261 research outputs found

    Types of Romanian Companies according to the Culture-Strategy Binomial

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    The organization’s culture-strategy binomial requires a consistent approach of the external and internal factors that can impact on the company, influence its performance and existence and, consequently, the implementation of sound and explicit strategies that would allow the company to successfully cope with potential changes in the external environment and adapt in order to survive and develop. The organisational culture represents a component of competitive management applied in the most competitive corporations across the world and a premise for further development and efficient use of human resources potential in organisations. Internal and external levels, design and implementation, assessment and control, they are all integrated into the same logic, focusing on getting a better competitive position and meeting the stakeholders expectations.organizational culture; strategy; competitiveness; stakeholders.

    Risk’s and uncertainty in the knowledge economy

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    In the context of a bright economy towards we aim the insurances represent are activity branch a services department with a financial character and with many valences. Beyond of the essential role of these is that the protection of the properties and the persons too between the various risks, the insurances accomplish many socio-economic functions like as attending as an offeror on the loan capital’s market the achievement of investment by resources or on the value document’s market, the creation of P.I.B. and the creation of jobs. The specialized bearers of risk are presented in any national economy in nowadays and they always take over them the risks which threaten the physical persons and the juridical persons, offering them a high level of certainty in change of the insurance’s prices. Consequently these specialized societies which accomplish the insurant role just unload of their contact partners which are the insurants by material consequences of the risks which threaten them. The insurance premium is the cost which is payed by insurants to the insurer, this being much more reduced than the damage which it could suffer in case by producing an insurant risk. This can be a protection form between the worst events which can appear and influence the human life and the economic agent’s activity.economy/ risk/ evaluation

    Classification of Romanian Industrial Companies based on the Management Strategic Dimension

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    The interest for strategy expressed within Romanian companies was caused by the fact that the external context has become more and more dynamic and unpredictable, allowing to different factors to exert a more powerful influence over the enterprise than previously expected. Consequently, by elaborating global and specialized strategies the companies try to anticipate and even to shape their direct environment. The analysis performed at this stage is focused on highlighting the main impact elements of endogenous and exogenous variables, conditioning the strategic and cultural dimension of the company related to its managerial and economic performances and, especially, the extent to which the managers understand and use such managerial tools in order to get performances and trigger excellence in management and implicitly excellence in business.strategy; endogenous variables; exogenous variables; managerial tools; performance.

    Analysis of the Industrial Enterprises Behaviour

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    Strategic thinking has always played an important role at enterprise level, especially as concerns profitable companies, even if this implies an implicit strategy or, in other words, the influence of the enterprise leaders, which was deprived of formalism, was not based on models of analysis and was not widely communicated. The article deals with the analysis of the main variables that significantly influence the competitive positioning of the companies and their evolution, emphasizing the strong connections among strategy, culture and performances. This analysis is based on a research carried out in Romania and is targeting to offer new perspectives over the factors that affect the enterprises behaviour and what are some of the options that the present managers can apply in a more and more dynamic environment in order to meet appropriately the stakeholders expectations.enterprises behaviour; economic and managerial analysis; strategy; organizational culture.

    Policies insurance of property

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    In developed countries, insurance is a part of education, tradition and even of life, while in Romania, now, we can talk on education at the population level in this area. The extent of all risks that affect an increasing number of persons and legal entities, requires the strict necessity to increase the business of insurance. Share phenomena or events may cause material losses to impede economic activity, to endanger the life or physical integrity of people. Hazards and risks to which man is subject are generating losses and, therefore, he needs to know to shelter their effects and to act against them.risk and uncertainty, insurable risks, risks uninsured, Insurance

    Generating Multimedia Components for M-Learning

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    The paper proposes a solution to generate template based multimedia components for instruction and learning available both for computer based applications and for mobile devices. The field of research is situated at the intersection of computer science, mobile tools and e-learning and is generically named mobile learning or M-learning. The research goal is to provide access to computer based training resources from any location and to adapt the training content to the specific features of mobile devices, communication environment, users' preferences and users' knowledge. To become important tools in education field, the technical solutions proposed will follow to use the potential of mobile devices.M-learning, mobile devices, MPEG-21 standard, multimedia databases

    Developing the Management Competencies for Getting a Competitive Position in the Organic Food Market

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    Although almost any conference tackles the issue of organic foods, we consider that this article does not fit into normal patterns of research. Our paper proposes a complex analysis in the field of organic food products. It also highlights the need of developing new competences of managers and marketers in analysing market for getting a competitive position on it. The method used is the Six Thinking Hats, devised by Edward de Bono. This method appeals to the driving creative thinking; it can be applied in almost any field of analysis. The outcomes show that, using creative thinking, the leaders develop new competences which enable them to better analyse organic food market and to identify and gain competitive positions on it.management competencies, organic food, six hats method, creative thinking, leaders, competitive position.

    Informational trends for organizations in information society

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    Companies have always been very carefully managed money, raw materials, machines and human resources. Today, they recognize the growing importance of the fifth big resource: information. They have finally understood that the within the global market with increased competition, using modern methods for planning, coordination and control, a company can-not function without acknowledging information and communications technology progress.Information and communication technology, information society, e-commerce, telework


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    Within a complex and dynamic context, the leadership proves to be a crucial variable for the organizational success. The leaders’ credibility and involvement are important as inside many organizations the knowledge sharing is perceived as a threat, as an exposure of the employee to the threats of those around him! Confidence is a major attribute in what concerns the quality of connections among leader and his co-workers. For the people to open the mind and soul it’s important to perceive that those who lead them are correct, are devoted to some ideas that they debate and share within organization and the knowledge of these practices could lead to qualitative leap in what regards the leading and getting the organizational performances.knowledge based leadership, leadership practices, organizational performances, competitive advantage

    Using DLL as Interface between API an VC#.NET Applications

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    This paper presents a solution for using complex Win32API data structures and functions in Visual C# .NET applications. We built DLL (Dynamic Link Library) to manage the API functions and data structures and we used DLL modules in a C# application. This is an easier working way compared with the traditional way of importing and managing API’s functions in C# programs