1,008 research outputs found

    Hauptprobleme der vierten GWB-Novelle: Wettbewerbspolitik

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    Competition policy in the EEC

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    Article 2 of the Treaty of Rome describes the task of the European Community as to encourage stability and growth “by establishing a Common Market and by progressively approximating the economic policies of Member States”

    Vierte Kartellnovelle verabschiedet

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    Rosa Luxemburg’s ‘Accumulation of Capital’: New Perspectives on Capitalist Development and American Hegemony

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    The article begins with a cri tique of a variety of Marxist theories on capitalist development and the hegemony of the United States. These theories either see capitalism in stagnation and American hegemony in decline since the 1970s or understand neoliberalism as the American way to permanent hegemony. The former fail to explain accumulation during the era of neoliberalism, the latter can’t explain the current crisis of neoliberal capitalism. As an alternative a Luxemburgian approach is suggested, which proceeds in two steps. One, core concepts of Rosa Luxemburg’s Accumulation of Capital are introduced and the Marxist debate about her work reviewed. This is necessary because of the absence of any tradition of Luxemburgian political economy. Second, from a Luxemburgian perspective post-war capitalism developed in two phases, each of which was possible because class-struggles and international conflicts had opened non-capitalist environments for capitalist penetration. The first phase gave rise to consumer capitalism and neo-colonialism; the second was characterized by accumulation by dispossession that rolled back welfare states in the North and developmental states in the South, while also integrating formerly state-socialist countries, notably China, into the capitalist world-system. Cet article commence par une critique de plusieurs thĂ©ories Marxistes sur le dĂ©veloppement capitaliste et l’hĂ©gĂ©monie des Etats-Unis. Soit ces thĂ©ories constatent un capitalisme en stagnation et une hĂ©gĂ©monie amĂ©ricaine en dĂ©clin depuis les annĂ©es soixante-dix, soit elles dĂ©crivent le nĂ©olibĂ©ralisme comme la voie amĂ©ricaine vers l’hĂ©gĂ©monie permanente. Celles-ci ne peuvent pas expliquer la crise actuelle du capitalisme nĂ©olibĂ©ral, tandis que celles-lĂ  Ă©chouent Ă  expliquer le processus d’accumulation du capital pendant l’ùre nĂ©olibĂ©rale. Comme alternative, l’auteur propose une approche inspirĂ©e par Luxemburg, en deux temps. PremiĂšrement, il introduit les concepts clĂ©s de l’Accumulation du capital de Rosa Luxemburg et rĂ©sume les dĂ©bats Marxistes autour de ses Ɠuvres. Ce temps est nĂ©cessaire du fait de l’absence d’une tradition d’économie politique Ă  la suite de Luxemburg. DeuxiĂšmement, dans une perspective issue de Luxemburg, le capitalisme d’aprĂšs-guerre s’est dĂ©veloppĂ© en deux phases, dont chacune Ă©tait possible parce que les luttes de classes et les conflits internationaux ont ouvert des brĂšches dans des sociĂ©tĂ©s non-capitalistes pour la pĂ©nĂ©tration du capitalisme. La premiĂšre phase a permis l’émergence du capitalisme consumĂ©riste et du nĂ©o-colonialisme ; la deuxiĂšme se caractĂ©rise par l’accumulation par dĂ©possession de l’état-providence dans le Nord et des Ă©tats en dĂ©veloppement dans le Sud, ainsi que par l’intĂ©gration des nations auparavant socialistes, notamment la Chine, dans le systĂšme-monde capitaliste

    Hauptprobleme der 7. Kartellnovelle: Die Wende in der Kartellpolitik

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    Am 1. Juli 2005 ist die 7. Kartellnovelle in Kraft getreten. Im Mittelpunkt steht eine Anpassung des deutschen an das europÀische Kartellrecht. Was wurde bei der Harmonisierung des deutschen Kartellrechts im einzelnen beschlossen

    Hauptprobleme der 7. Kartellnovelle: Die Wende in der Kartellpolitik

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    Am 1. Juli 2005 ist die 7. Kartellnovelle in Kraft getreten. Im Mittelpunkt steht eine Anpassung des deutschen an das europÀische Kartellrecht. Was wurde bei der Harmonisierung des deutschen Kartellrechts im einzelnen beschlossen? --

    The Bigness Mystique and the Merger Policy Debate: A Comment from West Germany

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    After eight years of an antitrust policy dominated by the principles of the Chicago School, which is better characterized as a protrust merger policy, the United States and the European Community are confronted with a new wave of mergers. The arguments for mergers are the same as in the 1960s: merger-induced bigness promotes international competition, efficiency, and technological progress. In this context, Adams and Brock in their excellent analysis ask the right questions. But did merger-induced corporate giantism provide salvation for European industry? Did it provide world-class competitiveness? Was it a success and a model of industrial policy worthy of emulation? Adams and Brock provide answers by analyzing post-merger performance in the United Kingdom, Franc, West Germany, Italy, and Japan. Their country analyses leave space for further work. Therefore, this Article provides deeper insight into West Germany\u27s merger activity and its merger results

    Hauptprobleme der 5. Kartellnovelle

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    Conflicts between antidumping and antitrust law in the EC

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    Antidumping policy aims at protecting single firms or industries from distortions in trade with third countries. A broad definition of dumping can, however, lead to protectionist measures which conflict with antitrust policy. To what extent is this the case in the EC

    Hauptprobleme der 6. Kartellnovelle

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