87 research outputs found

    Intravascular ultrasound appearance of scattered necrotic core as an index for deterioration of coronary flow during intervention in acute coronary syndrome

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    In acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patients with deterioration of coronary flow during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), a scattered necrotic core pattern (SNC) is observed by intravascular ultrasound virtual histology (VH-IVUS). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of SNC on deterioration of coronary flow during PCI in ACS. A total of 38 ACS patients were imaged using VH-IVUS before PCI. In addition to conventional definitions of thin-cap fibroatheroma by VHIVUS (ID-TCFA), the SNC was defined as necrotic core foci with a maximum diameter of 50% plaque burden except in the ID-TCFA frame. Patients were divided into deterioration of coronary flow group (n = 15) and normal-reflow group (n = 23). The incidence of residual thrombus and plaque rupture, the external elastic membrane, plaque and fibrous volumes, the incidence of IDTCFA and the average number of SNC per frame was significantly greater in deterioration of coronary flow group than in normal-reflow group (all parameters P < 0.05). Multivariate analysis revealed that the average number of SNC per frame was independently associated with deterioration of coronary flow in ACS patients (odds ratio 1.18, P < 0.05). In conclusion, an increased number of SNC is associated with deterioration of coronary flow during PCI in ACS patients. © Springer 2011

    Callus Formation and Plant Regeneration of Herbs in Perilla Family

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    Effective methods of callus culture of herbs were studied to establish basic techniques for cell fusion and gene engineering. Eight basil cultivars, five species of Perilla family and a sweet basil were used, and following results were obtained. 1: Effects of phytohormones on callus formation. Callus formed effectively from hypocotyls and cotyledons of sterile seedlings cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0.1mg/12,4-D and BA. Plantlets succeeded in regenerating from callus cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0.1mg/I NAA and BA, but callus formation on a similar medium was inferior to that on MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D and BA. Callus formed best on MS medium supplemented with 2ip, among other cytokinins, but only BA actually induced regeneration of plantlets from callus. 2: Effects of age and different organs of explants on callus formation. Callus with similar weight formed from hypocotyls of young seedlings about 1-3 weeks after germination. The heaviest callus formed from cotyledons, followed by hypocotyls and roots. 3: Callus formation and regeneration of adventitious buds in eight basil cultivars. Calli formed cotyledons of lettuce basil, Anise basil, lemon basil, bush basil, sweet basil, purple raffles basil, dasil opal basil and cinnamon basil, in descending orderof weight, on MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D and 2ip. Callus from lettuce basil was three times as heavy as that from cinnamon basil. Callus formed on MS medium supplemented NAA and BA from cotyledone of all cultivars, but adventitious buds regenerated only from sweet basil, dark opal basil and bush basil. 4: Callus formation from six Perilla herbs. Callus fromed from hypocotyls and cotyledons of sweet basil, red perilla, green perilla, lemon balm, peppermint and sweet majoram in descending order of weight.ハーブの新しい植物育成のための細胞融合や遺伝子導入の基礎技術として、カルス培養の方法を検討した。材料として、カルス培養の為に、8品種のバジルおよび6種類のシソ科ハーブを用いて実験した。得られた結果は次の様であった。1:植物ホルモンの効果 カルスは、無菌実生の胚軸および子葉をMS培地に0.1mg/ℓの2,4-DとBAを添加した培地で培養することにより効果的に形成され、また同じ組成の培地または3mg/ℓ 2,4-Dと0.1mg/ℓ BA添加培地継代することにより高い増殖率を示したが、植物体は再分化しなかった。植物体の再分化は上記の材料を0.1mg/ℓ のNAAと0.1または1.0mg/ℓのBAを添加した培地で培養することにより、カルスおよび不定根または不定芽を再分化することができたが、カルス形成は2,4-D添加培地に及ばさなかった。培地添加サイトカイニンとしては、カルス形成のためには2ipが大きなカルスを形成したが、植物体の再分化のためにはBAしか効果がなかった。2:植え付け外植体の差 無菌培養した実生の発芽1から3週間後の胚軸を外植体とした時、カルス形成には大きな差は見られなかった。無菌実生の1週間後の胚軸、根、子葉を外植体とした時、子葉が最も重いカルス形成し、次いて胚軸であった。3:8品種のバジルのカルス形成と不定芽再生2,4-Dと2ip添加培地でカルスの形成が最もよかったのはレタスバジルで次いでアニスバジル、レモンバジル、プッシュバジル、スイートバジル、パープルラフレスバジル、ダークオパールバジル、シナモンバジルの順で、レタスバジルはシナモンバジルの3.3倍の重さがあった。NAAとBA添加培地では、カルスはいずれの品種でも形成されたが、不定芽が再生されたのはスイートバジル、ダークオパールバジル、ブッシュバジルであった。4:6種のシソ科ハーブのカルス形成いずれの種類もカルスは形成されたが、スイートバジルに比較して生体重は軽く、アカジソがかろうじて匹敵するくらいで、アオジソ、レモンバーム、ペパーミント、スイートマジョラムの順に軽くなり、特にスイートマジョラムは形成外植体率も低かった。

    Cellular Polyamine Catalogues of the Five Classes of the PhylumProteobacteria: Distributions of Homospermidine within the ClassAlphaproteobacteria, Hydroxyputrescine within the ClassBetaproteobacteria, Norspermidine within the ClassGammaproteobacteria, and Spermine within the ClassesDeltaproteobacteria and Epsilonproteobacteria

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    Cellular polyamines extracted from reclassified or newly validated 47 alphaproteobacteria, 46 betaproteobacteria, 96 gammaproteobacteria, 12 deltaproteobacteria and 10 epsilonproteobacteria were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Homospermidine was widely distributed within the class Alphaproteobacteria, however, homospermidine-dominant type, spermidine-dominant type and homospermidine/spermidinedominant type were found and the three triamine profiles were genus-specific. The all genera belonging to the class Betaproteobacteria, ubiquitously contained putrescine and 2- hydroxyputrescine. Triamines were absent in almost betaproteobacteria. Many genera, including psychrophilic species, of the class Gammaproteobacteria, contained putrescine and spermidine as the major polyaminenes. Diaminopropane and norspermidine were selectively distributed in several genera of the class Gammaproteobacteria. Spermidine was the major polyamine in the classes Deltaproteobacteria and Epsilonproteobacteria. Spermine was found in some thermophiles within Betaproteobacteria, Deltaproteobacteria and Epsilonproteobacteria, suggesting that the occurrence of spermine correlate to their thermophily. Additional these polyamine catalogues serve for the classification of the phylum Proteobacteria, as a chemotaxonomic marker

    Measurement of the total neutron scattering cross section ratios of noble gases of natural isotopic composition using a pulsed neutron beam

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    Precision measurements of slow neutron cross sections with atoms have several scientific applications. In particular the n-4^{4}He s-wave scattering length is important to know both for helping to constrain the nuclear three-body interaction and for the proper interpretation of several ongoing slow neutron experiments searching for other types of neutron-atom interactions. We present new measurements of the ratios of the neutron differential scattering cross sections for natural isotopic-abundance mixtures of the noble gases He, Ar, Kr, and Xe to natural isotopic abundance Ne. These measurements were performed using a recently developed neutron scattering apparatus for gas samples located on a pulsed slow neutron beamline which was designed to search for possible exotic neutron-atom interactions and employs both neutron time of flight information and a position-sensitive neutron detector for scattering event reconstruction. We found agreement with the literature values of scattering cross sections inferred from Ar/Ne, Kr/Ne and Xe/Ne differential cross section ratios over the qq range of 171 - 7 nm1^{-1}. However for the case of He/Ne we find that the cross section inferred differs by 11.3% (7.6 σ\sigma) from previously-reported values inferred from neutron phase shift measurements, but is in reasonable agreement with values from other measurements. The very large discrepancy in the He/Ne ratio calls for a new precision measurement of the n-4^{4}He scattering length using neutron interferometry

    In-hospital Outcome in Octogenarians with Acute Coronary Syndrome Undergoing Emergent Coronary Angiography

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    金沢大学附属病院臨床試験管理センターVery elderly patients have higher mortality rates than younger patients after acute coronary syndrome (ACS). However, the mechanism by which increasing age contributes to such mortality remains unclear. In addition, the efficacy and safety of invasive coronary procedures for octogenarians with ACS have not been well established. We compared the clinical characteristics and in-hospital outcome of 193 octogenarians (mean age, 83 years) with those of 1,462 younger patients (mean age, 64 years) with ACS who underwent emergent coronary angiography. Octogenarians included a greater number of females, had higher rates of cerebrovascular disease and multivessel disease, a higher Killip class, a higher Forrester class, and lower rates of smoking, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia than the younger subjects. Interventions, including percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), were performed less frequently in octogenarians than in younger patients (88.0% versus 90.8%). The procedural success rate in octogenarians did not differ from that in younger patients. However, the in-hospital mortality rate for the octogenarians was about three times higher than for the younger patients (19.2% versus 6.9%). Multivariate analysis revealed that the predictors of in-hospital mortality in the octogenarians were a higher Killip class and a higher Forrester class. Octogenarians with ACS had fewer coronary risk factors and a similar success rate for the intervention, but had more greatly impaired hemodynamics and higher in-hospital mortality than the younger patients. Therefore, impaired myocardial reserve may contribute to a large portion of in-hospital deaths in octogenarians with ACS

    3 Tesla MRI detects accelerated hippocampal volume reduction in postmenopausal women

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    Purpose To clarify age-related structural changes specific to hippocampal volume by hierarchizing according to age, gender, and menopausal status. Many studies report the neuroprotective effects of estrogen and age-related brain volume changes; however, there are no studies regarding age-related change specific to hippocampal volume in terms of age, gender, and menopausal status. Materials and Methods T1-weighted MR images were obtained in 412 healthy adults divided into eight groups according to age and gender, to analyze brain volume change focusing on hippocampal volume. Results Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) revealed significantly smaller gray matter volume in the hippocampus bilaterally in females aged in their fifties (51 of 59 females were at menopause) compared with females in their forties (3 of 46 females were at menopause). No significant difference was found, however, between female groups in their fifties versus sixties, or sixties versus seventies; or between male groups in their forties versus fifties, fifties versus sixties, or sixties versus seventies. In addition, VBM revealed significant hippocampal volume reduction bilaterally in all postmenopausal women compared with all premenopausal women. Conclusion The results of the current study suggest that the menopause may be associated with hippocampal volume reduction. © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.Thesis of Goto,Masami / 後藤 政実 博士学位論文(金沢大学 / 大学院医薬保健学総合研究科

    Clinical application of removable partial dentures using thermoplastic resin—Part I: Definition and indication of non-metal clasp dentures

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    AbstractThis position paper proposes a definition and naming standard for removable partial dentures (RPDs) using thermoplastic resin, and presents a guideline for clinical application. A panel of 14 experts having broad experience with clinical application of RPDs using thermoplastic resin was selected from members of the Japan Prosthodontic Society. At a meeting of the panel, “non-metal clasp denture” was referred as the generic name of RPDs with retentive elements (resin clasps) made of thermoplastic resin. The panel classified non-metal clasp dentures into two types: one with a flexible structure that lacks a metal framework and the other having a rigid structure that includes a metal framework. According to current prosthetic principles, flexible non-metal clasp dentures are not recommended as definitive dentures, except for limited cases such as patients with a metal allergy. Rigid non-metal clasp dentures are recommended in cases where patients will not accept metal clasps for esthetic reasons. Non-metal clasp dentures should follow the same design principles as conventional RPDs using metal clasps

    Verification of the Addiction Severity Index Japanese Version (ASI-J) as a Treatment-Customization, Prediction, and Comparison Tool for Alcohol-Dependent Individuals

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    Objective: To demonstrate the usefulness of the Addiction Severity Index Japanese Version (ASI-J) in Japanese alcohol-dependent individuals. The ASI is a frequently used clinical and research instrument that measures severities in seven functional domains in people with substance abuse disorders. Methods: A total of 370 male inpatients with a history of alcohol dependence participated in the study. Forty-nine participants were excluded in the final analysis due to lack of reliability (i.e., patient misrepresentation or inability to understand). We used the ASI-J and a series of indexes that determined patient states during and post-treatment. Results: The correlations between ASI Composite Scores (CSs), which were calculated through a weighted formula and indicated the severity of each problem area, were significant but low in eight relations and not significant in 13 relations, indicating substantial independence of the problem areas. Significant differences were found in Family/Social CSs between abstinent and relapsed alcohol-dependent individuals. The questions of undesirable attitude were significantly related to the CSs of Employment, Drug use, Family/Social, and Psychiatric sections. Significant differences were observed in patient demographics, CS, and ASI Severity Rating (SR) and interviewer’s subjective scoring between alcohol-dependent individuals and drug abusers. CSs in Japanese alcohol-dependent individuals were generally similar to corresponding CSs in individuals from other countries, with the exception of The Netherlands. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that the ASI-J is useful for understanding individual profiles of problems for each patient and planning customized treatment. The ASI-J served as a predictive tool for relapse and compliance to treatment afterward and was shown to be useful as a comparison tool in clarifying similarities and differences between substance abuser groups

    Fundamental physics activities with pulsed neutron at J-PARC(BL05)

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    "Neutron Optics and Physics (NOP/ BL05)" at MLF in J-PARC is a beamline for studies of fundamental physics. The beamline is divided into three branches so that different experiments can be performed in parallel. These beam branches are being used to develop a variety of new projects. We are developing an experimental project to measure the neutron lifetime with total uncertainty of 1 s (0.1%). The neutron lifetime is an important parameter in elementary particle and astrophysics. Thus far, the neutron lifetime has been measured by several groups; however, different values are obtained from different measurement methods. This experiment is using a method with different sources of systematic uncertainty than measurements conducted to date. We are also developing a source of pulsed ultra-cold neutrons (UCNs) produced from a Doppler shifter are available at the unpolarized beam branch. We are developing a time focusing device for UCNs, a so called "rebuncher", which can increase UCN density from a pulsed UCN source. At the low divergence beam branch, an experiment to search an unknown intermediate force with nanometer range is performed by measuring the angular dependence of neutron scattering by noble gases. Finally the beamline is also used for the research and development of optical elements and detectors. For example, a position sensitive neutron detector that uses emulsion to achieve sub-micrometer resolution is currently under development. We have succeeded in detecting cold and ultra-cold neutrons using the emulsion detector.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings of International Conference on Neutron Optics (NOP2017