77 research outputs found

    Should the Bolivian Government Have Ended Fuel Subsidies?

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    On Dec. 26, Bolivian President Evo Morales issued a decree canceling heavy subsidies on gasoline and diesel fuel, citing the heavy preponderance of fuel smuggling across the border, and thus triggered a rise in fuel prices by more than 70 percent. The change was met with widespread protests, riots and a national transport strike. Morales reversed his decision on Dec. 31. Should Morales have ended fuel subsidies in Bolivia? What are the political ramifications for the move and its subsequent reversal? What else can the government do about widespread fuel smuggling? Is the government likely to cut subsidies in the future? Experts discuss what they think about this topic

    Is Peru making inroads in oil & gas development?

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    One of the Humala administration\u27s priorities when coming into office was to accelerate oil and gas development. Peru has seen both successes, such as a large gas find in the Amazon earlier this month, and conflict, including attempts this month by indigenous groups to stop production at nine oil wells operated by Maple Energy. How successful have the country\u27s efforts to develop the oil and gas sector been? What policies, models or strategies should the government consider implementing? Is the administration likely to make inroads with local communities that stand in opposition to such projects and will new consultation laws be effective

    Will the U.S. Becoming an Ethanol Exporter Affect Brazil?

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    According to a new study from the Renewable Fuels Association, the U.S. biofuels industry group, the United States is set to become a net ethanol exporter this year, with exports expected to reach 330 million gallons. What is behind this new trend? Is Brazil, which has had to import ethanol due to a domestic shortage, losing market share to U.S. ethanol producers? What future regulatory developments in both countries will influence their export capability?. Experts told us what they think about this topic

    What is the Future of Renewables in Central America?

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    In January, a consortium of Gamesa and Iberdrola began construction on Central America\u27s largest wind farm, the 102 megawatt Cerro de Hula project in Honduras. Also, the Honduran government said it would invest 2.1billionbetween2010and2016for52hydroelectricprojects,whileCostaRicanPresidentLauraChinchillahasalsosaidshewantstomakehercountrythefirsttorun100percentonrenewableenergy.Whatisthestateofwind,solar,geothermalandotherrenewableenergyprojectsinCentralAmerica?Giventhatthepriceofoilhassurpassed2.1 billion between 2010 and 2016 for 52 hydroelectric projects, while Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla has also said she wants to make her country the first to run 100 percent on renewable energy. What is the state of wind, solar, geothermal and other renewable energy projects in Central America? Given that the price of oil has surpassed 100 per barrel, is it likely that there will be a new push for financing of clean energy projects? What other factors influence investment in Central America\u27s renewable energy sector? Experts discuss what they think about this topic

    Can Shale Gas Really Transform the Region\u27s Energy Sector?

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    Argentina has the world\u27s third largest technically recoverable shale-gas resources, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, with several large shale gas discoveries recently announced in the country\u27s Neuquén Basin. Mexico is ranked fourth globally, while Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil and several other Latin American countries also boast of the potential for their shale resources. Will shale gas lead to another energy boom for Latin America? How do investors view the potential for shale gas deposits, which involve new technologies and uncertain regulatory structures, compared to the region\u27s rich conventional resources? How will shale gas affect existing natural gas businesses, as well as the development of plans for liquid natural gas and other sources of energy such as wind and solar? What are the environmental challenges associated with shale gas? How should the exploitation of shale gas be regulated in Latin America

    What Are the Implications of Venezuela\u27s Nuclear Ambitions?

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    Last month, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev announced plans to build the first nuclear power plant in Venezuela, a two-unit facility with a capacity of 2,400 megawatts and a research reactor to produce isotopes for medical and agricultural purposes, Russian media reported. How are Venezuela\u27s nuclear power plans being perceived by neighbors or other countries in the world worried about the potential for the proliferation of nuclear weapons? Is nuclear energy the best option for Venezuela\u27s power grid, long criticized for being outdated and inefficient

    Will Shale Gas Transform Argentina\u27s Energy Sector?

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    In December, Repsol YPF announced a 4.5 trillion cubic feet discovery of shale gas in Argentina\u27s Neuquén Basin. According to the company, the find expands YPF\u27s proven reserves from six years to 16 years. What is the potential to exploit shale gas resources in Argentina? How does the recovery of shale gas differ from traditional oil and gas reserves? What new regulations and rules will Argentina need to adopt as a result of the find? Will the shale gas discovery have a significant effect on the country\u27s domestic capacity and its potential to export energy to neighboring countries? Experts discuss what they think about this topic

    Are Expectations for Colombia\u27s Oil Sector Too Optimistic?

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    In February, Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim said he was actively looking to boost investment in Colombia due to its burgeoning oil industry. Meanwhile, the United States Export-Import Bank approved nearly $1 billion in financing for Colombia\u27s state-run energy company Ecopetrol, identifying the country as one of nine emerging economies that offer the United States a greater opportunity for export sales. Are expectations about Colombia\u27s oil and gas industry justified or overly optimistic? What opportunities does the country offer that make it a desirable place to invest in the energy industry? How can the government boost investment to that sector? How does it compare to other oil-rich Latin American countries such as Brazil? Experts discuss what they think about this topic

    How are global biofuels trends changing?

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    At the end of 2011, the United States overtook Brazil as the world\u27s top ethanol exporter— though U.S. imports from Brazil have been growing as a result of domestic regulation in the United States. Countries like Thailand have also increased their ethanol exports to traditional Brazilian markets, such as China, as the South American nation struggles to meet domestic demand. What trends in the global biofuel market, including advanced biofuels and bio-based products, will be seen in the medium- to longterm future? How are Brazil\u27s biofuels production trends and government policies for the sector changing, if at all? What accounts for the two-way ethanol trade between the United States and Brazil

    What Is the Role of Natural Gas in the Caribbean Energy Sector?

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    Last year, Jamaica\u27s Office of Utilities Regulations issued a report that found the island nation would have to spend over $2.4 billion more to continue building diesel- and oil-fired plants than if the country switched to natural gas-fired plants to meet increasing electricity demand. What are the advantages of natural gas versus other power supply sources for Jamaica? Should other countries in the Caribbean adopt a similar strategy to shore up their electricity grid
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