567 research outputs found

    System-synergetic approach to the analysis of Waldorf school

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    It is considered the basic aspects of usage a system-synergetic approach to the analysis of Waldorf school as an example of relevant embodiment of synergetic paradigm on the different levels of organization and activity of educational establishment (functioning of school as a social institute; philosophical comprehension of essence of education and education; psychological ground of processes of development and self-development of man; a contents of Waldorf education, forms and methods of his mastering by students; providing of pedagogical influence of personality of teacher on a child)

    The contribution of teachers of the second half of XIX - early XX century in the development of anthropological ideas

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    Identified and systematized group of leading anthropological ideas: the idea of self-worth of the human person, humanization of education, universal education; the idea of the holistic development of the child, educating and developing training; the idea of self-development and self-realization, the child’s activity in the learning process; the idea of correspondence with nature of child development, and the nation, correspondence with culture and nationality in pedagogy; the idea of free education; the idea of the influence of the teacher’s personality on the development of the child. The contribution of teachers of observable period in the development of anthropological ideas: anthropological study of universalism as the foundation of the theory and practice of pedagogy; identifying goals, objectives, principles, conditions of humanely and anthropological education; identify requirements for teacher as anthropologist; the development of psychological and pedagogical foundations of holistic development and self-identity, concepts of national schools, the content of anthropo-oriented primary education, organizational forms and methods of implementation; extension of terminological field of research problem. Justified the stages of development of anthropological ideas in domestic pedagogy of observable period

    Appraisal of patient-reported outcome measures in analogous diseases and recommendations for use in phase II and III clinical trials of pyruvate kinase deficiency

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    Purpose: Pyruvate kinase deficiency (PKD) is a rare disease and understanding of its epidemiology and associated burden remains limited. With no current curative therapy, clinical manifestations can be life threatening, clinically managed by maintaining adequate hemoglobin levels through transfusion and subsequent support, but with frequent complications. Treatment goals are to maintain/improve the patient’s quality of life. With new therapies, reliable, valid, and relevant patient-reported outcome (PRO) tools are required for use in clinical trials. Methods: Systematic literature search identified no current PRO tools for capturing/measuring the impact of PKD and treatments in clinical trials. Therefore, the search strategy was revised to consider conditions analogous to PKD in terms of symptoms and impacts that might serve as parallels to the experience in PKD; this included sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, and hemolytic anemia. Psychometric properties, strengths, and weakness of selected appropriate PRO instruments were compared, and recommendations made for choice of PRO tools. Results: In adult populations, EORTC QLQ C30 and SF-36v2 are recommended, the former being a basic minimum, covering generic HRQoL, and core symptoms such as fatigue. In pediatric populations, PedsQL Generic Core Scale to measure HRQoL and PedsQL MFS scale to measure fatigue are recommended. Conclusions: Some symptoms/life impacts may be unique to PKD and not observable in analogous conditions. A ‘Physico-Psychosocial Model’ derived from the ‘Medical Model’ is proposed to form the basis for a hypothesized conceptual framework to address the development of PKD-specific PRO instruments.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Increasing Tetrahydrobiopterin in Cardiomyocytes Adversely Affects Cardiac Redox State and Mitochondrial Function Independently of Changes in NO Production

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    Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) represents a potential strategy for the treatment of cardiac remodeling, fibrosis and/or diastolic dysfunction. The effects of oral treatment with BH4 (Sapropterin™ or Kuvan™) are however dose-limiting with high dose negating functional improvements. Cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of GTP cyclohydrolase I (mGCH) increases BH4 several-fold in the heart. Using this model, we aimed to establish the cardiomyocyte-specific responses to high levels of BH4. Quantification of BH4 and BH2 in mGCH transgenic hearts showed age-based variations in BH4:BH2 ratios. Hearts of mice (\u3c6 \u3emonths) have lower BH4:BH2 ratios than hearts of older mice while both GTPCH activity and tissue ascorbate levels were higher in hearts of young than older mice. No evident changes in nitric oxide (NO) production assessed by nitrite and endogenous iron–nitrosyl complexes were detected in any of the age groups. Increased BH4 production in cardiomyocytes resulted in a significant loss of mitochondrial function. Diminished oxygen consumption and reserve capacity was verified in mitochondria isolated from hearts of 12-month old compared to 3-month old mice, even though at 12 months an improved BH4:BH2 ratio is established. Accumulation of 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) and decreased glutathione levels were found in the mGCH hearts and isolated mitochondria. Taken together, our results indicate that the ratio of BH4:BH2 does not predict changes in neither NO levels nor cellular redox state in the heart. The BH4 oxidation essentially limits the capacity of cardiomyocytes to reduce oxidant stress. Cardiomyocyte with chronically high levels of BH4 show a significant decline in redox state and mitochondrial function

    До проблеми гуманізації взаємин підлітків, які виховуються в родинному середовищі, з вихованцями дитячих будинків

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    In the article the author analyzes the definition of humanization of relations of teenagers who are brought up in a family environment, with children from orphanages. Define the concept of «humanism», «humanity», «the humanization of relations», «socio-pedagogical project activity». Clarified the essence of the concept «humanization of relations». The humanization of relations between people is seen as a process of humanization of communication on the basis of subject-subject interaction of equal partners, the recognition of everyone’s right to be a person, to freely exercise their choice and will. It is noticed that as the bilateral process of humanization of the relationship involves collaboration and co-creation, creating conditions for their self-development the approval of personal dignity. The result of humanized relationships is humanized (humane) personality of the pupil. Defined the peculiarities of adolescence and the role of communication. The attention is focused on the fact that inadequate self – esteem of teenagers, their heightened emotional tension and anxiety, incompleteness of communication skills often lead to aggressive behavior, negativity, defiant behavior, manifestations of cruelty. The features of the social development of children from orphanages. It is noticed that the process of assimilation of orphaned children and children deprived of parental care, a particular system of knowledge, norms and values, due to the shortcomings of education in the same families (neglect, maltreatment and the like) and the effects of imperfect system of education in orphanages facilities (material conditions and means of life, inadequate communication with adults, the lack of contacts with the environment, narrow circle of communication, the regulation of free time sensitive moments). Reviewed the content of project activities and the activities of entities of project activities. Investigated the possibilities of social and educational projects as a means of humanization of the relations of the adolescents brought up in a family environment, with children from orphanages.У статті автором проаналізовано дефініції гуманізації взаємин підлітків, які виховуються в родинному середовищі, з вихованцями дитячих будинків. Визначено поняття «гуманізм», «гуманність», «гуманізація взаємин», «соціально-педагогічна проектна діяльність». З’ясовано суть поняття «гуманізація взаємин». Висвітлено особливості підліткового віку та ролі спілкування. Визначено особливості соціального розвитку вихованців дитячих будинків. Розглянуто зміст проектної діяльності та діяльність суб’єктів проектної діяльності. Досліджено можливості соціально-педагогічних проектів як засобу гуманізації стосунків підлітків, які виховуються в родинному середовищі, з вихованцями дитячих будинків

    Emotional Dominant of the Text: Some Linguistic Aspects of Research

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    The article reviews the aspects of research into the text emotional dominant by linguistic methods, which allow to limit variability of the meaning interpretation. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the lack of competent studies on the methods of emotional dominant disclosure in the text content. Despite certain scientific and practical significance, modern text linguistics and linguistics of emotions demonstrate relative unevenness in the procedures of analysis development, which are, however, likely to clarify a number of theoretical problems: to make distinction between the concepts of psychological and textual dominants, subjective comprehension of the text and its objective contents; to extract the emotional constituent from the generalized content dominant in the text; to state correlation between a set of emotive signs and communicative aims of the author by means of multidimensional and multistaged analysis. In the article the emotional texts are studied by means of linguistic methods of semantic and contextual analysis, emotive analysis of language and text units and modificational procedure of keywords determination with the aim to identify the emotional dominant and define its characteristics proceeding from the signs unity to the generalized emotional content of the text, then to the conceptual dominants and communicative goals of the text composer. The analysis led to revelation of the following emotional characteristics in the text content: emotive complexes, emotional attractors, false dominant, random stimulus, false determination of emotion. The identified parameters and approaches to the analysis should foster studies on the linguistic aspect of the emotional text dominant, as well as refine practical methods for its accurate determination in modern textual contents


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    The development of the Far East is not only a significant historical phenomenon, but it is also a unique example of the economic development of one of the richest regions in terms of natural resources. The article analyzes the main provisions of state programs, which have been implemented throughout the entire historical period of development of the Russian Far East. The article describes the main program activities, amount of financing and strategic objectives that should be achieved as a result of implementation of the above mentioned programs. The article evaluatesthepresent-day initiatives and tendencies as well as the prospects of the current state programs and measures concerning the economic development of the region


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    The development of the Far East is not only a significant historical phenomenon, but it is also a unique example of the economic development of one of the richest regions in terms of natural resources. The article analyzes the main provisions of state programs, which have been implemented throughout the entire historical period of development of the Russian Far East. The article describes the main program activities, amount of financing and strategic objectives that should be achieved as a result of implementation of the above mentioned programs. The article evaluatesthepresent-day initiatives and tendencies as well as the prospects of the current state programs and measures concerning the economic development of the region


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    The theoretical principles of formation professional competences of future engineers are presented by means of informatics disciplines in this article. The issue of reforming of the higher system of education in Ukraine is considered by introducing a competent approach to the organization of the educational process. The role of teaching computer science disciplines is determined in the formation of professional competencies of future engineers, psychological and pedagogical background and methodical requirements as for the design of competence-oriented content of training of the informational disciplines of future engineers. The article reveals the ways of practical implementation of the competence approach during the training of the computer science disciplines by future engineers and describes the developed model of formation of professional competencies of future engineers in the process of studying computer science disciplines. The peculiarities of forming professional competencies are determined during classroom sessions. The means of development of professional competencies and formation of research skills of future engineers are revealed by means of the using of competence-oriented tasks in students' independent work and methodical peculiarities of organization of educational computer-technology practice in the context of implementation of the competence approach. The experimental review of the effectiveness of the developed model is described as for the formation of professional competencies of future engineers in the process of training computer science disciplines