1,524 research outputs found

    A rigorous path integral for quantum spin using flat-space Wiener regularization

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    Adapting ideas of Daubechies and Klauder [J. Math. Phys. {\bf 26} (1985) 2239] we derive a rigorous continuum path-integral formula for the semigroup generated by a spin Hamiltonian. More precisely, we use spin-coherent vectors parametrized by complex numbers to relate the coherent representation of this semigroup to a suitable Schr\"odinger semigroup on the Hilbert space L2(R2)L^2(R^2) of Lebesgue square-integrable functions on the Euclidean plane R2R^2. The path-integral formula emerges from the standard Feynman-Kac-It\^o formula for the Schr\"odinger semigroup in the ultra-diffusive limit of the underlying Brownian bridge on R2R^2. In a similar vein, a path-integral formula can be constructed for the coherent representation of the unitary time evolution generated by the spin Hamiltonian.Comment: revised versio

    Quasi-classical path integral approach to supersymmetric quantum mechanics

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    {}From Feynman's path integral, we derive quasi-classical quantization rules in supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SUSY-QM). First, we derive a SUSY counterpart of Gutzwiller's formula, from which we obtain the quantization rule of Comtet, Bandrauk and Campbell when SUSY is good. When SUSY is broken, we arrive at a new quantization formula, which is found as good as and even sometime better than the WKB formula in evaluating energy spectra for certain one-dimensional bound state problems. The wave functions in the stationary phase approximation are also derived for SUSY and broken SUSY cases. Insofar as a broken SUSY case is concerned, there are strong indications that the new quasi-classical approximation formula always overestimates the energy eigenvalues while WKB always underestimates.Comment: 13 pages + 5 figures, complete paper submitted as postscript file, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Polarisation dependence of magnetic Bragg scattering in YMn2_2O5_5

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    The polarisation dependence of the intensity of elastic magnetic scattering from \ymno\ single crystals has been measured at 25 K in magnetic fields between 1 and 9 T. A significant polarisation dependence was observed in the intensities of magnetic satellite reflections, propagation vector \pv=0.5,0,0.25 measured with both the [100] and [010] axes parallel to the common polarisation and applied field direction. The intensity asymmetries AA observed in sets of orthorhombicly equivalent reflections show systematic relationships which allow the phase relationship between different components of their magnetic interaction vectors to be determined. They fix the orientation relationships between the small yy and zz moments on the \mnfp\ and \mntp\ sub-lattices and lend support to the structure reported by Kim et al. It was found that that A(hkl)A(hˉkˉlˉ)A(hkl)\ne A(\bar h\bar k\bar l) which suggests that there is a small modulation of the nuclear structure which has the same wave-vector as the magnetic modulation leading to a small nuclear structure factor for the satellite reflections. The differences A(hkl)A(hˉkˉlˉ)A(hkl)- A(\bar h\bar k\bar l) observed indicate shifts in the atomic positions of order 0.005 \AA

    Interpretation of a Unified Theory of Gravitation and Symmetry Breaking

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    The formalism of Moen and Moffat is interpreted as a Yang-Mills theory set in a space-time generally endowed with curvature and torsion

    Constructing Dirac linear fermions in terms of non-linear Heisenberg spinors

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    We show that the massive (or massless) neutrinos can be described as special states of Heisenberg nonlinear spinors. As a by-product of this decomposition a particularly attractive consequence appears: the possibility of relating the existence of only three species of mass-less neutrinos to such internal non-linear structure. At the same time it allows the possibility that neutrino oscillation can occurs even for massless neutrinos

    Supersymmetric quantum mechanics based on higher excited states

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    We generalize the formalism and the techniques of the supersymmetric (susy) quantum mechanics to the cases where the superpotential is generated/defined by higher excited eigenstates. The generalization is technically almost straightforward but physically quite nontrivial since it yields an infinity of new classes of susy-partner potentials, whose spectra are exactly identical except for the lowest m+1 states, if the superpotential is defined in terms of the (m+1)-st eigenfunction, with m=0 reserved for the ground state. It is shown that in case of the infinite 1-dim potential well nothing new emerges (the partner potential is still of P\"oschl-Teller type I, for all m), whilst in case of the 1-dim harmonic oscillator we get a new class of infinitely many partner potentials: for each m the partner potential is expressed as the sum of the quadratic harmonic potential plus rational function, defined as the derivative of the ratio of two consecutive Hermite polynomials. These partner potentials of course have m singularities exactly at the locations of the nodes of the generating (m+1)-st wavefunction. The susy formalism applies everywhere between the singularities. A systematic application of the formalism to other potentials with known spectra would yield an infinitely rich class of "solvable" potentials, in terms of their partner potentials. If the potentials are shape invariant they can be solved at least partially and new types of analytically obtainable spectra are expected. PACS numbers: 03.65.-w, 03.65.Ge, 03.65.SqComment: 15 pages LaTeX file, no figures, submitted to J. Phys. A: accepted for publication

    On the Path Integral in Imaginary Lobachevsky Space

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    The path integral on the single-sheeted hyperboloid, i.e.\ in DD-dimensional imaginary Lobachevsky space, is evaluated. A potential problem which we call ``Kepler-problem'', and the case of a constant magnetic field are also discussed.Comment: 16 pages, LATEX, DESY 93-14

    An Effective Reduction of Critical Current for Current-Induced Magnetization Switching by a Ru Layer Insertion in an Exchange-Biased Spin-Valve

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    Recently it has been predicted that a spin-polarized electrical current perpendicular-to-plane (CPP) directly flowing through a magnetic element can induce magnetization switching through spin-momentum transfer. In this letter, the first observation of current-induced magnetization switching (CIMS) in exchange-biased spin-valves (ESPVs) at room temperature is reported. The ESPVs show the CIMS behavior under a sweeping dc current with a very high critical current density. It is demonstrated that a thin Ruthenium (Ru) layer inserted between a free layer and a top electrode effectively reduces the critical current densities for the CIMS. An "inverse" CIMS behavior is also observed when the thickness of the free layer increases.Comment: 15 pages with figure

    Magnetic Properties of Epitaxial and Polycrystalline Fe/Si Multilayers

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    Fe/Si multilayers with antiferromagnetic interlayer coupling have been grown via ion-beam sputtering on both glass and single-crystal substrates. High-angle x-ray diffraction measurements show that both sets of films have narrow Fe peaks, implying a large crystallite size and crystalline iron silicide spacer layers. Low-angle x-ray diffraction measurements show that films grown on glass have rougher interfaces than those grown on single-crystal substrates. The multilayers grown on glass have a larger remanent magnetization than the multilayers grown on single-crystal substrates. The observation of magnetocrystalline anisotropy in hysteresis loops and (hkl)(hkl) peaks in x-ray diffraction demonstrates that the films grown on MgO and Ge are epitaxial. The smaller remanent magnetization in Fe/Si multilayers with better layering suggests that the remanence is not an intrinsic property.Comment: 9 pages, RevTex, 4 figures available by fax. Send email to [email protected] for more info. Submitted to '95 MMM proceeding