the description of related tasks, the appointment of persons responsible with the procedures of carrying out of the planned activities, the management of tasks in Kanban system, the drawing up of Gantt charts etc. The employment of Odoo ERP in scheduling research activities is highly accessible and easily opens the possibility to connect with other Odoo modules (such as accounting module or e-signature module), thereby saving significant amount of time and efforts related to the analysis of project status data. Moreover, the project progresses can be tracked by using simple devices with an Internet browser and a stable connection, which allow the access to the application via modern Cloud technologies

    Using Neural Networks in Order to Analyze Telework Adaptability across the European Union Countries: A Case Study of the Most Relevant Scenarios to Occur in Romania

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    Our study addresses the issue of telework adoption by countries in the European Union and draws up a few feasible scenarios aimed at improving telework’s degree of adaptability in Romania. We employed the dataset from the 2020 Eurofound survey on Living, Working and COVID-19 (Round 2) in order to extract ten relevant determinants of teleworking on the basis of 24,123 valid answers provided by respondents aged 18 and over: the availability of work equipment; the degree of satisfaction with the experience of working from home; the risks related to potential contamination with SARS-CoV-2 virus; the employees’ openness to adhering to working-from-home patterns; the possibility of maintaining work–life balance objectives while teleworking; the level of satisfaction on the amount and the quality of work submitted, etc. Our methodology entailed the employment of SAS Enterprise Guide software to perform a cluster analysis resulting in a preliminary classification of the EU countries with respect to the degree that they have been able to adapt to telework. Further on, in order to refine this taxonomy, a multilayer perceptron neural network with ten input variables in the initial layer, six neurons in the intermediate layer, and three neurons in the final layer was successfully trained. The results of our research demonstrate the existence of significant disparities in terms of telework adaptability, such as: low to moderate levels of adaptability (detected in countries such as Greece, Croatia, Portugal, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Italy); fair levels of adaptability (encountered in France, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, or Romania); and high levels of adaptability (exhibited by intensely digitalized economies such Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, etc.)


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    The Internet has taken its place beside the telephone and television as an important part of people’s lives. Consumers use the Internet to shop, bank and invest online. Most consumers use credit or debit cards to pay for online purchases, but other payment methods, like “e-wallets,” are becoming more common. But not all the payments are safe there are a lot of fake sites, hackers, viruses.smart cards, e-payment, vulnerabilities, security

    Software-as-a-Service Programs and Project management: A Case Study on Odoo ERP

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    The paper aims at presenting the particular way of implementing Odoo ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) within the Cloud environment, in order to manage the activities involved by a research project. To successfully achieve the objectives of the project - from choosing the research topic to writing the main body of study and disseminating critical information - the Odoo Project module allows the researchers to establish the stages involved in the implementation process, the description of related tasks, the appointment of persons responsible with the procedures of carrying out of the planned activities, the management of tasks in Kanban system, the drawing up of Gantt charts etc. The employment of Odoo ERP in scheduling research activities is highly accessible and easily opens the possibility to connect with other Odoo modules (such as accounting module or e-signature module), thereby saving significant amount of time and efforts related to the analysis of project status data. Moreover, the project progresses can be tracked by using simple devices with an Internet browser and a stable connection, which allow the access to the application via modern Cloud technologies