9 research outputs found

    The influence of some chemical indices of soils on earthworm abundance (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) in conditions of organic and mineral fertilization

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    This paper presents data obtained by researching the influence of organic fertilizers (bovine manure in dose of 20 t/ha) and chemical fertilizers (N120P120) on earthworm dynamics in soil, under aspect of individuals number and biomass, within the wheat and maize cultures, on a luvic phaeozem soil (FAO System). It was observed that in wheat culture was identified an earthworm number and a biomass larger than in the maize culture, regardless the fertilization type. The chemical fertilization negatively influenced both the earthworm number and their biomass, in both plant cultures. The organic fertilization positively influenced the earthworm activity, their number and biomass significantly increasing. In this case there was noticed a superior activity of earthworms in the wheat culture against the maize. The statistical study made by regression and correlation methods for the data recorded in the control variant showed that the chemical parameters of soil nitrogen index, potassium and pH manifest by the recorded values in the experimental variants a positive influence on earthworms’ number and biomass. For the variant with chemical fertilization (N120P120), the same factors have positive influences on the earthworms’ number, the same tendency being observed regarding the biomass too. In the case of organic fertilization it was observed both for the earthworm number and biomass a positive influence of the analyzed factors pH, nitrogen index and potassium. The factor phosphorous manifested a negative influence on earthworms’ dynamics

    Ecotoxicological assessment of the effect of some new organic-mineral fertilizers on Eisenia foetida earthworms

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    Ecotoxicity tests provide a direct measure of the bioavailability of toxicants and help to establish linkages between site contamination and adverse ecological effects. There are more current laboratory test methods outlined, but it is very important the major advantages/disadvantages of each of them. The present paper uses as research methodology the OECD Guideline for testing of chemicals no. 207 which meets the most criteria expected for ecotoxicological testing. Earthworms Eisenia foetida (Savigny, 1826) had been exposed for 14 days to a geometrical series range of concentrations of the test substances (organic-mineral fertilizers L-200-Hum and SH-120). The performed study showed that the fertilizer L-200-Hum determined lower earthworm mortality comparing to SH-120 for all tested concentration levels and the fertilizer L-200-Hum positively influenced the earthworm rate of biomass accumulation. DL 50 it was established to be the concentration 4 g for the SH-120 fertilizer at the end of the test (14 days)

    Organic agriculture of Romania as compared with other countries of European Union

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    The paper presents a case study aiming to highlight the present state of the organic agriculture in Romania as compared with other European countries with the goal to warn about its level, much under other countries taken in study. Several indicators have been considered: certified organic crop areas, certified organic crop productions and yields from fully converted areas, certified organic livestock, certified production of organic animal products, number of certified registered operators processing and importing products issued from organic farming. The results of study showed that for all studied indicators Romania reported data with lower values as compared with the other analyzed European states, and for most of items our country has no data to report. This study distinguishes on the one hand the low representation of organic agriculture in Romania as component of sustainable agriculture, and on the other hand demonstrates the lack or the inefficacy of instruments of the specialized institution of the Romanian state to collect and centralize data referring to several items which characterize the level of organic agriculture in Romania


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    The burden of work-related musculoskeletal pathology among dental professionals is widely recognized, particularly associated with specific risk factors in routine practice. Aim of the study: The main objective of our study was to evaluate musculoskeletal issues in students in dentistry based on their participation in different levels of professional activities, and to identify potential risk factors. Material and methods: We performed a cross-sectional study in 100 consecutive students attending the School of Dentistry, “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iasi, classified in two main groups: 50 students in their first and second year of study, not engaged in specific dental work (group A) and 50 students in their third to sixth year, already performing professional activities in patient (group B). A predefined questionnaire survey was applied in all students, including general data, risk factors for musculoskeletal problems, and information on pain (vertebral, hand) and muscle spasm as main musculoskeletal complains potentially related to their professional doings. Conclusions: Ergonomic postures adopted by the student / dentist in routine practice as well as ergonomic dental instruments are usually associated with less vertebral (lumbar spine) and hand pathology. Ergonomic principles must be applied in routine dental practice and the student educated about prevention of musculoskeletal pathology

    Research of physical-mechanical properties of soil related to earthworms abundance in agricultural and background agroecosystems at Didactic and Experimental Station "Chetrosu", Republic of Moldova

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    Within agroecological monitoring, an essential role is played by the biological monitoring, because surveillance of living organisms provides precious information regarding the vitality of agroecosystems and quality of environmental factors, essential for the quality of agricultural products and natural resources. The goal of earthworms’ complex research is establishment of the high efficient agrocoenoses, ecologically balanced, stable, based on the rational usage of the nutritive substances of soil, vegetable rests, water, and finally the application of environment-friendly technologies. From this point of view, earthworms can be used within the agroecological monitoring, because they can be easily extracted from their environment without affecting the population assembly. Essential for earthworms’ habitat is soil texture and soil humidity, physical-mechanical properties, organic debris, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The soil of the researched ecosystems was represented by calcic (carbonated) silt loamy chernozem. The limits of plasticity, resistance to penetration, and adherence of soil are influenced by humus content, fertilization type, and diversity of agrocoenoses. The forest strip and fallow farmland can contribute by providing with information the Database of background and agroecological (impact) monitoring. During the droughty seasons, earthworms were not found in soil, but a maximal number has been identified in forest strip (76 worms/m2 ) at 0-30 cm depth, which represents a hiding habitat during the arid periods


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    The impact of aesthetic disharmonies on the balance of the stomatognathic system is an eloquent plea for the implementation of well-conducted prophylactic methods, with the elimination of etiopathogenic factors correlate with iatrogenicity, the type of biomaterial used, the technological approach, without avoiding the archetypes characterized by the specifics of the general binominal state-oral pathology . Considering the complexity and variety of the pathology generated by the dento – somato -facial disharmony, the study aimed to individualize an aesthetic evaluation algorithm, quantifying the installed complications and the present restorative treatments in triggering the area of signs and symptoms of this clinical entity with profound implications on the oral balance. After analyzing the parameters related to the units odontal and the relationships that are established between them at the level of the dental arches, between these lips and the main lines of the face, we will proceed to the analysis of the gingival festoon. The cases in which restoration of the dento-periodontal aesthetic balance can be achieved exclusively through a single treatment method are relatively few in numb