60 research outputs found

    Panel. Print Culture and the Discourses of History, Law, and Medicine

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    Reconstructing Faulkner\u27s World: The Fictional Status of the Chronology and Genealogy in Absalom, Absalom! / Christian Howard, University of VirginiaIn the 1980s and ‘90s, Noel Polk edited the Vintage International reissued editions of Faulkner’s work to conform better to Faulkner’s authorial intentions. Yet while carefully analyzing his grammatical practices, Polk overlooked the importance of extra-textual material – such as the appendices to Absalom, Absalom! – that Faulkner created as part of his fictional universe, material that Faulkner himself called “the key” to his novels. This paper draws upon Faulkner’s archives at the University of Virginia in order to reexamine the appendices of Absalom, Absalom!, and it seeks to answer the question: What is the fictional status of Faulkner’s extra-textual material?Anse Bundren and the Vampire of the South / Jay Ingrao, Randolph-Macon CollegeIn widely-circulated handbills, as well as in articles and venues such as the 1910 Mississippi State Fair, hookworm crusaders railed against eugenicists in arguing that the poor white, with proper treatment, possessed the potential to overcome his lubber ways and contribute to society. Faulkner’s treatment of Anse Bundren challenges this re-contextualization of the poor white in the failure of crusaders to truly elevate the poor white as a class, and questions the face of medical professionalism as the new face of southern patriarchy in the early twentieth century.Strange and Violent Revisions: Print Culture, Rape Culture, and Legal Culture in Faulkner\u27s Sanctuary / Michael Lahey, University of AlbertaI will examine Sanctuary as a proto-feminist investigation of what is now known as rape culture and the subtle ways Faulkner exposed this Yoknapatawpha social ordering underneath his novel’s infamous, boisterous appearance into print culture. First looking at Sanctuary’s revision history, I go on to discuss how the novel itself is intensely concerned with the authority and mobilities of print culture, especially the strangely depicted secret legal pact (written? unwritten but understood by all parties?) underscoring the culminating trial scene, the novel’s most powerful rape culture moment, enacted long after Temple’s rape has occurred. I close with an examination of Sanctuary as a law-literature text, an example of this powerful literary sub-genre

    Ben Shepherd, War in the Wild East

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    Depuis le milieu des annĂ©es 1990, l’historiographie de la guerre Ă  l’Est a connu une formidable accĂ©lĂ©ration. Les travaux de spĂ©cialistes des politiques d’occupation nazies ou de la Wehrmacht ont Ă©largi de façon remarquable nos connaissances sur ce front, restĂ© jusqu’alors relativement nĂ©gligĂ©. Deux expositions sur les crimes de la Wehrmacht – le travail des historiens envisageant l’armĂ©e comme un corps social – ont ainsi permis d’envisager une Ă©tude des comportements des unitĂ©s au combat. La..

    Reinhard Nachtigal, Kriegsgefangenschaft an der Ostfront 1914 bis 1918

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    L’ouvrage prĂ©sentĂ© ici a Ă©tĂ© Ă©laborĂ© dans le cadre d’une thĂšse de doctorat que l’auteur prĂ©pare Ă  l’heure actuelle. Dans tous les travaux soutenus Ă  l’UniversitĂ© allemande, l’« état de la question » constitue une Ă©tape obligĂ©e, parfois extrĂȘmement riche, et il semble que ce soit prĂ©cisĂ©ment cette section de la thĂšse de Reinhard Nachtigal qui soit ici proposĂ©e par Peter Lang Verlag. Ce petit ouvrage est conçu comme un tour d’horizon historiographique des publications sur les prisonniers de gue..

    « La violence de guerre. Approche comparée des deux conflits mondiaux. Essai de bibliographie introductive"

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    International audienceEssai bibliographique transversal sur la bibliographie de la violence de guerre des deux conflits mondiau

    lan Kershaw et Moshe Lewin (dir.), Stalinism and Nazism : Dictatorships in Comparison

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    Ingrao Christian. lan Kershaw et Moshe Lewin (dir.), Stalinism and Nazism : Dictatorships in Comparison. In: Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales. 53ᔉ annĂ©e, N. 1, 1998. pp. 172-176

    John Home et Alan Kramer. German atrocities 1914. A History of Denial

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    Ingrao. John Home et Alan Kramer. German atrocities 1914. A History of Denial. In: Politique Ă©trangĂšre, n°3 - 2002 - 67ᔉannĂ©e. pp. 808-809

    lan Kershaw et Moshe Lewin (dir.), Stalinism and Nazism : Dictatorships in Comparison

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    Ingrao Christian. lan Kershaw et Moshe Lewin (dir.), Stalinism and Nazism : Dictatorships in Comparison. In: Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales. 53ᔉ annĂ©e, N. 1, 1998. pp. 172-176

    Culture de guerre, imaginaire nazi, violence génocide : le cas des cadres du S.D

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    This paper tries to sketch out the cultural background of a group of 80 S.S. officers. They were born between 1900 and 1910 and were the children of the Great War, which made them the target of a specific pedagogy whose aim was to legitimize the conflict and his increasingly growing violence. The early involvement of these men can be viewed as the implementation of a vision of the world in which they pursued the fight begun in 1914. Their enrolment in the S.S. seen as the crowning achievement of their militant life clearly shows the appeal of nazi ideology and its soothing dimension. Integrated into the S.S., they were engaged in ideological work, intelligence activity and police repression. In 1941, they were sent to the Eastern front to lead the Einsatzgruppen. Using the rhetoric of war they had internalized before, they transformed them into a vision of the world based on ethnic eradication, which enabled them to legitimaze the genocide policies, playing a non-negligible role in their implementation.Ce texte esquisse l'histoire culturelle d'un groupe de 80 officiers S.S. NĂ©s entre 1900 et 1910, ces hommes sont des enfants de la Grande Guerre et sont Ă  ce titre la cible d'une pĂ©dagogie de lĂ©gitimation du conflit spĂ©cifique. L'engagement prĂ©coce de ces hommes peut ainsi ĂȘtre apprĂ©hendĂ© Ă  l'aune d'un imaginaire de poursuite de la lutte commencĂ©e en 1914. L'engagement au sein de la S.S., terme de leur parcours militant, tĂ©moigne de la capacitĂ© d'attraction du systĂšme de croyances nazi et de sa dimension dĂ©sangoissante. IntĂ©grĂ©s Ă  la S. S., ces hommes y combinent un travail de formulation dogmatique Ă  des activitĂ©s de renseignement et de rĂ©pression policiĂšre. En 1941, ils sont envoyĂ©s Ă  l'Est pour diriger les Einsatzgruppen, et, rĂ©investissant les rhĂ©toriques de guerre intĂ©riorisĂ©es auparavant, ils les transforment en un imaginaire extirpateur qui leur permet de lĂ©gitimer les politiques gĂ©nocides dont ils assument une part non nĂ©gligeable.Ingrao. Culture de guerre, imaginaire nazi, violence gĂ©nocide : le cas des cadres du S.D. In: Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine, tome 47 N°2, Avril-juin 2000. La violence nazie. pp. 265-289

    Richard Overy. Russia's War Antony Beevor. Stalingrad

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    Ingrao. Richard Overy. Russia's War Antony Beevor. Stalingrad. In: Politique Ă©trangĂšre, n°3-4 - 2000 - 65ᔉannĂ©e. pp. 935-937
