120 research outputs found

    Organizational Memory: an Approach from Knowledge Management and Quality Management of Organizational Learning Perspectives

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    The recognition of the fact that, as of late, knowledge represents one of the most important assets of an organization, decisively influencing its competitiveness, has led to some comprehensive approaches of organizational memory. The organizational memory and the organizational learning capacity are the main sources for a competitive edge, so the main challenge is to effectively manage knowledge while maintaining the quality of formation services. The scientific investigation of literature (Crosby, 1979; Deming, 1982; Juran, 1990; Barcet and Bonamy, 1994; Barnabé, 1997; Bouchard and Plante, 2002; Demeuse and Strauven, 2006) specific to the area of management of services related to organizational learning, reveals the orientation of research, based on: (a) conformity between delivered services and the demanded characteristics or specifications; (b) meeting client’s needs; (c) studying the existing adequacy between result and what had been announced, foreseen or promised; (d) improving overall functioning of the organization by defining and implementing of a quality project, one that will involve the whole necessary staff for satisfying the needs of the learners. This paper will present: (1) contributions to a coherent point of view regarding the organizational memory from the perspective of the principles of quality management of services associated to organizational learning and based upon Knowledge Management; (2) the analysis of the main quality models that may be employed in organizational learning related services; (3) a study regarding the perception of successful organizational factors in the field of Knowledge Management-based training services amongst Romanian companies and institutions.organizational learning services quality management, organizational learning success model, cognitive acquis, organizational memory, knowledge management methods

    First record of Coloburella linnaniemii (Denis, 1926) (Hexapoda: Collembola) in Romania

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    The author presents a new record for the Romanian fauna of the springtail Coloburella linnaniemii (Denis, 1926). Notes on the taxonomic status, morphology and distribution of the species are given

    Organizational Memory: an Approach from Knowledge Management and Quality Management of Organizational Learning Perspectives

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    The recognition of the fact that, as of late, knowledge represents one of the most important assets of an organization, decisively influencing its competitiveness, has led to some comprehensive approaches of organizational memory. The organizational memory and the organizational learning capacity are the main sources for a competitive edge, so the main challenge is to effectively manage knowledge while maintaining the quality of formation services. The scientific investigation of literature (Crosby, 1979; Deming, 1982; Juran, 1990; Barcet and Bonamy, 1994; Barnabé, 1997; Bouchard and Plante, 2002; Demeuse and Strauven, 2006) specific to the area of management of services related to organizational learning, reveals the orientation of research, based on: (a) conformity between delivered services and the demanded characteristics or specifications; (b) meeting client’s needs; (c) studying the existing adequacy between result and what had been announced, foreseen or promised; (d) improving overall functioning of the organization by defining and implementing of a quality project, one that will involve the whole necessary staff for satisfying the needs of the learners. This paper will present: (1) contributions to a coherent point of view regarding the organizational memory from the perspective of the principles of quality management of services associated to organizational learning and based upon Knowledge Management; (2) the analysis of the main quality models that may be employed in organizational learning related services; (3) a study regarding the perception of successful organizational factors in the field of Knowledge Management-based training services amongst Romanian companies and institutions


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    In this paper we are analyzing the current state of the Romanian banking system which is facing different challenges due to the economic crisis. Identifying the main channels of crisis transmission, we can notice that the banking system has played a major role due to its structure, and the change of the banking behavior on the Romanian market. Analyzing the main indicators reflecting the health of the banking system, hence of the economy, generally speaking, the paper is trying to identify the measures which should have been taken and we still believe should be taken in order to obtain the economic recovery, the premise of a healthy economic growth.financial crisis, channel of transmission, Romanian banking system

    Unveiling the Power of Social Media: Innovative Strategies and SOCMINT Insights in Modern Marketing

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    In the era of rapid technological advancements, traditional marketing strategies no longer wield the same effectiveness. The focal point has shifted to social media, a pivotal virtual realm where platforms not only serve as social networks but also as digital advertising spaces utilizing innovative and captivating marketing techniques. Marketers recognize the indispensability of these digital forums, leveraging them to reach a vast audience while optimizing budgetary resources. In addition to conventional marketing, the less highlighted realm of social media intelligence (SOCMINT) plays a crucial role. SOCMINT involves harnessing data collected from social media platforms to gain deeper insights into consumer behavior. This article delves into research conducted among social media users, unveiling the voluntarily shared data and information. It also measures users' awareness of how other entities utilize their publicly displayed information. In this dynamic landscape, the fusion of strategic digital marketing and SOCMINT emerges as a powerful tandem for navigating the evolving realm of consumer engagement

    Architecture of an Inter-organizational Information System for Monitoring the Trace of Fresh Vegetables

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    Abstract Introducere Pe măsură ce în cadrul obiectivelor sistemelor informaţionale a început să-şi facă loc asistarea şi sprijinirea relaţiilor cu partenerii de afaceri (clienţi şi furnizori) şi consumatorii finali (Boonstra şi de Vries, 2005), a apărut necesitatea realizării unor sisteme inter-organizaţionale care să permită utilizarea şi partajarea resursele existente în cadrul sistemele informaţionale ale fiecărei organizaţii. Evoluţiile înregistrate în domeniul tehnologiei informaţiei şi comunicaţiilor (TIC) începând cu ultimul deceniu al secolului al XX-lea au permis dezvoltarea unei game largi de sisteme informaţionale interorganizaţionale (SIIO), scopul acestora fiind variat: de diminuarea a riscurilor partenerilor, de acces mai facil pe pieţe, de creştere a cotei de piaţa, de sporire a calităţii produselor şi serviciilor furnizate etc. În contextul în care siguranţa alimentară ocupă o poziţie importantă în ceea ce priveşte preocupările organizaţiilor guvernamentale, producătorilor şi consumatorilor finali (Antle, 1999), sistemele informaţionale inter-organizaţionale pot deveni un instrument eficient şi eficace pentru creşterea vizibilităţii pe lanţul producţie -procesare -distribuţie şi implicit pentru creşterea încrederii consumatorilor în alimentele cumpărate şi consumate. Pe de altă parte, implementarea unor astfel de sisteme poate determina reducerea semnificativă a tranzacţiilor de pe piaţa "gri" şi implicit creşterea veniturilor bugetare. În lucrare se va realizare o descriere succintă a sistemelor informaţionale interorganizaţionale, a problematicii siguranţei alimentare şi se va prezenta arhitectura unui SIIO pentru monitorizarea trasabilităţii legumelor proaspete

    Watermark Text Pattern Spotting in Document Images

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    Watermark text spotting in document images can offer access to an often unexplored source of information, providing crucial evidence about a record's scope, audience and sometimes even authenticity. Stemming from the problem of text spotting, detecting and understanding watermarks in documents inherits the same hardships - in the wild, writing can come in various fonts, sizes and forms, making generic recognition a very difficult problem. To address the lack of resources in this field and propel further research, we propose a novel benchmark (K-Watermark) containing 65,447 data samples generated using Wrender, a watermark text patterns rendering procedure. A validity study using humans raters yields an authenticity score of 0.51 against pre-generated watermarked documents. To prove the usefulness of the dataset and rendering technique, we developed an end-to-end solution (Wextract) for detecting the bounding box instances of watermark text, while predicting the depicted text. To deal with this specific task, we introduce a variance minimization loss and a hierarchical self-attention mechanism. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose an evaluation benchmark and a complete solution for retrieving watermarks from documents surpassing baselines by 5 AP points in detection and 4 points in character accuracy

    Invertebrate fauna (Coleoptera, Collembola, Diplopoda, Isopoda) collected in the karst areas of the Aninei - Locvei Mountains

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    The authors identified 132 species of invertebrates (14 Oniscidea, 25 Diplopoda,31 Collembola and 62 Coleoptera) recently sampled (2001–2006) from the soil and subterranean (MSS and caves) environments from the Banat Mountains. Some new,rare and endemic species are discussed. The seasonal changes of the species diversity in the superficial subterranean environments at 0.5 to 1 m in depth are for the first time presented for the Reşiţa – Moldova Nouă synclinorium. The characteristic and preferential species for the mesovoid shallow substratum (MSS), belonging to the analyzed taxa, are identified

    Reconstructing Three-Dimensional Models of Interacting Humans

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    Understanding 3d human interactions is fundamental for fine-grained scene analysis and behavioural modeling. However, most of the existing models predict incorrect, lifeless 3d estimates, that miss the subtle human contact aspects--the essence of the event--and are of little use for detailed behavioral understanding. This paper addresses such issues with several contributions: (1) we introduce models for interaction signature estimation (ISP) encompassing contact detection, segmentation, and 3d contact signature prediction; (2) we show how such components can be leveraged to ensure contact consistency during 3d reconstruction; (3) we construct several large datasets for learning and evaluating 3d contact prediction and reconstruction methods; specifically, we introduce CHI3D, a lab-based accurate 3d motion capture dataset with 631 sequences containing 2,5252,525 contact events, 728,664728,664 ground truth 3d poses, as well as FlickrCI3D, a dataset of 11,21611,216 images, with 14,08114,081 processed pairs of people, and 81,23381,233 facet-level surface correspondences. Finally, (4) we propose methodology for recovering the ground-truth pose and shape of interacting people in a controlled setup and (5) annotate all 3d interaction motions in CHI3D with textual descriptions. Motion data in multiple formats (GHUM and SMPLX parameters, Human3.6m 3d joints) is made available for research purposes at \url{https://ci3d.imar.ro}, together with an evaluation server and a public benchmark