216 research outputs found

    The effect of food on growth and coloration of the topshell (Turbo cornutus Solander)

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    The topshell (Turbo cornutus Solander) is a common herbivorous marine gastropod, distributed in areas of the warm coastal current of Japan. It is a valuable food item and therefore of commercial importance. Under natural conditions the shell is highly spinous and the color greenish brow

    A System Utilizing Metal Hydride Actuators to Achieve Passive Motion of Toe Joints for Prevention of Pressure Ulcers: A Pilot Study

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    This paper describes the influence of human toe movement on blood flow and the design of a toe joint passive motion system for preventing pressure ulcers. First, we measured lower extremity blood flow in the foot during active and passive motion of the toe to facilitate the design of new rehabilitation equipment. Also, the flexion and extension angles and the force of the toe joints were measured to determine appropriate specifications for the system. Increases in blood flow were observed at the external malleolus during movement. Flexion and extension angles and the force of the toe joints were found to differ significantly among participants. It is shown that a toe joint passive motion system can be effective in preventing pressure ulcers. On the basis of these results, a device using alloys of metal hydride (MH) as an actuator that is suitable for the system to initiate toe motion, was developed

    Brain Activation During Autobiographical Memory Retrieval with Special Reference to Default Mode Network

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    Recent neuroimaging studies have suggested that brain regions activated during retrieval of autobiographical memory (ABM) overlap with the default mode network (DMN), which shows greater activation during rest than cognitively demanding tasks and is considered to be involved in self-referential processing. However, detailed overlap and segregation between ABM and DMN remain unclear. This fMRI study focuses first on revealing components of the DMN which are related to ABM and those which are unrelated to ABM, and second on extracting the neural bases which are specifically devoted to ABM. Brain activities relative to rest during three tasks matched in task difficulty assessed by reaction time were investigated by fMRI; category cued recall from ABM, category cued recall from semantic memory, and number counting task. We delineated the overlap between the regions that showed less activation during semantic memory and number counting relative to rest, which correspond to the DMN, and the areas that showed greater or less activation during ABM relative to rest. ABM-specific activation was defined as the overlap between the contrast of ABM versus rest and the contrast of ABM versus semantic memory. The fMRI results showed that greater activation as well as less activation during ABM relative to rest overlapped considerably with the DMN, indicating that the DMN is segregated to the regions which are functionally related to ABM and the regions which are unrelated to ABM. ABM-specific activation was observed in the left-lateralized brain regions and most of them fell within the DMN

    Optical Coherence Tomography Analysis of Attenuated Plaques Detected by Intravascular Ultrasound in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes

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    Background. Recent intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) studies have demonstrated that hypoechoic plaque with deep ultrasound attenuation despite absence of bright calcium is common in acute coronary syndrome. Such “attenuated plaque” may be an IVUS characteristic of unstable lesion. Methods. We used optical coherence tomography (OCT) in 104 patients with unstable angina to compare lesion characteristics between IVUS-detected attenuated plaque and nonattenuated plaque. Results. IVUS-detected attenuated plaque was observed in 41 (39%) patients. OCT-detected lipidic plaque (88% versus 49%, P < 0.001), thin-cap fibroatheroma (48% versus 16%, P < 0.001), plaque rupture (44% versus 11%, P < 0.001), and intracoronary thrombus (54% versus 17%, P < 0.001) were more often seen in IVUS-detected attenuated plaques compared with nonattenuated plaques. Conclusions. IVUS-detected attenuated plaque has many characteristics of unstable coronary lesion. The presence of attended plaque might be an important marker of lesion instability

    An fMRI Study of Word Reading and Colour Recognition in Different Quadrant Fields

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    This fMRI study analyzed activations for processing of word and colour, which were presented in each of the four quadrants, to investigate anatomical segregation between colour and orientation processing and also to examine the effect of visual stimulus position on brain activations. Main effect of visual category was found in the bilateral extrastriate cortices extending to the left visual word form area (word > colour) and small area of the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (colour > word). ROI analysis showed that there was a tendency that V4α, not V4/8, showed a greater response to colours than to words. Main effect of visual fields was found in early visual areas, which showed greater responses to the left than to the right field stimuli and also to the lower than to the upper field stimuli. No significant interactions between visual category and visual fields were found