6 research outputs found

    A Method for Real-Time Aggregation of a Product Footprint during Manufacturing

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    To assess cost, time investment, energy consumption and carbon emission of manufacturing on a per-piece basis, a bottom-up approach for aggregating a real-time product footprint is proposed. This method allows the evaluation of the environmental impact of a batch or even single product using monitoring or simulation data. To analyze the infrastructure, the production plant is decomposed into modules that are in relation to each other via inputs and outputs. Distinguishing between modules for production, logistics, energy system, buildings and auxiliary systems, the different approaches for distributing resource consumption between the products are presented. Special attention is paid to typical scenarios that occur in production plants and problems that may arise from them. For example, the incorporation of standby-, setup- and ramp-up times, the energy consumption of the administration and the allocation of different products and by-products manufactured at a machine are taken into account

    Hybrid Building Performance Simulation Models for Industrial Energy Efficiency Applications

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    In the challenge of achieving environmental sustainability, industrial production plants, as large contributors to the overall energy demand of a country, are prime candidates for applying energy efficiency measures. A modelling approach using cubes is used to decompose a production facility into manageable modules. All aspects of the facility are considered, classified into the building, energy system, production and logistics. This approach leads to specific challenges for building performance simulations since all parts of the facility are highly interconnected. To meet this challenge, models for the building, thermal zones, energy converters and energy grids are presented and the interfaces to the production and logistics equipment are illustrated. The advantages and limitations of the chosen approach are discussed. In an example implementation, the feasibility of the approach and models is shown. Different scenarios are simulated to highlight the models and the results are compared

    Simulation-based Strategies for Smart Demand Response

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    Demand Response can be seen as one effective way to harmonize demand and supply in order to achieve high self-coverage of energy consumption by means of renewable energy sources. This paper presents two different simulation-based concepts to integrate demand-response strategies into energy management systems in the customer domain of the Smart Grid. The first approach is a Model Predictive Control of the heating and cooling system of a low-energy office building. The second concept aims at industrial Demand Side Management by integrating energy use optimization into industrial automation systems. Both approaches are targeted at day-ahead planning. Furthermore, insights gained into the implications of the concepts onto the design of the model, simulation and optimization will be discussed. While both approaches share a similar architecture, different modelling and simulation approaches were required by the use cases

    Developement of a concept for an energy-optimized production facility involving the building structure

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    Abweichender Titel laut Übersetzung der Verfasserin/des VerfassersIn der untersuchten Produktionseinrichtung, dem Labor für Produktionstechnik der Institutes für Fertigungstechnik der Technischen Universität Wien, werden die Energieströme innerhalb des Gebäudes und der Energieverbrauch anhand von vorhandenem Datenmaterial und Messungen ermittelt.Es wird erörtert welche gängigen Maßnahmen zur Senkung der bezogenen Energie, die innerhalb der bestehenden Strukturen verwirklichbar sind, herangezogen werden können. Hier wird auf die Senkung des Energieverbrauchs im Gebäude, sowie auf die Deckung eines Teils des Bedarfs durch alternative Energiequellen fokussiert. Dabei wird besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Nutzung der Abwärme der Werkzeugmaschinen gelegt.In einer Gebäudesimulation werden die Optimierungsmaßnahmen und der momentane Zustand des Labors modelliert, um die getroffenen Maßnahmen im direkten Vergleich hinsichtlich ihres Energieeinsparungspotentials zu bewerten.8

    Hybrid Building Performance Simulation Models for Industrial Energy Efficiency Applications

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    In the challenge of achieving environmental sustainability, industrial production plants, as large contributors to the overall energy demand of a country, are prime candidates for applying energy efficiency measures. A modelling approach using cubes is used to decompose a production facility into manageable modules. All aspects of the facility are considered, classified into the building, energy system, production and logistics. This approach leads to specific challenges for building performance simulations since all parts of the facility are highly interconnected. To meet this challenge, models for the building, thermal zones, energy converters and energy grids are presented and the interfaces to the production and logistics equipment are illustrated. The advantages and limitations of the chosen approach are discussed. In an example implementation, the feasibility of the approach and models is shown. Different scenarios are simulated to highlight the models and the results are compared