20 research outputs found

    Introduction to Medical Familiy Therapy

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    Samordning mellan förÀldrar och lÀrare med hjÀlp av det reflekterande samtalet

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    An upbringing with substance-abusing parents : Experiences of parentification and dysfunctional communication

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    Aim: To increase understanding of the consequences of growing up with substance-abusing parents, including how this can influence the experience of becoming a parent. Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted with 19 parents who had participated in an Infant and Toddler Psychiatry Unit intervention programme and who had experienced substance-abusing parents in their family of origin. Directed qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the data. Results: Analysis of the interview material revealed both a high incidence of parentification and a conspiracy of silence concerning the substance abuse that helped generate symptoms of cognitive dissonance in the children. As parents they experience a high degree of inadequacy, incompetence and stress. Conclusion: A majority of the children who had grown up with substance-abusing parents responded by taking a parenting role for themselves, their siblings and their parents. These children, often well-behaved and seemingly competent, need to be identified and offered support as they risk developing significant psychological and emotional difficulties that can extend into adulthood. They form an extra sensitive group who may need special support up to and including the time when they become parents themselves. This finding underlines the importance of further research on parenting among those who have grown up with abusive parents

    The Marte Meo Method as a means of supporting new adoptive parents

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    The study discussed here by Gunnel Osterman, Anders Möller and Ingegerd Wirtberg aimed to find out if any observable themes or patterns recur when using the Marte Meo (MM) method with adoptive parents, and if the parents feel that working with this method helps them to interact with their child. The study used qualitative methods and comprised two parts: use of the MM method with couples who had adopted their first child within the past two months, and semi-structured interviews with the parents. The study group consisted of seven parent couples who had adopted children aged 5-15 months from overseas. The principle of the MM method is for the child's need to be approached at its own tempo and rhythm. It encourages and motivates the parents to adjust their interplay to the child's actual behaviour, leading to better adjustment to the child's tempo and rhythm. This is important because initial video filming reveals that most parents adopt a tempo that is too fast for their child. During this initial period, the MM method may be one way of working to meet adoptive parents' need for advice and support in their efforts to be sensitive to the developmental needs of their child

    Video Feedback Intervention With Children: A Systematic review

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    Objective: Present a systematic analysis of the outcome research concerning video feedback (VF) programs. Method: Twenty- nine studies published between 1990 and 2014 were examined. They focused on children 0–12 years old and had at least one control group. Results: VF programs were similar in design, with interventions focusing on parental and child behavior, parental sensitivity and attachment. In 41% of the measurements, the program effects were moderate or large in favor of the intervention groups, particularly regarding maternal sensitivity and children’s behavior. Components of the VF programs were also examined. Two general problems emerged: lack of transparency/specificity of many programs with respect to the components, and het- erogeneity among instruments used for measurement. Conclusions: Future research should focus on articulating intervention components and a standardized approach to measurement. This would facilitate comparisons of approaches and increase the possibility of implementing VF programs with fidelity in different professional settings

    Struggling with one’s own parenting after an upbringing with substance abusing parents

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    Aim: To add to our knowledge concerning the key elements involved in the individual’s experience of growing up with substance abusing parents and the resulting challenges this involved for their own parenthood. Methods: In-depth interviews were conducted with 19 parents who had participated in a mental health intervention programme. All had experienced substance abusing parents in their family of origin. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the data. They also completed a self-report questionnaire assessing their attachment style. Result: Participants reported a high incidence of emotional abuse and neglect coupled with inadequate support from the community. Their own parental role was influenced by high parental stress and a majority had an insecure attachment style. Conclusions: All participants had experienced a very difficult childhood which was reinforced by the fact that they received little support from society. Their childhood experience and the resulting challenges that this created in their own parenting role could negatively influence their own children’s ability to form a secure psychosocial development. It is therefore important to develop instruments that can help to identify children who were raised in misuse families in order to accommodate the transgenerational effects of growing up with substance abusing parents