39 research outputs found

    Funkties en carrierepatronen van ekonomen 1968

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    Job opportunities for economists / occupational history and job structure / social background / interest in post-graduate course / motivation for occupational choice. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ organizational membershi

    Achtergronden van niet-deelname aan cultuur en recreatie 1978

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    Reasons for and causes of non-participation in recreational and cultural activities. Attitude to use and evaluation of recreational and cultural facilities. Theatre, concerts, museums, monuments and nature / areas for outdoor recreation / values in life / work / religion / general inclination to participation. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ politics/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membershi

    Sociale participatie van gescheiden moeders 1983

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    Social participation of divorced mothers. Duration of formal and actual divorce / frequency, appreciation of and changes in contacts with people outside household last two years and before divorce: own family, family in law, friends, acquaintances, neighbours, ex-partner, social and medical professionals, other divorced women, others / social activities / professional, financial, emotional and practical help before and at present / relation with ex-husband concerning finance and children / possible new friend, reactions of children concerning new friend / strategies for improving social participation / gains and costs of social contacts / loneliness / extraversion and need for self-development / opinions about marriage and family, position as divorced mother / self-image and perceived self-image by environment and society. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ educatio

    Begeleiding van buitenlandse werknemers in het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven 1976

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    Companies recruitment foreign labour force / giving information / recruitment in other country / the Netherlands / introduction / education / communication and participation / housing / nourishment / holidays / remigration / conflicts / guest workers background / motivation to come to Holland / type of job / finances / how recruited / how informed / introduction / following courses / language problems / housing situation / nourishment / remigration / contacts with colleagues / Dutch workers opinion on and attitude to guest workers / communication / contacts / treatment of guest workers / Dutch foremen conflicts with foreign workers / attitude to them / comparisons with Dutch workers / communication / treatment / discrimination / composition of work-team

    Bevordering doorstroming van oudere bewoners uit onderbezette woningen 1980

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    Looking for possibilities to promote house-moving of older people, who live in too big houses, to smaller houses. P0601a: description of houses / mortgages / owners / inhabitants / size / year of construction. P0601b: future income / detailed description of present residence / value / mortgage / rent / costs / satisfaction with house and neighbourhood / well-being / distances / contact with children, family, acquaintances, neighbours / health / help / plans to move / desired qualities of new house / judgement present house / conditions for removal qualities of house, location, costs / reasons for removal / activities to find suitable house / prices / willing or able to pay for different qualities of future house / maximum costs of housing r is willing to pay. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ income/capital asset

    Hard tegen hart 1976

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    Young people who have had a heart operation / attitude to being ill / relation with parents / aspiration level of father regarding child / self-evaluation / self-image / relation with siblings / friends / experiences before and after operation / school experiences / occupational perspective / insurances / quality of social relations before and after operation / social aspirations / anomy. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ religion/ organizational membershi

    Political action 1974 : An eight nation study, The Netherlands

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    Politics / party preference and voting behaviour / left-right rating / opinions on political goals / problems / parties / action groups / social groups / labour-unions / churches / government / means of action etc. / political participation and efficacy / memberships of organizations, clubs / details on parents family situation, job, social status, education, political preference. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ religion/ organizational membershi

    Het gezin met een hartekind 1976

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    Experiences of mothers who have child with a heart-defect / school experiences / special care needed / anomy / contacts with relatives and friends / expectations in educating children / educational style / reaction to first information on the defect / general attitude to child and the situation of child away from home. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ religio

    Lotgenotencontact bij kankerpatienten 1982-1983

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    What circumstances determine the need of contacts with fellow-cancer patients what is the meaning of these contacts. Impact of diagnosis of cancer to r's life / influence of r's disease on job, relation between job and well-being / doing volunteer work, motives / problems with domestic work, getting help / changes in social contacts / way how cancer was determined, reaction of r / treatment of cancer, consequences of treatment i.e.: surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy / psychological and physical pressure / side effects of treatment / making use of alternative treatments / evaluation of sickness, expectations for future / being informed on disease, sources of information, wishes for ( further ) information, uncertainty / involvement of r's partner: presence with doctor visits, contacts with partner and children/ tensions, changes in relation with partner / mastectomy-patients: reaction of partner on amputation / dietary pattern, smoking habits, use of alcohol / hobbies, activities / mental condition: quality of night's rest, feelings of loneliness, fear, aggression / going about fear and bad feelings / personal contacts with ex-fellow patients, contacts with volunteers ( ex-patients ) in connection with aftercare: how, where and when were contacts made and with whom, giving and receiving support, evaluation of contacts / Hodgkin-patients: participation in discussion group / reasons for having no contacts / written questionnaire: self-confidence / most important goals in life / who is responsible for cancer, how can progress of cancer be influenced. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ organizational membershi