19 research outputs found

    Acute community-acquired meningoencephalitis with Morganella morganii – a case report / Meningoencefalită acută comunitară cu Morganella morganii – prezentare de caz

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    Morganella morganii (M. morganii) este un bacil Gram negativ aerob, facultativ anaerob ce aparține familiei Enterobacteriaceae, prezent atât în mediul ambiant cât și în flora saprofită intestinală. Este considerat un agent patogen rar întâlnit în infecțiile comunitare, fiind mai frecvent identificat în infecții nozocomiale postoperatorii și infecțiile de tract urinar. Afectarea sistemului nervos central este rară. Prezentăm cazul unui pacient în vârstă de 66 ani cu neoplasm de colon operat, chimio și radio tratat, cu anus iliac stâng, diabet zaharat tip II, care a dezvoltat o meningoencefalită acută cu M. morganii. Examenul lichidului cefalorahidian a relevat o citologie crescută constând din polimorfonucleare neutrofile, biochimie modificată și cultură bogată de M. morganii, o tulpină secretoare de AmpC beta- lactamază. După instituirea tratamentului antibiotic, inițial empiric cu meropenem și vancomicină, ulterior conform sensibilității germenului, meropenem și ciprofloxacină, evoluția pacientului a fost favorabilă chiar și în condițiile existenței celor două afecțiuni imunodeprimante

    Past, Present, and Future of Blood Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Acute Myocardial Infarction—Promises and Challenges

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    Despite important advancements in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) management, it continues to represent a leading cause of mortality worldwide. Fast and reliable AMI diagnosis can significantly reduce mortality in this high-risk population. Diagnosis of AMI has relied on biomarker evaluation for more than 50 years. The upturn of high-sensitivity cardiac troponin testing provided extremely sensitive means to detect cardiac myocyte necrosis, but this increased sensitivity came at the cost of a decrease in diagnostic specificity. In addition, although cardiac troponins increase relatively early after the onset of AMI, they still leave a time gap between the onset of myocardial ischemia and our ability to detect it, thus precluding very early management of AMI. Newer biomarkers detected in processes such as inflammation, neurohormonal activation, or myocardial stress occur much earlier than myocyte necrosis and the diagnostic rise of cardiac troponins, allowing us to expand biomarker research in these areas. Increased understanding of the complex AMI pathophysiology has spurred the search of new biomarkers that could overcome these shortcomings, whereas multi-omic and multi-biomarker approaches promise to be game changers in AMI biomarker assessment. In this review, we discuss the evolution, current application, and emerging blood biomarkers for the diagnosis of AMI; we address their advantages and promises to improve patient care, as well as their challenges, limitations, and technical and diagnostic pitfalls. Questions that remain to be answered and hotspots for future research are also emphasized

    The SGLT-2 Inhibitors in Personalized Therapy of Diabetes Mellitus Patients

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) represents a major public health problem, with yearly increasing prevalence. DM is considered a progressive vascular disease that develops macro and microvascular complications, with a great impact on the quality of life of diabetic patients. Over time, DM has become one of the most studied diseases; indeed, finding new pharmacological ways to control it is the main purpose of the research involved in this issue. Sodium–glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT-2i) are a modern drug class of glucose-lowering agents, whose use in DM patients has increased in the past few years. Besides the positive outcomes regarding glycemic control and cardiovascular protection in DM patients, SGLT-2i have also been associated with metabolic benefits, blood pressure reduction, and improved kidney function. The recent perception and understanding of SGLT-2i pathophysiological pathways place this class of drugs towards a particularized patient-centered approach, moving away from the well-known glycemic control strategy. SGLT-2i have been shown not only to reduce death from cardiovascular causes, but also to reduce the risk of stroke and heart failure hospitalization. This article aims to review and highlight the existing literature on the effects of SGLT-2i, emphasizing their role as oral antihyperglycemic agents in type 2 DM, with important cardiovascular and metabolic benefits

    Rapid liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry determination of rivaroxaban levels in human plasma for therapeutic drug monitoring

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    A rapid, sensitive, high-throughput liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantification of rivaroxaban from human plasma has been developed and validated. For the analytical separation a Zorbax SB-C18 column with isocratic flow of mobile phase composed of 0.2% formic acid in water and acetonitril (65:35, V/V) with a flow rate of 1 mL/min at a temperature of 45ºC was used. Detection of rivaroxaban was performed using positive electrospray ionization and MS/MS mode (sum of m/z 231.1; 289.2 and 318.2 from m/z 436.3). Plasma samples were prepared using single-step protein precipitation with methanol. Method validation was performed with regards to selectivity, linearity (r >0.9927), within-run and between-run precision (CV< 13.1 %) and accuracy (bias< 9.4 %) over a concentration range of 24.00 - 960.00 ng/mL plasma. Recovery was between 96.5 - 108.5% and the lower limit of quantification of rivaroxaban was 24.00 ng/mL. The developed method is simple, rapid, and selective, requires small plasma sample volumes, and was successfully applied for therapeutic drug monitoring of rivaroxaban in treated patients

    Cardiovascular Events throughout the Disease Course in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia Patients Treated with Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors—A Single-Centre Retrospective Study

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    Introduction. Cardiovascular risk factors, pre-existing comorbidities, molecular factors, and the direct effects of second- and third-generation BCR-ABL1 tyrosine kinase inhibitors on the vascular endothelium contribute to the progression of cardiovascular (CV) events, especially atherothrombotic conditions. The study objective was to evaluate comorbidities, the cardiovascular risk profile, and events throughout the chronic myeloid leukaemia disease course. Methods. Retrospective data from adults who experienced haematology treatment at a single centre were continuously updated and followed throughout the disease course. A total of 43 subjects conforming with the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the study protocol were finally recruited. The median disease course was 77.0 &plusmn; 17.5 months. Statistical analyses were performed. Results. More than three CV risk factors were identified in 41.9% of cases. Almost half of the cases had relevant comorbidities (Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) &ge; 4), and no statistically significant comorbidities were found when comparing the tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) treatment subgroups (p = 0.53). The patients at high and very high CV risk, according to Systematic Coronary Risk Evaluation (SCORE) risk classification, had 75.0% CV events (12/22 patients), p = 0.45. Throughout the disease course, 19 cardiovascular events were reported in 37.2% patients (13 males/3 females, p &lt; 0.03). Conclusion. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study exploring cardiovascular risk factors in Romanian chronic myeloid leukaemia patients. This study reinforces the need for close long-term follow-up that should be performed by a multidisciplinary team. The target should be not only the disease and specific drug-related toxicities but, also, the identification of cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors before the commencement of and throughout TKI therapy