186 research outputs found

    Relation between phase space coverage and entanglement for spin-1/2 systems

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    For systems of two and three spins 1/2 it is known that the second moment of the Husimi function can be related to entanglement properties of the corresponding states. Here, we generalize this relation to an arbitrary number of spins in a pure state. It is shown that the second moment of the Husimi function can be expressed in terms of the lengths of the concurrence vectors for all possible partitions of the N-spin system in two subsystems. This relation implies that the phase space distribution of an entangled state is less localized than that of a non-entangled state. As an example, the second moment of the Husimi function is analyzed for an Ising chain subject to a magnetic field perpendicular to the chain axis.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, RevTeX forma

    Fundamental Aspects of Quantum Brownian Motion

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    With this work we elaborate on the physics of quantum noise in thermal equilibrium and in stationary non-equilibrium. Starting out from the celebrated quantum fluctuation-dissipation theorem we discuss some important consequences that must hold for open, dissipative quantum systems in thermal equilibrium. The issue of quantum dissipation is exemplified with the fundamental problem of a damped harmonic quantum oscillator. The role of quantum fluctuations is discussed in the context of both, the nonlinear generalized quantum Langevin equation and the path integral approach. We discuss the consequences of the time-reversal symmetry for an open dissipative quantum dynamics and, furthermore, point to a series of subtleties and possible pitfalls. The path integral methodology is applied to the decay of metastable states assisted by quantum Brownian noise.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, RevTeX, submitted to Chaos special issue "100 Years of Brownian Motion

    Effect of zero point phase fluctuations on Josephson tunneling

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    In the presence of phase fluctuations the dc Josephson effect is modified and the supercurrent at zero voltage is replaced by a peak at small but finite voltages. It is shown that at zero temperature this peak is determined by two complementary expansions of finite radius of convergence. The leading order expressions are related to results known from the regimes of Coulomb blockade and of macroscopic quantum tunneling. The peak positions and the suppression of the critical current by quantum fluctuations are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, RevTe

    Quantum dissipative Brownian motion and the Casimir effect

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    We explore an analogy between the thermodynamics of a free dissipative quantum particle and that of an electromagnetic field between two mirrors of finite conductivity. While a free particle isolated from its environment will effectively be in the high-temperature limit for any nonvanishing temperature, a finite coupling to the environment leads to quantum effects ensuring the correct low-temperature behavior. Even then, it is found that under appropriate circumstances the entropy can be a nonmonotonic function of the temperature. Such a scenario with its specific dependence on the ratio of temperature and damping constant also appears for the transverse electric mode in the Casimir effect. The limits of vanishing dissipation for the quantum particle and of infinite conductivity of the mirrors in the Casimir effect both turn out to be noncontinuous.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Thermodynamic anomalies in the presence of dissipation: from the free particle to the harmonic oscillator

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    A free particle coupled to a heat bath can exhibit a number of thermodynamic anomalies like a negative specific heat or reentrant classicality. These low-temperature phenomena are expected to be modified at very low temperatures where finite-size effects associated with the discreteness of the energy spectrum become relevant. In this paper, we explore in which form the thermodynamic anomalies of the free damped particle appear for a damped harmonic oscillator. Since the discreteness of the oscillator's energy spectrum is fully accounted for, the results are valid for arbitrary temperatures. As expected, they are in agreement with the third law of thermodynamics and indicate how the thermodynamic anomalies of the free damped particle can be reconciled with the third law. Particular attention is paid to the transition from the harmonic oscillator to the free particle when the limit of the oscillator frequency to zero is taken.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Reentrant classicality of a damped system

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    For a free particle, the coupling to its environment can be the relevant mechanism to induce quantum behavior as the temperature is lowered. We study general linear environments with a spectral density proportional to {\omega}^s at low frequencies and consider in particular the specific heat of the free damped particle. For super-Ohmic baths with s>=2, a reentrant classical behavior is found. As the temperature is lowered, the specific heat decreases from the classical value of k_B/2, thereby indicating the appearence of quantum effects. However, the classical value of the specific heat is restored as the temperature approaches zero. This surprising behavior is due to the suppressed density of bath degrees of freedom at low frequencies. For s<2, the specific heat at zero temperature increases linearly with s from -k_B/2 to k_B/2. An Ohmic bath, s=1, is thus very special in the sense that it represents the only case where the specific heat vanishes at zero temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
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