99 research outputs found

    Phenotyping of P105-Negative B Cell Subsets in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    This study aimed to investigate phenotype of RP105(−) B cell subsets in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Flow cytometry was used for phenotyping RP105-negaive B cell subsets. Based on CD19, RP105, and CD138 expression, RP105(−) B cells consist of at least 5 subsets of late B cells, including CD19(+)RP105(int), CD19(+) RP105(−), CD19(low) RP105(−) CD138(−), CD19(low) RP105(−)CD138(int), and CD19(low) RP105(−) CD138(++) B cells. Especially, CD19(+)RP105(int) and CD19(low) RP105(−)CD138(int) B cells are significantly larger than other RP105(−) B cell subsets in SLE. By comparison of RP105(−) B cell subsets between patients with SLE and normal subjects, these subsets were detectable even in normal subjects, but the percentages of RP105(−) B cell subsets were significantly larger in SLE. The phenotypic analysis of RP105(−) B cell subsets suggests dysregulation of later B cell subsets in SLE and may provide new insights into understanding regulation of B cells in human SLE

    Pathophysiological relevance of sputum MUC5AC and MUC5B levels in patients with mild asthma

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    [Background] Airway mucus hypersecretion is an important pathophysiological feature of asthma. MUC5AC and MUC5B are the major secreted polymeric mucins in airways, and their compositions affect mucus properties. Despite the increasing appreciation of MUC5AC and MUC5B compositions in asthmatic airways, their pathophysiological relevance remains to be fully understood in humans. [Methods] In this cross-sectional study, we prospectively enrolled newly referred steroid-untreated patients with mild asthma and healthy controls. We compared induced sputum MUC5AC and MUC5B levels between patients and controls. Subsequently, we assessed the correlation between MUC5AC and MUC5B levels and clinical indices in patients. Sputum MUC5AC and MUC5B levels were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. [Results] Sputum MUC5AC and MUC5B levels were significantly higher in patients (n = 87) than in controls (n = 22) (p = 0.0002 and p = 0.006, respectively). The ratio of sputum MUC5AC to MUC5B tended to be higher in patients than in controls (p = 0.07). Sputum MUC5AC levels significantly and positively correlated with fractional exhaled nitric oxide at expiratory flow of 50 mL/s (Spearman's rho = 0.29, p = 0.006), sputum eosinophil proportion (rho = 0.34, p = 0.0013), and airway sensitivity (rho = 0.39, p = 0.0005). By contrast, sputum MUC5B levels significantly and positively correlated with airway sensitivity (rho = 0.35, p = 0.002) and negatively correlated with airway reactivity (rho = −0.33, p = 0.004). [Conclusions] Sputum MUC5AC is increased by protein levels and involved in airway type 2/eosinophilic inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness in steroid-untreated patients with mild asthma

    The combination of polymorphisms within interferon-γ receptor 1 and receptor 2 associated with the risk of systemic lupus erythematosus

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    AbstractGenetic factors seem to play a significant role in susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We previously described the amino acid polymorphism (Val14Met) within the IFN-γ receptor 1 (IFN-γR1), and that the frequency of the Met14 allele in SLE patients was significantly higher than that of the healthy control population [Tanaka et al. (1999) Immunogenetics 49, 266–271]. We also found an amino acid polymorphism (Gln64Arg) within IFN-γ receptor 2 (IFN-γR2). Since the IFN-γ receptor is a complex consisting of IFN-γR1 and IFN-γR2, we searched for the particular combination of two kinds of amino acid polymorphisms found within the IFN-γ receptor which plays a prominent role in susceptibility to SLE. The greatest risk of the development of SLE was detected in the individuals who had the combination of IFNGR1 Met14/Val14 genotype and IFNGR2 Gln64/Gln64 genotype

    Sputum YKL-40 Levels and Pathophysiology of Asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.

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    Background: Recent evidence suggests that YKL-40, also called chitinase-3-like-1 protein, is involved in the pathogenesis of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Details of sputum YKL-40 in asthma and COPD, however, remain unknown. Objectives: To clarify associations of sputum YKL-40 levels with clinical indices in asthma and COPD. Methods: Thirty-nine patients with asthma, 14 age-matched never-smokers as controls, 45 patients with COPD, and 7 age-matched smokers as controls were recuited for this study. Sputum YKL-40 levels were measured and YKL-40 expression in sputum cells was evaluated by immunocytochemistry. Results: Sputum YKL-40 levels were higher in patients with COPD (346 ± 325 ng/ml) than in their smoker controls (125 ± 122 ng/ml; p < 0.05), but were not significantly different between patients with asthma (117 ± 170 ng/ml) and their controls (94 ± 44 ng/ml; p = 0.15). In patients with asthma only, sputum YKL-40 levels were positively correlated with disease severity (r = 0.34, p = 0.034) and negatively correlated with pre- and postbronchodilator %FEV(1) (r = -0.47 and -0.42, respectively; p < 0.01) and forced mid-expiratory flow (r = -0.48 and -0.46, respectively, p < 0.01). Sputum YKL-40 levels were positively correlated with sputum neutrophil counts in asthma (r = 0.55, p < 0.001) and with neutrophil and macrophage counts in COPD (r = 0.45 and 0.65, respectively, p < 0.01). YKL-40 was expressed in the cytoplasm of sputum neutrophils and macrophages in all groups. Conclusions: Elevated sputum YKL-40 reflects airflow obstruction in asthma whereas the roles of YKL-40 in the proximal airways in COPD remain to be elucidated

    NICU実習を通じた看護学生の学び ─ディベロプメンタルケアと児に出会って感じたこと・考えたこと─

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    【目的】看護学生がNICU実習を通じて学んだディベロプメンタルケアと児に出会って感じたこと・考えたことを明らかにする.【方法】A 大学看護学部3年生で,平成26年度に小児臨床看護学実習を行った者96名のうち,研究協力に同意を得られた45名を対象とした.NICU実習記録から,ディベロプメンタルケア,児に出会って感じたこと・考えたことについて質的帰納的分析を行った. 【結果】ディベロプメンタルケアについて,246のコード,24のサブカテゴリーから《音》《光》《温度・湿度》《ポジショニング》《ストレスの少ないケア》《スキンケア》《家族ケア》の7つのカテゴリーが生成された.児に出会って感じたこと・考えたことについて,151のコード,14のサブカテゴリーから《小さな体で一生懸命生きている》《児の思いを汲み取りながらケアしている》《早産で生まれた児の発達促進ケアに気づく》《両親の児に対する思いを汲み取りながら親子関係を支援している》《児や両親が多くの人に支えられている》の5つのカテゴリーが生成された. 【結論】学生は,音,光,温度・湿度といった環境調整や,ポジショニング,ストレスの少ないケア,スキンケアといったケアの実際,家族看護を学んでおり,NICU看護の基本であるディベロプメンタルケアを理解できていた.NICUの児との出会いに感動し,他職種が連携して児の生命を支え,家族の形成を支えていることを知り,学生にとって肯定的な体験が得られる実習となると推察される.本研究結果から,NICU実習は看護実践能力で必要な対象理解や権利擁護を体験的に学修する貴重な機会となり得ることが示唆された


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    【目的】成育看護の授業にアクティブ・ラーニングを試行し,授業の欠席率,前回授業内容に対するテストの正答率,事前課題と授業後の学びの評価,科目別授業評価,から考察し今後の授業の改善に活用する.【方法】D大学看護学部2年次105名を対象に,成育看護の授業にてアクティブ・ラーニングを試行した.毎回の授業に,前回授業内容からの出題,事前課題を活用したグループワーク,発表の機会を設け,授業の小括としてミニレクチャーを実施した.事前課題や授業後の学びの評価はルーブリックを用いて把握した.また,学生による科目別授業評価を実施した.【結果】欠席者は1回目が14名であったが2回目以降は2~5名であった.毎週実施した前回授業に対するテストの正答率は50~60%であった.事前課題の平均点(10点満点)は,授業回数を重ねるごとに漸増を認めた.授業後の学びの評価平均点(10点満点)は,1回目は4.18であったが2 回目以降は9.0以上であった.8 回目の授業で実施した小テストの正答率は80%であった.また,科目別授業評価の平均点は「1:この授業には休まず出席した」と「2:意欲的に取り組んだ」が4.0台であったが他の講義・授業に関する11項目は2点台後半から3点台前半であった.【考察】欠席率が増加しなかったこと,事前課題の評価平均点が漸増したこと,授業後の学びに対する評価の平均点が高値であることから,学生は意欲的に取り組んだといえる.しかし,科目別授業評価が低値にとどまったのは,ミニレクチャーにおいて重要点が強調されなかったこと,授業評価表は従来型の講義に関する評価項目が多いことの影響とも推測できる.また,前回の授業内容に対するテストの正答率は低く,知識の定着へは至らなかった.【結語】授業にアクティブ・ラーニングを試行した結果,学生は意欲的に取り組んでいた.しかし,知識の定着や授業内容に対する評価方法等が課題として示唆された

    Pneumonia Caused by Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 and Influenza Virus: A Multicenter Comparative Study

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    Background: Detailed differences in clinical information between severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pneumonia (CP), which is the main phenotype of SARS-CoV-2 disease, and influenza pneumonia (IP) are still unclear. Methods: A prospective, multicenter cohort study was conducted by including patients with CP who were hospitalized between January and June 2020 and a retrospective cohort of patients with IP hospitalized from 2009 to 2020. We compared the clinical presentations and studied the prognostic factors of CP and IP. Results: Compared with the IP group (n = 66), in the multivariate analysis, the CP group (n = 362) had a lower percentage of patients with underlying asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (P < .01), lower neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (P < .01), lower systolic blood pressure (P < .01), higher diastolic blood pressure (P < .01), lower aspartate aminotransferase level (P < .05), higher serum sodium level (P < .05), and more frequent multilobar infiltrates (P < .05). The diagnostic scoring system based on these findings showed excellent differentiation between CP and IP (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.889). Moreover, the prognostic predictors were different between CP and IP. Conclusions: Comprehensive differences between CP and IP were revealed, highlighting the need for early differentiation between these 2 pneumonias in clinical settings

    Multiple Wnts Redundantly Control Polarity Orientation in Caenorhabditis elegans Epithelial Stem Cells

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    During development, cell polarization is often coordinated to harmonize tissue patterning and morphogenesis. However, how extrinsic signals synchronize cell polarization is not understood. In Caenorhabditis elegans, most mitotic cells are polarized along the anterior-posterior axis and divide asymmetrically. Although this process is regulated by a Wnt-signaling pathway, Wnts functioning in cell polarity have been demonstrated in only a few cells. We analyzed how Wnts control cell polarity, using compound Wnt mutants, including animals with mutations in all five Wnt genes. We found that somatic gonadal precursor cells (SGPs) are properly polarized and oriented in quintuple Wnt mutants, suggesting Wnts are dispensable for the SGPs' polarity, which instead requires signals from the germ cells. Thus, signals from the germ cells organize the C. elegans somatic gonad. In contrast, in compound but not single Wnt mutants, most of the six seam cells, V1–V6 (which are epithelial stem cells), retain their polarization, but their polar orientation becomes random, indicating that it is redundantly regulated by multiple Wnt genes. In contrast, in animals in which the functions of three Wnt receptors (LIN-17, MOM-5, and CAM-1) are disrupted—the stem cells are not polarized and divide symmetrically—suggesting that the Wnt receptors are essential for generating polarity and that they function even in the absence of Wnts. All the seam cells except V5 were polarized properly by a single Wnt gene expressed at the cell's anterior or posterior. The ectopic expression of posteriorly expressed Wnts in an anterior region and vice versa rescued polarity defects in compound Wnt mutants, raising two possibilities: one, Wnts permissively control the orientation of polarity; or two, Wnt functions are instructive, but which orientation they specify is determined by the cells that express them. Our results provide a paradigm for understanding how cell polarity is coordinated by extrinsic signals