14 research outputs found
The Reporting of Military Expenditures
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Oslo’s Success, a Militarized Resistance: Changing Opposition Tactics in the Palestinian Territories
- Author
- A Hass
- A Hass
- A Hass
- A Hass
- A Morris
- A Regular
- C Mansour
- C Rubenberg
- C Tilly
- D Porta
- D Porta
- E Etzioni-Halevy
- E Shuman
- E Sprinzak
- F Piven
- F Piven
- G Robinson
- G Robinson
- G Usher
- G Usher
- G Usher
- G Usher
- G Usher
- G Usher
- G Usher
- G Usher
- H-J Rabe
- I Tal
- J Halper
- J Hiltermann
- K Amayreh
- K Toameh
- K Toameh
- K Toameh
- K Toameh
- K Toameh
- L Farsakh
- L Hajjar
- L Mair
- M Gutman
- M Hafez
- M Hafez
- M Hafez
- M Moore
- M Sageman
- M Younis
- R Rubenstein
- S Mishal
- S Roy
- S Roy
- S Roy
- S Tamari
- S Tarrow
- U Bar-Joseph
- United States Institute of Peace
- Y Peri
- Z Maoz
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
in Critical Issues in Middle East Security, James Russell edited, pp. 77-102, 2006.This publication is a work of the U.S. Government as defined in Title 17, United States Code, Section 101. As such, it is in the public domain, and under the provisions of Title 17, United States Code, Section 105, it may not be copyrighte
Advertising Trends in the Arab World: A Status Report
- Author
- Al-Arabiya
- Al-Makaty S.
- Ali A.
- Amin H.
- Assad S.
- Belk R.
- Buijzen M.
- Buijzen M.
- Cherrier H.
- Clawson P.
- Cordesman A.
- El-Nawawy M.
- Essoulami S.
- Fakhreddine J.
- Forrester C.
- Hancock M.
- Harmon M.
- Hong C.
- Institute of Peace U. S.
- Karam I.
- Kasser T.
- Koranteng J.
- Kraidy M.
- Kubey R.
- McLuhan M.
- Moschis G.
- Mukerji C.
- News Fox
- Rassuli K.
- Report United Nation
- Richins M.
- Rugh W.
- Sakr N.
- Schleifer A.
- Schleifer S. A.
- Sirgy M.
- Thomas A. O.
- Tétreault M. A.
- Warf B.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Counting the development costs of the conflict in North-Eastern Nigeria:the economic impact of the Boko Haram-led insurgency
- Author
- Adebakin M.A.
- Adebayo A.A.
- Adesoji A.
- African Development Bank
- Ajakaiye O.
- Angerbrandt H.
- Aregheore E.M.
- Assanvo W.
- Azam J.P.
- Brück T.
- Budget Office of the Federation (BOF)
- Cramer C.
- Dauda M.
- Eka Ikpe
- Eme O.I.
- Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
- FEWS Network
- FEWS Network
- FEWS Network
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
- Higazi A.
- Institute of Economics and Peace (IEP)
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Jacob J.U.-U.
- Ksoll C.
- Looney R.
- Luckham R.
- Mazrui A.A.
- McHugh J.
- Mohammed K.
- Mustapha A.-R.
- National Bureau of Statistics
- National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
- National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
- National Population Commission (NPC)
- National Population Commission (NPC)
- Nigerian Institute for Social and Economic Research (NISER)
- Nwokeoma B.N.
- Obi C.I.
- Oladimeji M.S.
- Olojo A.
- Presidential Initiative for the North-East (PINE)
- Schatz S.P.
- Sikod F.
- Stewart F.
- Tamba I.
- Uche C.
- Ukiwo U.
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- Willett S.
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- Zack Taylor R.
- Zeleza P.T.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- 25/09/2017
- Field of study
- Author
- A. A. Scaife
- A. Achermann
- A. Ali
- A. Berkner
- A. Berkner
- A. C. u. Drury
- A. Carius
- A. Carius
- A. Carius
- A. Carius
- A. Carius
- A. Coudrain
- A. E. u. Farrell
- A. Effendi
- A. Goldstein
- A. H. u. Cordesman
- A. I. Johnston
- A. Jones
- A. K. Gupta
- A. Kaplinsky
- A. Levermann
- A. Martin
- A. Mehler
- A. Menzel
- A. Miyan
- A. N. u. Dikich
- A. Najam
- A. Postiglione
- A. Postiglione
- A. Rechkemmer
- A. Rest
- A. Schmittner
- A. Schmitz
- A. Steiner
- A. T. Wolf
- A. T. Wolf
- A. T. Wolf
- A. u. Carius
- A. u. Carius
- A. u. Houdret
- A. u. Klaphake
- A. u. Klaphake
- A. u. Raknerud
- A. u. Ulph
- A. V. Waichman
- ACIA — Arctic Climate Impact Assessment
- ACT — Action by Churches Together International
- ADB — Asian Development Bank
- ADB — Asian Development Bank
- ADB — Asian Development Bank
- ADB — Asian Development Bank
- AFP — Agence France Press
- AKUF — Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kriegsursachenforschung
- AMCEN — African Ministerial Conference on the Environment und UNEP — United Nations Environment Programme
- Amnesty International
- B. Alpermann
- B. Chambers
- B. Dimaranan
- B. F. Walter
- B. Fassbender
- B. G. Mark
- B. Gill
- B. Hare
- B. J. Peterson
- B. K. Paul
- B. Korf
- B. Lacina
- B. Pilardeaux
- B. Russett
- B. Sidikov
- B. Stiftung
- B. u. Russett
- BIS — Bank for International Settlements
- BMBF — Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
- BMU — Bundesministerium für Umwelt Naturschutz und Reaktorisicherheit
- BMZ — Bundesministerium für wirtschafltiche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
- BMZ — Bundesministerium für wirtschafltiche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
- BMZ — Bundesministerium für wirtschafltiche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung
- BMZg — Bundesministerium für Verteidigung
- Brazil
- C. A. Kupchan
- C. A. Kupchan
- C. Alden
- C. Cramer
- C. D. Hoyos
- C. D. Hoyos
- C. D. Thomas
- C. Daase
- C. Daase
- C. Daase
- C. Daase
- C. E. Economy
- C. Ebert
- C. F. Hutchinson
- C. H. Churchill
- C. Hauswedell
- C. Hély
- C. Jakobeit
- C. Klenke
- C. Körner
- C. M. Metz
- C. O. Stockle
- C. Opp
- C. Phuong
- C. Potter
- C. Potter
- C. Richerzhagen
- C. Schär
- C. u. Gollier
- C. u. Kemfert
- C. u. Parmesan
- C. W. u. Sadoff
- C. Wagner
- CAIT WRI — Climate Analysis Indicator Tool — World Resources Institute
- CGAP Working Group on Microinsurance
- CIA — Central Intelligence Agency
- CNA Corporation
- COMCAD — Center on Migration Citizenship and Development
- CPT — Comissão Pastoral da Terra
- CRED — WHO Collaborating Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters
- CSIS — Center for Strategic and International Studies und IIE —Institute for International Economics
- D. Bender
- D. C. Morton
- D. C. Nepstad
- D. Choudhury
- D. Deudney
- D. Deudney
- D. F. Sprinz
- D. Held
- D. Kaufmann
- D. Keane
- D. L. Galloway
- D. Lambach
- D. M. Tull
- D. M. Tull
- D. Mahar
- D. Messner
- D. Messner
- D. Phillips
- D. S. Massey
- D. S. u. Geller
- D. Schröter
- D. Smith
- D. Tränhard
- D. Tänzler
- D. u. Reinhardt
- DBR — Deutsche Bank Research
- Development Initiatives
- E. Altvater
- E. Aspinall
- E. Auf der Heide
- E. Cody
- E. Cody
- E. El-Hinnawi
- E. Gartzke
- E. Giese
- E. Giese
- E. Herrfahrdt
- E. Jahn
- E. Jahn
- E. Landsteiner
- E. N. u. Muller
- E. Rignot
- E. S. Gritti
- E. S. Lee
- E. S. u. Medeiros
- E. Salati
- E. Sternfeld
- E. u. Adler
- E. u. Giese
- E. u. Giese
- E. Xoplaki
- ECLAC—Economic Commission for Latin America and the Carribean
- Economist
- EEA — European Environmental Agency
- Energy and Environmental Analysis
- EPA — United States Environmental Protection Agency
- EU Commission
- EU — Europäische Union
- EU-Kommission
- EU-Kommission
- F. B. J. Barends
- F. Biermann
- F. Biermann
- F. Biermann
- F. D. Santos
- F. Fukuyama
- F. Hillmann
- F. House
- F. Kalter
- F. Kienast
- F. Mouillot
- F. Nuscheler
- F. Policy
- F. S. Berenskoetter
- F. Steward
- F. Tao
- F. u. Biermann
- F. u. Biermann
- F. u. Flintan
- F. u. Hagopian
- F. u. Molle
- F. u. Wesner
- F. Umbach
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- FAO — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- G. Bächler
- G. Fischer
- G. Fischer
- G. Hansen
- G. Heilig
- G. Hugo
- G. Kibreab
- G. Lefèbvre
- G. RiofrÃo
- G. S. u. Epstein
- G. Sachs
- G. u. Bächler
- G. u. Bächler
- G. u. Bächler
- G. u. Sommer
- G. u. Yepes
- G.-R. Walther
- GCIM — Global Commisson on International Migration
- GEF — Global Environment Facility
- Government of China
- Große Koalition
- GTZ — Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
- GWP — Global Water Partnership
- H. G. Brauch
- H. G. Brauch
- H. H. Lamb
- H. Hegre
- H. Hummel
- H. J. Schellnhuber
- H. J. Spanger
- H. J. Wenzel
- H. J. Zwally
- H. Kreutzmann
- H. Liniger
- H. Münkler
- H. Münkler
- H. Schubart
- H. u. Buhaug
- H. u. Karim
- H. u. Liedtke
- H. Urdal
- HIIK — Heidelberger Institut für Internationale Konfliktforschung
- HIIK — Heidelberger Institut für Internationale Konfliktforschung
- I. Douglas
- I. Salehyan
- I. Scholz
- I. Shiklomanov
- I. Soysa de
- I. Soysa de
- I. Soysa de
- I. u. Elbadawi
- I. u. Gogolin
- I. u. Scholz
- I. V. u. Daalder
- IAE — International Energy Agency
- IBGE — Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e EstatÃstica
- IDA — International Development Association
- IEA — International Energy Agency
- IEA — International Energy Agency
- IEA — International Energy Agency
- IFRC — International Federation of Red Cross
- IMF — International Monetary Fund
- IMF — International Monetary Fund
- IMISCOE — International Migration Integration and Social Cohesion
- INPE — Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
- International Crisis Group
- IOM — International Organization for Migration
- IOM — International Organization for Migration
- IOM — International Organization for Migration
- IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- IPCC — Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- ISS — Institute for Security Studies
- IWMI — International Water Management Institute
- J. A. Vasquez
- J. Alcamo
- J. Barnett
- J. Bigagaza
- J. Bucknall
- J. Crips
- J. D. u. Cure
- J. Dalhuisen
- J. Diamond
- J. E. Hansen
- J. Faust
- J. Goldstone
- J. Grävingholt
- J. Hamilton
- J. Herbst
- J. Hippler
- J. J. Mearsheimer
- J. K. Gasana
- J. K. Ridley
- J. Kaiser
- J. Kramer
- J. Kurlantzick
- J. M. Gregory
- J. McGregor
- J. Nussbaumer
- J. Pathania
- J. Pauwelyn
- J. Rydgren
- J. S. Nye
- J. Schradi
- J. Tuchman Mathews
- J. u. Faust
- J. u. Faust
- J. u. Fearon
- J. u. Heitzman
- J. u. Humphrey
- J. u. Humphrey
- J. u. Humphrey
- J. u. Milliken
- J. u. Montalvo
- J. u. Peñuelas
- K. A. Shein
- K. Conca
- K. Dervis
- K. E. Boulding
- K. Emanuel
- K. F. MacCallion
- K. Golda-Pongratz
- K. Ipsen
- K. J. Bade
- K. J. u. Arrow
- K. Jacobsen
- K. O’Neill
- K. Roberts
- K. Roehder
- K. Schlichte
- K. Stroh
- K. u. Booth
- K. u. Dingwerth
- K. u. Hubacek
- K. u. Hubacek
- K. u. Lieberthal
- K. Willmann
- K. Zickfeld
- KfW — Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau
- L. A. Swatuk
- L. A. Swatuk
- L. A. u. Winters
- L. Brock
- L. Brock
- L. Brock
- L. Brock
- L. Brown
- L. C. u. Peterson
- L. Elliott
- L. Miles
- L. R. Hutyra
- L. R. Oldeman
- L. R. Oldeman
- L. u. Horlemann
- Le Monde diplomatique
- M. A. Levy
- M. B. Rankin
- M. Berdal
- M. Brzoska
- M. Brzoska
- M. C. Raja
- M. Cassel-Gintz
- M. Creveld van
- M. D. u. Ward
- M. Fröhlich
- M. Grossmann
- M. Hecht
- M. Held
- M. Jachtenfuchs
- M. L. Parry
- M. L. Ross
- M. L. Ross
- M. L. Ross
- M. Lal
- M. Leighton
- M. Lüders
- M. Marugg
- M. Meinshausen
- M. O’Leary
- M. P. Amineh
- M. P. Houscht
- M. Q. Zaman
- M. Reynal-Querol
- M. Reynal-Querol
- M. Rück
- M. Rück
- M. Suliman
- M. T. Fravel
- M. u. Ahmad
- M. u. Conisbee
- M. u. Klare
- M. u. Kulessa
- M. u. Ottaway
- M. u. Raffinot
- M. Wiggerthale
- M. Wodinski
- M. Zürn
- M. Zürn
- M. Zürn
- MA — Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
- MA — Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
- MPI — Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie
- N. Geißler
- N. Meyers
- N. Meyers
- N. P. Gleditsch
- N. P. Gleditsch
- N. Sambanis
- N. Stern
- N. u. Phienwej
- N. W. Arnell
- N. W. Arnell
- N. Walle van de
- N. Walle van de
- N. Zeng
- O. Kimminich
- O. R. Young
- O. R. Young
- O. Waever
- OCHA — Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- ODI — Overseas Development Institute
- OECD DAC — Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development — Development Assistance Committee
- OECD — Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation
- OECD — Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation
- OECD — Organisation for Economic Development and Cooperation
- OECD-FAO — Organisation for Economic Development and Co-operation — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- OECD-FAO — Organisation for Economic Development and Co-operation — Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
- OHCHR — Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
- Oxfam
- P. Billon Le
- P. Billon Le
- P. Collier
- P. Friedlingstein
- P. Gleick
- P. Gleick
- P. Gleick
- P. Hilpold
- P. J. Katzenstein
- P. J. Webster
- P. J. Webster
- P. Kennedy
- P. Lummel
- P. M. Cox
- P. M. Cox
- P. M. Haas
- P. M. Haas
- P. u. Collier
- P. u. Fajnzylber
- P. u. Imbusch
- P. u. Kennedy
- P. u. Regan
- P. u. Schwartz
- P. Verwimp
- Peoples Daily Online
- Peru Cambio Climatico
- R. A. Rohde
- R. A. u. Matthew
- R. Asshoff
- R. Black
- R. D. Kaplan
- R. D. Lipschutz
- R. E. Richter
- R. Haass
- R. Hofmeier
- R. I. Rotberg
- R. J. Nicholls
- R. J. Norby
- R. J. T. Klein
- R. Jackson
- R. Janse
- R. Jenkins
- R. Kagan
- R. Kagan
- R. Kaplinsky
- R. L. Hu
- R. L. u. Bamberger
- R. Langhammer
- R. Lohrmann
- R. M. Adams
- R. Matthew
- R. O. u. Keohane
- R. O. u. Keohane
- R. O. u. Keohane
- R. P. Neilson
- R. Parkers
- R. R. Nemani
- R. Reuveny
- R. Tetzlaff
- R. u. Black
- R. u. Daughters
- R. u. Leemans
- R. u. Létolle
- R. u. Matthew
- R. u. Nordås
- R. u. Zhang
- Rabobank
- Reuters Foundation
- Reuters Foundation
- S. A. Hansen
- S. A. u. Cowling
- S. Bauer
- S. Bremer
- S. C. Coplin
- S. Castles
- S. Dalby
- S. Dalby
- S. Faris
- S. Gates
- S. Hensell
- S. I. Seneviratne
- S. Jasanoff
- S. Jasanoff
- S. Jones
- S. Kröhnert
- S. L. Kaplan
- S. Lindemann
- S. Lonergan
- S. Mainwaring
- S. Neubert
- S. P. Huntington
- S. P. Huntington
- S. P. Long
- S. Rahmstorf
- S. Rahmstorf
- S. S. Ali
- S. Schmeidl
- S. u. Bauer
- S. u. Chaudhuri
- S. u. Grimm
- S. u. Hitz
- S. u. Klingebiel
- S. u. Klingebiel
- S. u. Neubert
- S. Weinlich
- SATP — South Asia Terrorism Portal
- Senat der Bundesforschungsanstalten im Geschäftsbereich des Bundesministeriums für Verbraucherschutz Ernährung und Landwirtschaft
- SEPA — State Environmental Protection Administration
- SIPRI — Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- Study Group on Europes Security Capabilities
- Südasien Info
- T. A. Scambos
- T. Barker
- T. Chatel
- T. D. Mitchell
- T. Debiel
- T. F. Homer-Dixon
- T. F. Homer-Dixon
- T. F. Homer-Dixon
- T. F. Homer-Dixon
- T. F. Homer-Dixon
- T. Faist
- T. G. Falleti
- T. Hagmann
- T. L. Root
- T. P. Barnett
- T. Prugh
- T. R. Gurr
- T. Risse
- T. Sterzel
- T. Trotha von
- T. u. Addison
- T. u. Heberer
- T. u. Heberer
- T. u. Oki
- T. Winter von
- U. B. Barkmann
- U. Grote
- U. Halbach
- U. Menzel
- U. Schneckener
- U. Scholz
- UK Foreign & Commonwealth Office
- UN DESA — United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
- UN DESA — United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
- UN Millennium Project
- UN — United Nations
- UN — United Nations
- UN — United Nations
- UN — United Nations
- UN — United Nations
- UNCCD — United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
- UNCTAD — United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
- UNDP — United Nations Development Programme
- UNDP — United Nations Development Programme
- UNDP — United Nations Development Programme
- UNDP — United Nations Development Programme
- UNDP — United Nations Development Programme
- UNEP — United Nations Environment Programme
- UNEP — United Nations Environment Programme
- UNEP — United Nations Environment Programme
- UNEP — United Nations Environment Programme
- UNESCO — United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
- UNESCO — United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
- UNFPA — United Nations Population Fund
- UNHCR — United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- UNHCR — United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- UNHCR — United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
- UNISDR — United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
- UNISDR — United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction
- UNPD — United Nations Population Division
- UNPD — United Nations Population Division
- UNSG — United Nations Secretary General
- UNU-EHS — United Nations University Institute For Environment And Human Security
- USDA — U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service
- USGS — U.S. Geological Survey
- V. Castel du
- V. E. Fuentes
- V. R. Burkett
- V. Smakhtin
- V. u. Percival
- W. A. V. Clark
- W. Abel
- W. Behringer
- W. Brandt
- W. H. Schlesinger
- W. J. u. Cosgrove
- W. P. u. Avery
- W. Thuiller
- W. u. Bauernfeind
- W. u. Hauge
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WBGU — Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen
- WCD — World Commission on Dams
- White House
- White House
- WHO — World Health Organisation und UNICEF — United Nations Childrens Fund
- WI — Wuppertal Institut
- WI — Wuppertal Institut
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- Worldwatch Institute
- Worldwatch Institute
- WTO — World Trade Organisation Committee on Agriculture
- WTO — World Trade Organisation Committee on Agriculture
- WTO — World Trade Organisation Committee on Agriculture
- WWF — World Wide Fund
- X. J. Gao
- X. Lan
- Y. Bangert
- Z. Brzezinski
- Z. Karaev
- Z. u. Brzezinski
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2008
- Field of study
Peaceful Change but not yet Stable Peace: Military Developments in the Baltic Sea Region, 1990–2000
- Author
- A Gricius
- A Krohn
- A Lieven
- A Moshes
- A Puheloinen
- A Raid
- A Wendt
- AG Arbatov
- C Wellmann
- D Trenin
- D Zakheim
- Data used in this article are based upon the Yearbooks of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) 1990–2000 and the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) 1989–2000
- E Sköns
- E Sköns
- E Sköns
- GP Herd
- H Tiido
- H-M Birckenbach
- H-M Birckenbach
- I Oldberg
- J Martelius
- J Simon
- JJ Holst
- JMO Sharp
- JMO Sharp
- K Ruhala
- KW Deutsch
- L Jonson
- M Haab
- O Tunander
- O Wæver
- P Ham
- P Wallensteen
- P Wallensteen
- PK Baev
- S Blank
- S Medvedev
- SC Johnson
- U Albrecht
- V Baranovsky
- V Vike-Freiberga
- Wallander
- Z Lachowski
- Z Lachowski
- Z Lachowski
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2002
- Field of study
JUSTAS for all? Innovation and UAVs in the Canadian forces
- Author
- Allison G.T.
- Bishop S.
- Bond L.
- Campbell L.
- Department of National Defence
- Department of National Defence
- Department of National Defence
- Deptula D.A.
- Dowell J.A.E.K.
- Ehrhard T.P.
- Farrell T.
- Freedman L.
- Garstka J.J.
- Gary Schaub
- Halperin M.H.
- Jaggi U.
- Kenny J.
- Kingdon J.W.
- Kirton J.
- Kreienbaum B.
- Kristensen K.S.
- Lacroix J.R.C.
- Lambeth B.S.
- Little R.
- Macgregor D.A.
- MacLean C.
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- March J.G.
- March W.A.
- Mazarr M.J.
- Minnich M.
- Owens W.A.
- Peters J.E.
- Pole K.
- Posen B.R.
- Rigsrrevisionen
- Rosen S.P.
- Royal Canadian Air Force officer
- Russell J.A.
- Saideman S.M.
- Serena C.C.
- Sloan E.
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- The Field Artillery School
- Tirpak J.A.
- Ucko D.H.
- United Kingdom House of Commons
- Waltz K.A.
- Watson B.
- Watts B.D.
- Welsh K.
- Zubeldia O.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Analysing Greek-Turkish disaster-related cooperation: A disaster diplomacy perspective
- Author
- Acer Y.
- Agence France Presse
- Aguirre B.E.
- Aksu F.
- Akçınaroğlu S.
- Athanasopulos H.
- Athens News Agency Bulletin
- Athens News Agency Bulletin
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- Aydın M.
- Aydın M.
- Bahcheli T.
- Bertrand G.
- Borowiec A.
- Bölükbaşi D.
- Cem Ä°.
- Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters
- Chaitanya (the Policy Consultancy)
- Council of Europe
- Dodd C.H.
- Eleftherotypia
- European Center for Forest Fires
- General Secretariat for Civil Protection
- Gündoğdu A.
- Hellenic Amateur Radio Emergency Service OEA
- Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Hellenic Ministry of Press and Mass Media
- Heraclides A.
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- Hope K.
- Hürriyet
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- Ilan Kelman
- Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute Bosphorus University
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- Reliefweb
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- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
- Syrigos A.M.
- Theodore Koukis
- Thompson M.
- Turkish Daily News
- Turkish Daily News
- Turkish Greek Relations
- Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Turkish Prime Minister’s Office-Crisis Management Center
- Turkish Statistical Institute
- Turkish Treasury
- UN
- UN
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- Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (UCTEA)
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- Warnaar M.
- Washington Post
- Wilson A.
- World Bank
- Yalçinkaya A.
- Zaman A.
- Özkırımlı U.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Counting the development costs of the conflict in North-Eastern Nigeria: the economic impact of the Boko Haram-led insurgency
- Author
- Adebakin M.A.
- Adebayo A.A.
- Adesoji A.
- African Development Bank
- Ajakaiye O.
- Angerbrandt H.
- Aregheore E.M.
- Assanvo W.
- Azam J.P.
- Brück T.
- Budget Office of the Federation (BOF)
- Cramer C.
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- Eka Ikpe
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- Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
- FEWS Network
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- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
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- Higazi A.
- Institute of Economics and Peace (IEP)
- International Monetary Fund (IMF)
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- McHugh J.
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- National Bureau of Statistics
- National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
- National Bureau of Statistics (NBS)
- National Population Commission (NPC)
- National Population Commission (NPC)
- Nigerian Institute for Social and Economic Research (NISER)
- Nwokeoma B.N.
- Obi C.I.
- Oladimeji M.S.
- Olojo A.
- Presidential Initiative for the North-East (PINE)
- Schatz S.P.
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- Stewart F.
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- Uche C.
- Ukiwo U.
- United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- Willett S.
- World Bank
- World Bank
- World Bank
- Zack Taylor R.
- Zeleza P.T.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Argumentation in Foreign Policy Settings
- Author
- Ackoff R.L.
- Adams J.S.
- Allison G.T.
- Argyris C.
- Arrow K.
- Ashenfelter O.
- B. M. Russett
- Baumol W.J.
- Berman M.R.
- Bernstein B.J.
- Braithwaite R.B.
- Brams S.J.
- Braybrooke D.
- Brunner R.D.
- Burns E.L.M.
- Burnstein E.
- Burton J.
- Butler W.
- C. F. Carter
- Caci
- Campbell J. C.
- Carr E.H.
- Cartwrig Ht D.
- Clausewitz C.
- Cohen M.D.
- Conference of the Committee on Disarmament
- Contini B.
- Cooper C.
- Corson W.H.
- D. Cartwright
- D. Muzzio
- Dahl R.
- deCallieres F.
- deFelice F.B.
- Deutsch M.
- Douglas A.
- Druckman D.
- Druckman D.
- Durbin J.
- Eastern Committee
- F.C. Zagare
- Farquharson R.
- Foss W.
- Frazer J.G.
- Frolich N.
- G. Lindzey
- G.S. Watson
- George A.L.
- Gravel M.
- H.E. Bovis
- Hamermesh D.S.
- Hamner W.C.
- Hibbs D.A.
- Hicks J.R.
- Hollick S.
- Homans G.C.
- Hopmann P.T.
- I. W. Zartman
- Ikle F.C.
- Institute for Strategic Studies
- J. A. Wall
- J. Firestone
- J.E. McGrath
- J.W. Julian
- Janis I.L.
- Jervis R.
- Kalb M.
- Kelley E.W.
- Klimoski R.J.
- Knouse S.
- Kuhn H. W.
- Kuhn T.S.
- Landsberger H.A.
- Leonard J.
- Levy-Strauss C.
- Lewin K.
- Lindbloom C.E.
- Lindzey G.
- Love R.L.
- Lowi T.J.
- Luce R.D.
- M. Berman
- Malinowski B.
- March J.G.
- Marshall C.B.
- Martin L.
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- Maxwell G.
- McGrath J.E.
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- Newhouse J.
- Nicolson H.
- Nierenberg G.
- O.J. Harvey
- Observations on International Negotiations
- Osgood C.E.
- Painton F.C.
- Pardo A.
- Pecquet A.
- Pen J.
- Porter G.
- Presidential Science Advisory Committee Panel on Oceanography
- Quandt W.B.
- R. Dahl
- R. Mahoney
- Raiffa H.
- Rao P.
- Richardson L.F.
- Riker W.H.
- Robert Axelrod
- Rokeach M.
- Rosenthal R.
- Ross A.M.
- Rubin J.
- Saaty T.L.
- Sachs M.
- Schelling T.C.
- Shaw M.E.
- Sherif M.
- Siegel S.
- Spector B.I.
- Stahl I.
- Stech F.
- Steinbrunner J.D.
- Stevens C.C.
- Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
- Story J.
- Swingle P.
- T.C. Smith
- Terh Une K.
- Tracy B.H.
- U S. Department of State Bureau of Research and Intelligence
- U. S. Congress Committee on Armed Services Preparedness Investigating Subcommittee
- U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
- U.S. Committee on Government Operations Subcommittee on National Security
- U.S. Senate
- United Nations
- Vinokur A.
- Walcott C.
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- Wenk E.
- Whitaker A.P.
- Winham G.R.
- Winnefeld M.
- Wolfe T.W.
- Wrightson M.
- Young O.
- Zagare F.C.
- Zuethen F.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1977
- Field of study
This is a study of argumentation in three different kinds of high level, confidential, foreign policy settings: a collegial setting, a bureaucratic setting, and a bargaining setting. The causal and value assertions of the participants were coded using the detailed records of these three settings. The data show to be inadequate a defense/ attack model of argumentation in which the participants support their own arguments to make them resistant to attack, while attacking the weak spots in others'stated positions. In fact, there are few assertions which are supported by specific evidence, almost no mutually supported causal arguments, and the assertions which were attacked were no less emphasized than the assertions which were not attacked. More in accord with the data is the novel-arguments approach in which the key factor in persuasive argumentation is the development of arguments which others have not already taken into account.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67391/2/10.1177_002200277702100410.pd