4 research outputs found

    Moderate Alcohol Consumption Increases the Risk of Clinical Relapse in Male Depressed Patients Treated with Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors

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    Background: While depression can be associated with multiple comorbidities, the association between depression and liver injury significantly increases the mortality risk. The aim of this study was to evaluate if moderate alcohol intake affects the rate of clinical relapses in patients treated with antidepressants as monotherapy. Methods: We assessed, over a period of 30 months, the clinical records of 254 patients with depressive disorder, of either gender, without additional pathologies, receiving monotherapy treatment with antidepressants. Thirty-three patients with alcohol abuse, alcoholism or significant cognitive impairment were excluded. The medical and psychiatric history, medication and liver enzyme values were collected and analyzed. Results: Out of the 221 patients who met the inclusion criteria, 78 experienced relapses of depression. The rate of relapse did not correlate with the levels of liver enzymes. Alcohol consumption, as objectified based on GGT levels and the AST/ALT ratio, suggested that men had higher alcohol intake compared to women. Patients treated with serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) with elevated AST levels were approximately 9 times more likely to relapse, while the ones with elevated GGT had a 5.34 times higher risk. While GGT levels remained a marker for relapse in men with elevated GGT, ALT and not AST proved to be a better risk indicator for relapses in male patients. Conclusion: The use of SNRIs in depressed male patients with moderate alcohol intake should be carefully considered, as they might be susceptible to higher risks of relapse compared to alternative antidepressant therapies

    A Clinical Study of Urine Amino Acids in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

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    Amino acids are organic compounds that enter the protein structure, being involved in the proper functioning of the body. The role of amino acids in the onset of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is yet to be established. Our aim was to identify correlations between urine amino acids and their derivatives and ASD. Methods: We designed a case–control study that consisted of 75 boys and girls, aged between 2 and 12 years. For amino acid profile, we used urine samples that were analyzed using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Results: Descriptive analysis showed higher values for glutamine, hydroxyproline, tyrosine, aspartic acid, and tryptophan and lower values for serine in the autism group than in the control group. Also, we found that boys with autism had higher values than the boys in the control group for serine, threonine, and aspartic acid. For girls from both groups, we did not find statistically significant values. In terms of age groups, we found significantly higher values for histidine, threonine, valine, methionine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alpha amino-adipic acid, sarcosine, alanine, and beta-alanine and significantly lower values for proline for both the autism and control groups under 5 years. Conclusions: The findings of this study support the assumption that amino acids may have a role in the expression of ASD

    Sympathetic Nervous Influences Are Negative Prognostic Factors in Stomach Cancer

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    (1) Background: The aim of our study was to assess the involvement of the sympathetic nervous system in the progression of patients with gastric carcinoma by analyzing the sympathetic neuronal fibers and beta 2 adrenoreceptors. (2) Methods: We performed a retrospective study in which we analyzed the clinical, biological, and histological data from a total of 104 patients diagnosed with stomach cancer. (3) Results: After analyzing the immunoreactivity of beta 2 adrenoreceptors, we observed increased values in patients with tumors larger than 5 cm in diameter (p = 0.0371), with a deeper degree of tumor invasion T3–4 (p = 0.0159), invasion in more than two lymph nodes (p = 0.0462), or a TNM stage III–IV. Regarding the survival analysis, better survival rates (65%) were observed for patients with a low value of beta 2 adrenoreceptors (B2A−), compared to B2A (+) patients, in which survival at 3 years of follow-up was only 43%. In addition, the analysis of intra-tumoral sympathetic fibers showed a better survival rate (83%) for patients with a low value of density compared to patients with increased density, in whom the survival rate was only 24%. (4) Conclusions: The findings of this study indicate that patients with stomach cancer have a more unfavorable prognosis when they have a higher density of sympathetic nerve fibers and an increased expression of beta 2 adrenergic receptors inside the tumor

    Serum Amino Acid Profiling in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder: Insights from a Single-Center Study in Southern Romania

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    The objective of this study was to analyze the serum amino acid profile in children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) in southern Romania. The analysis aimed to provide insights into the underlying metabolic dysregulations associated with ASD. ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, communication deficits, and restricted repetitive behaviors. Although the exact cause of ASD is largely unknown, recent evidence suggests that abnormalities in amino acid metabolism may contribute to its pathogenesis. Therefore, studying the amino acid profile in children with ASD could offer valuable information for understanding the metabolic disturbances associated with this complex disorder. This single-center study examined serum samples from children diagnosed with ASD, utilizing advanced analytical techniques to quantify the levels of different amino acids, amino acid derivatives, and amino acid-like substances. The results showed a lower level of taurine and a higher level of asparagine and leucine in the ASD group versus the control group. In the ASD group, we observed significant differences in tryptophan and alpha-aminobutyric acid levels based on age, with higher tryptophan levels in children older than 7 years when compared to children younger than 7 years; however, no significant correlations were found with the ASD group older than 7 years old. Additionally, younger children with ASD exhibited higher levels of alpha-aminobutyric acid than older children with ASD. The findings from this study contribute to the growing body of knowledge on the metabolic aspects of ASD, highlighting potential biomarkers and therapeutic targets for improving the management and treatment of ASD in children