7 research outputs found

    Dukat - jučer, danas...

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    Tradicija organizirane prerade mlijeka u Zagrebu, koju danas najvećim dijelom obavlja Prva hrvatska konzumna mljekara "Dukat" d.d. traje pune 82 godine

    Da li je znanje pacijenata o osteoporozi povezano s unosom kalcija?

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    The aim of the study was to determine if calcium intake in patients with osteoporosis and osteopenia is influenced by the patient’s knowledge about the disease. The results presented are collected from an ongoing survey on dietary and other behaviour in women with lower bone density. Subjects were 197 women with an average age of 62.9 years. Specially designed quantified Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and, additional questionnaire for demographic data were used. When asked in what period of life they consumed the highest quantity of milk and dairy products, in the highest percent of subjects (27.8%) the answer was after the age of 50 years. In this case, although not significantly, the ages are negatively correlated with calcium intake. Years of education did not significantly correlate with calcium intake. Subjects that knew the recommended calcium intake in average had also a higher calcium intake (1369.6 mg) than those who did not (929.2 mg) and had significantly higher (p = 0.01) supplemental calcium intake than those who did not know the recommended calcium intake. No significant difference in calcium intake was observed when osteoporosis, reported in family anamnesis, is taken into account. The period of time from diagnosis did not correlate with calcium intake. Significant correlation (p < 0.01) was observed for calcium intake as well as the number of correct answers on questions about osteoporosis and food checklist where benefits of calcium sources are recognize. This study showed that a patient’s knowledge about osteoporosis is important in achieving adequate calcium intake.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi da li je unos kalcija u pacijenata s osteoporozom i osteopenijom povezan sa znanjem o bolesti. Prikazani su dosad prikupljeni rezultati istraživanja o prehrambenim i drugim navikama u žena niske mineralne gustoće kosti. Ispitanici su bile 197 žena prosječne dobi 62,9 godina. Upotrijebljen je posebno napravljen upitnik o učestalosti konzumiranja hrane i pića (FFQ), te dodatan upitnik za demografske podatke. Na pitanje u kojem periodu života su konzumirali najveće količine mlijeka i mliječnih proizvoda, najveći postotak ispitanika (27,8%) je odgovorio nakon 50. godine života, ali utvrđena je negativna, iako ne i statistički značajna korelacija između dobi i unosa kalcija. Godine obrazovanja nisu statistički značajno korelirale s unosom kalcija. Ispitanici koji su znali koja je preporuka za unos kalcija su imali veći prosječan unos (1369,6 mg vs. 929,2 mg) i imali su statistički značajno veći unos kalcija dodatcima prehrani nego oni koji nisu znali preporuku (p = 0,01). Nije utvrđena značajna razlika unosa kalcija s obzirom na to da li u obitelji ima ili je bilo oboljelih od osteoporoze. Period koji je protekao od dijagnoze osteoporoze nije koreliralo s unosom kalcija. Statistički značajna korelacija (p < 0,01) je utvrđena za unos kalcija i broj točnih odgovora na pitanja o osteoporozi i prepoznavanju dobrih izvora kalcija. Ovo istraživanje je pokazalo da je znanje o osteoporozi u oboljelih značajno u postizanju adekvatnog unosa

    Change of lactose content after milk fermentation using various microbial cultures

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je pratiti promjene udjela laktoze i promjene kiselosti u mlijeku prije fermentacije te u fermentiranim mliječnim proizvodima koji su čuvani 1 i 28 dana u hladnjaku na 8 °C. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 5 različitih uzoraka: jogurt, jogurt sa povećanim udjelom laktoze, bifido mlijeko, kiselo vrhnje i kiselo mlijeko. Udjel laktoze određivan je enzimskom metodom. Rezultati su pokazali da termofilne kulture tijekom fermentacije konvertiraju znatno više laktoze u mliječnu kiselinu (oko 30 %), u odnosu na mezofilne kulture (16-20 %). Probiotička kultura vrste Bifidobacterium treba znatno dulje vrijeme prilagodbe za fermentaciju laktoze u mlijeku, a konvertirala je najmanji udio laktoze (svega 15 % nakon prvog dana čuvanja uzoraka, a nakon 28 dana oko 19 %).The purpose of this study was to determine lactose and lactic acid content and acidity changes in typified milk prior to fermentation and in dairy products on 1st and 28th day of their storage at 8 °C in cold environment. In this study 5 different dairy products were observed: yogurt, extra lactose yogurt, bifido milk, sour cream and sour milk. The enzymatic method for determination of lactose has been used. The biggest change in lactose and lactic acid content, according to study results, has happened in the process of fermentation, as expected. About 16-20 % of lactose has been converted by mesophilus, while significantly bigger part (round 30 %) of lactose to lactic acid has been converted by thermophilus. The smallest part of lactose conversion was performed by Bifidobacterium therapy culture (just 15 % after the first day and 19 % on 28th day of cold storage) which is due to the greater adjustment period of Bifidobacterium in milk for lactose fermentation

    Change of lactose content after milk fermentation using various microbial cultures

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    The purpose of this study was to determine lactose and lactic acid content and acidity changes in typified milk prior to fermentation and in dairy products on 1st and 28th day of their storage at 8 °C in cold environment. In this study 5 different dairy products were observed: yogurt, extra lactose yogurt, bifido milk, sour cream and sour milk. The enzymatic method for determination of lactose has been used. The biggest change in lactose and lactic acid content, according to study results, has happened in the process of fermentation, as expected. About 16-20 % of lactose has been converted by mesophilus, while significantly bigger part (round 30 %) of lactose to lactic acid has been converted by thermophilus. The smallest part of lactose conversion was performed by Bifidobacterium therapy culture (just 15 % after the first day and 19 % on 28th day of cold storage) which is due to the greater adjustment period of Bifidobacterium in milk for lactose fermentation

    Does a patient's knowledge about osteoporosis have an influence

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    The aim of the study was to determine if calcium intake in patients with osteoporosis and osteopenia is influenced by the patient’s knowledge about the disease. The results presented are collected from an ongoing survey on dietary and other behaviour in women with lower bone density. Subjects were 197 women with an average age of 62.9 years. Specially designed quantified Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and, additional questionnaire for demographic data were used. When asked in what period of life they consumed the highest quantity of milk and dairy products, in the highest percent of subjects (27.8%) the answer was after the age of 50 years. In this case, although not significantly, the ages are negatively correlated with calcium intake. Years of education did not significantly correlate with calcium intake. Subjects that knew the recommended calcium intake in average had also a higher calcium intake (1369.6 mg) than those who did not (929.2 mg) and had significantly higher (p = 0.01) supplemental calcium intake than those who did not know the recommended calcium intake. No significant difference in calcium intake was observed when osteoporosis, reported in family anamnesis, is taken into account. The period of time from diagnosis did not correlate with calcium intake. Significant correlation (p < 0.01) was observed for calcium intake as well as the number of correct answers on questions about osteoporosis and food checklist where benefits of calcium sources are recognize.This study showed that a patient’s knowledge about osteoporosis is important in achieving adequate calcium intake