2 research outputs found


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    Posttraumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) is a disorder which emerges after the patient has experienced one or more psychotraumatic events, which equally include neurobiological deregulation and psychological dysfunction. Comorbidity is present in more than 80% of the diagnosed cases of PTSD, which makes treatment of the primary disorder very difficult. It has been identified that PTSD can be found in comorbidity with other psychiatric disorders as well as with physical illnesses. This study presents aged 42, who has been psychiatrically treated for the past 12 years, with a diagnose of chronic PTSD and who subsequently developed depression. The patient has been treated for psoriasis for the past seven years, and two years ago, had to undergo surgery due to bladder carcinoma, followed by a radiotherapy course. Multiple comorbidity significantly makes the treatment of the primary illness very difficult and it limits the choice of pharmacotherapy in ambulatory conditions


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    Većina ljudi smatra da je za osjećaj ispunjenosti i sreće potrebno zasnovati brak i obitelj. Ipak, isključivo takav model života, posebno u modernim društvima, nije toliko krut. Cilj ovog rada je bio vidjeti kakvi su stavovi spram života i prema drugim obrascima ( samački život, izvanbračna zajednica, brak bez djece, samohrano roditeljstvo i homoseksualni par) u kojima je s manje ili više poteškoća moguće zadovoljiti duhovne, fizičke, socijalne i emotivne potrebe. Ovim istraživanjem su bili obuhvaćeni shizofreni i depresivni bolesnici / osobe stabilnog psihičkog stanja u jednom duljem razdoblju koje su tijekom studenog 2009. godine bile došle na svoju redovitu kontrolu; one su se dragovoljno i u uvjetima anonimnosti podvrgli anketiranju. Upitnik je sadržavao pet pitanja / pet tvrdnji glede različitih oblika obiteljskog života koji bi mogli zadovoljiti biološke, socijalne i emocionalne potrebe ; odgovaralo se zaokruživanjem jednog od dva sugerirana odgovora ZA ili PROTIV. Ujedno su zbog potreba i šireg istraživanja trebali zaokružiti/podcrtati ili upisati određene njima najprimjerenije sociodemografske podatke. Na isti način( dragovoljnost i uvjeti anonimnosti ) isti upitnik su rješavali i nasumice odabrani zdravi riječki pojedinci zaticani u isto vrijeme /studeni 2009. godine na različitim mjestima u Rijeci. Podaci su prikazani tabelarno u apsolutnim brojevima a sami rezultati su interpretirani / analizirani putem deskriptivne metode. Ovim istraživanjem bilo je obuhvaćeno 30 shizofrenih bolesnika ( M-20, Ž-10), 30 depresivnih bolesnika ( M-9, Ž-21) i 30 zdravih pojedinaca ( M-9, Ž-21). Izdvojiti je bilo slijedeće ( na osnovi najbrojnijih frekvencija): 1. shizofreni muškarci preferiraju brak bez djece za razliku od drugih anketiranih koji izdvojeno ili skupa sa drugim oblicima obiteljskog života preferiraju izvanbračne zajednice, 2. depresivne žene su nešto više protiv samačkog života za razliku od drugih anketiranih koji su „listom“ protiv homoseksualnog para kao oblika obiteljskog života i 3. uopćeni rezultati u vidu omjera ZA i PROTIV glede različitih oblika obiteljskog života ukazuju da je najveći raskorak u depresivnih muškaraca (1:5) za razliku od drugih analiziranih gdje je uglavnom omjer 1:2. Raspraviti je i /ili zaključiti da možda dobiti dijete u braku za muškog shizofrenog bolesnika , napose onog u starijoj srednjoj životnoj dobi /41-50 godina, ne zahtjeva njegovu temeljnu reorganizaciju za koju on možda nije spreman. Raspraviti je i / ili zaključiti da možda depresivna žena, posebno ona starije srednje životne dobi /41-50 godina, ne zazire od samačkog života zbog njegovog većeg zahtjeva za slobodom i nezavisnosti za što ona možda nije spremna. I konačno raspraviti je i /ili zaključiti da možda općenito depresivni muškarci ne iskazuju izrazito protivljenje različitim oblicima obiteljskog života zbog njihovih nemogućnosti da sa manjim ili većim poteškoćama žive prema drugim obrascima u kojima bi mogli zadovoljiti svoje duhovne, fizičke, socijalne i emocionalne potrebe.In opinion of the lot of people the marriage and family carry feeling and fortune. But, in the modern societies that model of life isn\u27t so cruel. The aim of this research was to see what attitudes to other types of family life have been. Other types of family life included alone life, concubinage, marriage without children, self-supporting parent and homosexual couple; these types could content with little or some more problems necessary psychic, physic, social and emotional needs. This researh included schizophrenic and depressived patients ( in their good remission ) who during November 2009 arrived at their regular controls in the social ambulance of Psyciatric Clinic in Rijeka at Polyclinic of CHC in Rijeka. They were inquiried voluntarily in the atmosphere of anonymity. The inquiry had five questions / five statements according to various types of family life which could content necessary psychic, physic, social and emotional needs. Answers were to encircle or underline toward suggestive answers FOR or AGAINST. For the needs of one large investigation patients also could encircle, underline and fill definite own sociodemographic characteristics. According to the same manner during the same time the group of healthy people from the various places of Rijeka city was inquiried randomly. Data was shown in apsolute numbers tables and was analysed by the descriptive method. This researh included 30 schizophrenic patients ( M-20, F-10) , 30 depressived patients ( M-9, F-21) and 30 healthy individual persons ( M-9, F-21). According to numerous frequencys was to separate following : 1. schizophrenic patients some more prefer marriage without children to parallel with others who prefer concubinage separated or with other types of family life , 2. depressived women were so more against alone life to parallel with others who « in total» were against homosexual couple. Toward to general data accoring to proportion FOR and AGAINST it is 1:5 in analysed depressived men opposite 1:2 in the big part of others. For discussion or for conclusion is one schizophrenic patient, specially in his older middle age/41-50, could unable for marriage with children because he couldn\u27t make fundamental reorganisation of his own life. Also, for discussion or for conclusion is one depressived woman, specially in her older middle age/41-50 could unable for alone life becuse it requires one free and indepedent life. And the end for discussion or for conclusion is depressive men could unable to accept big part of unusual types of family life which could content their necessary psychic, physic, social and emotional needs