1 research outputs found

    DHM data exchange protocols

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    Digital human models (DHMs) can be used to simulate and analyze complex situations such as industrial tasks or ergonomic vehicle design. In contrast to real-world conditions, many assumptions are not sufficiently accurate because only biomechanical or anthropometrical or physical aspects are considered. A major challenge is that digital models do not relay to standards; therefore, the exchange of different parameters to get a comprehensive evaluation is hardly possible. Since the beginning of this decade, some research projects tried to establish data exchange between DHM systems to increase the amount of evaluation results in a comprehensive manner. In 2011, Paul and Lee created an interface between the DHM software JACK and AMS. In 2013, as a part of a research project, a data exchange between RAMSIS, CASIMIR, and AMS was established. Furthermore, in 2018, a research group developed an interface between AMS and EMA to expand ergonomic evaluation (Peters et al. 2018). Yet enhancing the data exchange between DHM systems creates new opportunities and can improve the predictions of ergonomic evaluations. This chapter will exemplify advantages and challenges in the field of data exchange and give an overview of the up-to-date research activities in this field