6 research outputs found

    2004 Labour Overview: Latin America and the Caribbean

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    [Excerpt] In summary, and as discussed in the corresponding section of the 2004 Labour Overview, several countries experienced labour progress in 2004, while progress stagnated in others and declined in a few. It is therefore a year marked by advances and setbacks, with favourable projections for 2005 as long as the positive perspectives for economic growth persist, the growth of the labour supply remains at moderate levels and economic and social policies are applied that make quality employment a core objective. In addition to the analysis of the labour market situation during the first three quarters of 2004 and projections for 2004 and 2005, this edition of Labour Overview includes three feature articles. The first feature is a summary of the proposals for decent work and employment policy that the ILO presented at the MERCOSUR Regional Employment Conference in April 2004. The second feature summarizes the conclusions of a recent ILO study on the microeconomic factors that have an impact on labour productivity. The third feature article discusses a recent ILO study on the magnitude and characteristics of child labour to be abolished (labour prohibited by law in the respective countries) in the region. In addition, three boxes included in the report present key labour issues, such as recent minimum wage trends in the region, the sectoral composition of urban employment and social security contributors as well as the situation and trends with regard to freedom of association in the region. The 2004 Labour Overview also contains the Statistical Annex, and for the first time presents current information on labour market performance in Canada and the United States

    2005 Labour Overview: Latin America and the Caribbean

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    [Excerpt] In summary, although regional economic growth has led to an improvement in some key labour market indicators, there remains a substantial decent work deficit which requires the continuous application of integrated economic and social policies whose focus should be the generation of decent work, balancing the need for competitiveness and efficiency with that of social protection, employment security and respect for labour and human rights. This edition includes two feature articles. The first analyzes voluntary migration trends both within and outside the region, as well as the internal and external conditions that drive migration. The article concludes that labour migration has both positive and negative effects for the countries of origin and destination, as well as for immigrants and their families. A box article provides a proposal for a regional plan of action regarding migrant workers. The second feature article analyzes economic and labour progress in Latin America and the Caribbean since the application of economic stabilization policies in the early 1990s. The conclusion is that while important progress has been made, particularly in improving macroeconomic imbalances, these positive changes have been accompanied by an increase in unemployment and precarious employment as well as a deterioration in income distribution. To address these issues, the article presents policy proposals designed to achieve economic growth compatible with decent work. The Labour Overview Advance Report for 2005 also includes a statistical annex that accompanies the labour situation report as well as an explanatory note with concepts, definitions and information sources. Latin American and Caribbean countries face a paradox from a labour market perspective: the regional economy is in a better situation than ever to improve the quality of life for the region’s inhabitants; nevertheless, current labour and social challenges are more daunting than ever before. In the task of achieving decent work for all, governments, workers and entrepreneurs of the region have at their disposal the instruments, experience and technical support of the International Labour Office

    2001 Labour Overview: Latin America and the Caribbean

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    [Excerpt] 2001 Labour Overview appears at a difficult time in the world economic situation, aggravated by the events of last 11 September. As short-term indicators have shown, these have had marked repercussions on the economy and employment of most countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. The present labour situation shows a large and growing deficit in Decent Work, understood as productive jobs in good conditions, with freedom, equality, security and human dignity. In this respect, the present report is making a first effort to calculate the decent work development index, and raises some proposals for reducing the deficit. Moreover, future editions of this publication will increase the indicators in order to make in-depth observations on other aspects related to the idea of a decent work, as enunciated by the Director General of the ILO in 1999. Finally, analyses indicate that labour prospects are not very encouraging for the coming year. This forces governments, social protagonists and the ILO itself to make a special effort to advance in generating more employment with better labour conditions for everyone

    2000 Labour Overview: Latin America and the Caribbean

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    [Excerpt] To summarize, the region still cannot overcome the 1980s “foreign debt crisis”. The moderate and unstable recovery that took place in the 1990s was not enough to compensate for the deterioration experienced in 1985. A comparison between the labour performance of those countries in 1985 and 2000, shows that five are in better shape (Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Uruguay), six are faring worse (Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela), while four (Colombia, Honduras, Mexico and Panama) remain at the same level of labour progress recorded in the mid-80s. Nevertheless, the outlook for the year 2001 is more encouraging. GDP growth projections for 2001 point at a persistent process of economic recovery in all the countries under review. A regional 4.2% rate of growth that would drive the unemployment rate down to 8.1% has been projected. The exception is Mexico, where growth would decrease, although still at rates over the regional average, and the unemployment rate would continue to be the lowest in the region. Notwithstanding the expected drop in unemployment, several countries will show over two-digit rates: Argentina, Colombia and Ecuador will register between 14% and 17.5%; Uruguay and Venezuela between 12% and 13%. Only Brazil, Chile and Mexico will remain below the regional average (8.1%)

    2002 Labour Overview: Latin America and the Caribbean

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    [Excerpt] For 2002, the region’s GDP growth rate is expected to fall by -0.8%, while ILO projections indicate that the region’s GDP should grow 3% in 2003, thus permitting the region’s urban unemployment to drop to 8.6%, still very high, but closer to rates achieved in the last years of the previous decade. No symmetrical effect in terms of pushing down the decent work deficit should be expected, however. The region needs to grow by at least 4% annually if a rise in both unemployment and lack of social protection is to be avoided. The experiences garnered from frequent crises in the past indicate that in periods of economic growth or boom the labour market’s basic variables recover more slowly than the pace at which they deteriorate at times of contraction or recession

    2006 Labour Overview: Latin America and the Caribbean

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    [Excerpt] In summary, this edition of Labour Overview demonstrates that Latin American and Caribbean countries have made progress in improving key economic and labour indicators in 2006, although they are still far from reaching the goal of well being and equality. These advances require economic and social policies to generate more decent work. Social actors are committed to this ILO strategy. More so than in the past, there are reasons to address with optimism the enormous social and labour gaps hindering the region’s development.2006_labour_overview.pdf: 204 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020