317,951 research outputs found

    Challenges and opportunities associated with waste management in India

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    India faces major environmental challenges associated with waste generation and inadequate waste collection, transport, treatment and disposal. Current systems in India cannot cope with the volumes of waste generated by an increasing urban population, and this impacts on the environment and public health. The challenges and barriers are significant, but so are the opportunities. This paper reports on an international seminar on ‘Sustainable solid waste management for cities: opportunities in South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) countries’ organized by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute and the Royal Society. A priority is to move from reliance on waste dumps that offer no environmental protection, to waste management systems that retain useful resources within the economy. Waste segregation at source and use of specialized waste processing facilities to separate recyclable materials has a key role. Disposal of residual waste after extraction of material resources needs engineered landfill sites and/or investment in waste-to-energy facilities. The potential for energy generation from landfill via methane extraction or thermal treatment is a major opportunity, but a key barrier is the shortage of qualified engineers and environmental professionals with the experience to deliver improved waste management systems in India

    Global Waste Management Outlook 2024: Beyond an age of waste – Turning rubbish into a resource.

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    Jointly published with the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), the report provides an update on global waste generation and the cost of waste and its management since 2018. The analysis uses life cycle assessments to explore what the world could gain or lose through continuing business-as-usual, adopting halfway measures, or committing fully to zero waste and circular economy societies. The report also evaluates three potential scenarios of municipal waste generation and management, examining their impacts on society, the environment, and the global economy. Furthermore, it presents potential strategies for waste reduction and enhanced management, following the waste hierarchy, to treat all waste materials as valuable resources. Municipal solid waste generation is predicted to grow from 2.3 billion tons in 2023 to 3.8 billion tons by 2050. In 2020, the global direct cost of waste management was an estimated USD 252 billion. When factoring in the hidden costs of pollution, poor health and climate change from poor waste disposal practices, the cost rises to USD 361 billion. Without urgent action on waste management, by 2050 this global annual cost could almost double to a staggering USD 640.3 billion

    Options for solid waste management for Metro Manila, Philippines : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Resource and Environmental Planning at Massey University

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    The Government of the Philippines has considered the solid waste crisis as an urgent national concern. Since devolution Local Government Units, especially in Metro Manila, have had difficulties in coping with the collection of large volume of solid waste generated in the metropolis. The existing landfills and dumpsites are also rapidly reaching their maximum capacities. This study examines and evaluates the existing institutional arrangements in Metro Manila and other countries in the ASEAN for the purpose of generating recommendations for the improvement of solid waste management service delivery in Metro Manila. A framework for evaluation of the institutional arrangements was developed which addresses the following questions: How is solid waste management service treated: is it public or private good/service? What are the roles of the different participants in the solid waste management service delivery chain? What are the operating arrangements in the delivery of solid waste management services? How do the institutional arrangements measure up to the criteria of efficiency, effectiveness, and equity? This framework was used to assess, by survey, arrangements in case studies in the major metropolitan areas of five ASEAN countries (Singapore, Bangkok, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur and Metro Manila). The results of these case studies were used to generate the institutional options for solid waste management for Metro Manila. The research concluded that the appropriate arrangement for Metro Manila is the joint public-private provision of solid waste management services using contracting, franchising, licensing and community arrangements. Contracting and community arrangements have the most advantages in terms of attaining the objectives of efficiency, effectiveness and equity. Franchising and licensing have limited applications because ot equity considerations. This study also generated suggestions for institutional reform for effective solid waste management in Metro Manila: the "do-nothing" or status quo option; individual LGUs to be given collection, recycling, transfer and disposal responsibilities and fiscal autonomy in revenue generation; creation of commissions among LGUs and; creation of a single-purpose Metro Solid Waste Authority. Among the options, the creation of one or more commissions among LGUs appears to be the most feasible option at this point in time as it achieves economies of scale and allows possibilities for building managerial and operational competence among LGUs without loss of local autonomy. In all arrangements, the role of the public sector is critical in the development, negotiation, management, monitoring and enforcement of public-private agreements, and for equity purposes. Whatever arrangement eventuates, government agencies need to implement training and capacity building in SWM

    Odour nuisance as a consequence of preparation for circular economy

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    Purpose: The main objective of this article is to assess the intensity of odour nuisance in urban areas, as resulting from the current solid waste disposal management policy. Design/Methodology/Approach: During the study severaal parameters were evaluated: in-situ odour concentration using the NasalRanger method (expressed in ouE/m3), hedonic odour sensory quality and description of odours using predefined descriptors (the list of descriptors included 109 items). For the purpose of evaluation of the hedonic sensory quality, a five-point scale was used in accordance with VDI 3883 recommendation: 1- pleasant, 2-neutral, 3-unpleasant, 4-very unpleasant, and 5-extremely unpleasant. Findings: The analysis of the results has confirmed a considerable impact of the average air temperature on the occurrence of odour nuisance. Practical Implications: A solution that may translate into the reduction of odour nuisances in urban areas is a closed-loop economy, which has become an important issue for the future and competitiveness of enterprises. Reuse and recycling of materials are two of the main characteristics of a closed-loop economy. Originality/Value: On the basis of the conducted sensory tests it is plausible to state that the smell nuisance depends on numerous factors.peer-reviewe

    EU Integration Mechanisms Affecting Hungarian Public Policies in the Case of Waste Management

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    The paper reports on a survey taken under the international EU–5 research programme, based on structured interviews made at 32 institutional actors to do with waste management in the Central Hungary region, including public institutions, private or mixed firms, and civil (voluntary) organizations. After presenting some concepts of political science and EU precedents, the authors describe interactive patterns and networks between the local public institutional structures, the private sector and civil organizations in the context of European integration, especially in legal harmonization and under the ISPA programme

    Solid waste management trends in Nigeria

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    The concept of waste and waste management

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    &lt;p&gt;Several studies and researches have been conducted on the sources and characteristics of wastes as well as the possible adverse effect of inappropriate handling and best international practices. One thing that is still not clear however is what exactly constitutes a waste? How much do we know about what should be classed as waste? What are the historical contexts of waste managements? The present paper seeks to examine these vital questions with a view to providing answers from previous studies. The paper employed a desktop approach to provide answers to the research objectives. Specifically, the paper uses a descriptive approach to gather information from peer reviewed publications such as, journal articles, environmental organizations reports and books. It was found that, waste is to a large extent subjective in meaning as a substance can only be regarded as a waste when the owner labels it as such. This is particularly true because one individual may regard a substance as a waste, while another may view the same substance as a resource. Nevertheless, it was argued that there is a need to clearly define what constitute wastes as this form the basis for regulation. &lt;strong&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</jats:p

    Pembangunan aplikasi android pembelajaran reka bentuk grafik digital

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    Pembelajaran kendiri menjadi salah satu pembelajaran yang diminati oleh golongan pelajar di universiti. Salah satu pembelajaran kendiri adalah melalui Mobile Learning (M-Learning). MLearning lebih bersifat kepada pembelajaran kendiri yang menggunakan alat mudah alih seperti telefon bimbit, personal assistant (PDA), Palm Talk dan lain-lain. Tujuan kajian adalah untuk membangunkan aplikasi android pembelajaran Reka Bentuk Grafik Digital dan menilai kebolehfungsian aplikasi android pembelajaran Reka Bnetuk Grafik Digital daripada aspek reka bentuk informasi, antaramuka dan interaksi. Model ASSURE dijadikan panduan dalam membangunkan aplikasi android ini dimana model ASSURE mempunyai enam komponen. Aplikasi ini dibina dengan menggunakan perisian Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop dan Camtasia Studio 8. Pengujian dan penilaian telah dilakukan terhadap tiga orang pakar yang berkemahiran dalam biang Rek Bentuk Grafik Digital dan Multimedia Kreatif. Selain daripada itu, seramai tiga puluh orang responden yang terdiri daripada pelajar Fakulti Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional (FPTV), Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), (program Multimedia Kreatif) telah mengambil bahagian dalam proses penilaian kepuasan pengguna. Secara kesimpulannya, kajian ini dapat menyokong pelajar yang inginkan pembelajaran secara kendiri melalui aplikasi android

    A közpolitikákra ható EU-integrációs mechanizmusok – a hulladékgazdálkodás példáján = EU integration mechanisms affecting public policies in the case of waste management

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    Az Európai Uniónak a tagállami közpolitikákra irányuló integrációs tevékenysége, kormányzási stílusa az elmúlt másfél évtizedben jelentős tanulási folyamaton ment keresztül. A jogi eszközök használata mellett előtérbe kerültek a koordináció úgynevezett nyílt eszközei, amelyek a kötelező alkalmazkodás mellett – azt kiegészítve – a tapasztalatcserén alapuló ösztönzést is érvényesítik. A környezetvédelem európai mintáinak terjesztése során az Unió sokat tanult a korábbi bővítések tapasztalataiból, és a jogharmonizáció mellett komoly erőforrásokat is rendelt az újonnan csatlakozó országok jogalkalmazási kapacitásának fejlesztéséhez. Az alkalmazkodási folyamat nem egyenletesen érvényesült a szóban forgó közpolitika vala-mennyi dimenziójában. Míg az eszközök - különösen a jogi eszközök - tekintetében a hazai hulladék-gazdálkodás alaposan hozzáidomult az uniós mintákhoz, addig e részpolitika céljai sok esetben csak szavakban alkalmazkodtak az EU által követendőnek tekintett célokhoz. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a kormányzást erősebben vezérelték az infrastrukturális és az anyagi adottságok és a kormányzati hagyományok, mint a deklarált célok. Eközben a kormányzat környezetvédelmi intézményrendszerének fejlődése olyan pályán haladt, amely nagy valószínűséggel az ország európai integrációja nélkül is hasonlóképpen valósult volna meg. Ez alól kivételt éppen azok az intézményi magatartásminták képeznek, amelyek a többszintű kormányzásra vonatkoznak. Nevezetesen azok a széles eszköztárat megmozgató törekvések, amelyek össze kívánják hangolni a kormányzat különböző szintjei, a gazdasági ágazatok és a civil szféra érdekeit, nagy részben az uniós szabályokra és finanszírozási feltételekre reagálva alakultak ki. . . The European Union’s integration activity and style of governance directed at the public policy of member states has undergone a major learning process over the last fifteen years. Apart from using legal means, so-called open methods of coordination have come to the fore, which, besides – indeed complementing – compulsory adaptation, have asserted incentives based on the exchange of experiences. In the course of the spread of the European pattern of environmental protection, the EU has learnt a great deal from its earlier enlargements, and in addition to legal harmonisation it has allocated substantial resources for the development of the capacity for the enforcement of the Acquis Communautaire in the new acceding countries. The adaptational process has not been evenly effective in every dimension of the public policy in question. While waste management in Hungary has thoroughly fallen into line with the EU patterns as regards tools – especially legal tools –, the declared objectives of this policy area in many cases only pay lip service to the objectives recommended by the EU . This means that governance has been guided by the infrastructural and material conditions, moreover by governmental traditions more forcefully than by the declared objectives. During the last 15 years the government’s environmental institution building has proceeded along a course which in all probability would have been followed in a similar manner without Hungary’s integration into Europe. An exception to this is exactly the institutional behaviour patterns which concern multi-level governance. That is to say, those efforts to mobilise a wide range of tools that seek to harmonise the interests of different levels of government, economic sectors and civil society have to a large extent developed in reaction to EU regulations and financing conditions

    Sustainable valorisation of organic urban wastes : insights from African case studies

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    Understanding the problems and potentials of the organic waste stream is perhaps the single most important step that city authorities in Africa could take in moving towards sustainable, affordable, effective and efficient waste management. This publication presents four examples of recent attempts to manage organic waste sustainably in the African context. The participants in the ‘Nairobi organic urban waste’ project have structured this case exercise in order to use the case studies as object lessons, to harvest genuine insights into the feasibility of a variety of ways to successfully and sustainably valorise urban organic waste streams. Three contemporary case examples of compost production are presented. These include composting by a community-based organisation in the Kenyan private sector and by a public-private partnership in Malawi. In all three cases, the project and case study focus is on the relations between city waste and the agricultural supply chain. A fourth case study describes the technical and economic potential to produce and use biogas from urban organic waste