64 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Homogeneity from Ore-bodied in Nigeria for Secondary Mineral Prospective

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    Samples from ore–bodied areas at different locations in Papalanto and Ifo in Ogun-State, South-West of Nigeria, where Ewekoro cement industry is situated, were analyzed so as to recover some secondary minerals of economic value. The following parameters were evaluated, conductivity, turbidity, colour, pH and other chemical parameters. Variations of Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), sulphate, nitrate, phosphate, chloride ion contents, and temperature were also studied. Mineral-forming heavy metals were in the ranges Fe: 89.0–1080 mg/l; Mg: 869–1120 mg/l; Pb: 23–80 mg/l; Zn: 180-480 mg/l. The concentration of nitrate is 20-35 mg/l; phosphate: 8-80mg/l; Dissolved Oxygen (DO): 30–45 mg/l; Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): 89-900 mg/l; pH: 6.1-8.5; Conductivity: 10-18μs/cm3 and temperature ranged between 25-27oC. Also in the tabulation are the results of the homogeneity of four geochemical explorations from other Nigerian ore-bodied environments for comparison. Correlations of some of the physical and chemical parameters have been established with the view of providing conditions for the formation of secondary minerals and the types of such minerals expected from the studied areas. The minerals may include the following groups of minerals: Adelite, Melilite, Cancrinite and Copriapite. The study apart from the present knowledge on ore-based baseline also present information on the pollution studies of the area under investigatio

    Maintenance Of Water Through The Development Of Activated Carbon Filter From Local Raw Materials.

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    111~ aim of til~ work is~~~ tltm:lop actiJ•tttedt:!"bmljilter fronr local ruw:materlttls su#f' 'us ba~1boo a11d cm:ollut;sllells to ti~UIIJlllill qllu/ltJ• ll'illel' }Or fttltllllll COII!IIIRIJ'!(Oit, by rcn~I)J>/ng odours, CO/our, taste U1f1 fheauculs. To UCfli~lli! tl1e mued o1111, fill auaeroblc fum~ce tif 9kg capacity wus tleslg,'/l!d iflld develope¥ for a'''ilffl''"m operutbllf tel/tpet:aturc of lOOfi'C. The raw I~UJterlllls 1/Si!tl for. actlVf!ted carbon a{!! ba~tboo ami CII~Jfttut ~lteff,si • A qllalttiry of 6kg ba111boo was mea&·ured and fed mto tile ftml ace ji~r four /lours of ltell(htg 111 tit~ 11b~te11ce tif ~yg{!JI; a tu. tempern/Jlre of90U' C. The experiltlettt WIL\' repetltetlll•itll tile st1111e qllautlty of coco1~Ut sflt:lls as tt/ bamboo. : Tkf ~ctivated carbt11i tif tke i11aterials was. gt01111d &'eparule/)' ill a mortttr wit/1 a pestle, Ulld sie\>6ti1Lf,lng BritMr a!'to sizye f1r9ker of di/Jere11t s~s; wltlc}t was used to flllfl/yse mutld)• li'IUI!l~ Tl1e result slliJwed tlrat. tlte le••el of coittaifrina!Z{S .i{etie significantly redr(ced,· coconut activated carbtm· was fi•uml to be beteer th1t11 bamboo lllltl' actiV«ted rviifr filf~'' ti/('!icles is more eff~eiellt itJ Wtller. filtratio/1. It can dum be cmrcludecl that activatetl ettrbrm from loc«l raHi muteria(f {Ike coco1111t shells tuut [Jumbos, W/1/ch are CORIIn0/1 iu Aft·icll, Cllll be IISI!d lillllfl{lltJliiiiJllflfi(.J' II'Uter for ftU~IUII cOIISff"fD01t

    A study of chemical composition of Some clay Deposits ln Some state for refractory production

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    'l"he chemical composition of some clay deposits from Shuwari; Pulka and Ngala in Bomo State were studied for refractory production. This is to indicate t~e.lr classification as refractory . material and their places of use in.~ndustrial set up. The .result sh9wed that. the Shuyvarl clay has 36% and 47% of _alumina and silica respectively. this. placed th~~c~ay in the group of siliceous fire.:eiay n:fractory. The Pulka clay 'has 41.3% and s 1.00/o ofaf~mina and silica respectively . . -r:tais placed the clay under the med~um duty and low-melting sefi·acid fire clay; while Naaln .. ebiy has JS.OOA and 46.8% of aluPlina and· silica· respe~tively. H9wever; this was placed under the group of low-duty and low-melting fire clay refractory duel to high _lime (Ca9 + MsO) counted. The possible areas of applications of the studied day ht~ also been indicatef.fin this pap

    Chemical Analysis of Shea butter Produced From A Locally Fabricated Extruder

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    As elemental content if sheabutter play a vital role in various physiological and metabolical activities tn h human body, efforts have been made to analyze th.l semisolid product from the design and fabrication of sheabutier extraction machine for small scale. industry. The result was compared with the i;:omposition of extract from ocher techniques. The resuit shows mcreasing recoveries of most of the elements on p~ogressing to design machine and soxhlet apparatus from traditional procedure. The chemical analysis res1dts sho>~:ed the amounts of lead, mercury, manganese, iron, copper, calc1um, iodine, magnesiUTJ1 and phosphorous present in the sheabutter. The amounts of 22.8}lgll sheabulter from modern machine are higher than the from the traditipnal ·extracting method. Posszble reasons and implicatiOn of the finding•· are discussed

    Trace Elements in Trona Deposits of North East of Nigeria

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    This paper reports the composition of elements In trora samples from localities in: North Eastern zone o[Nigerza. A total of thirteen samples were analysed for Na, K; Zn, fb, AI, .\fg, Ca. Fe, ·s. and P. :411 the samples contained sodnun. lead, alummium, calr;iwn. phosphorus and carbondioxide. The samples contained between 37- 43"A. Na,O, 32- .~"'% C01 and 15 - 19% H,O. The grey samples code DTRBOl, DTRP-03, DTRYOl ,and DTRY05 contain high % of calcium and zinc. Yobe sample code DTRY05 has low: amount of sUlphate of 0. 75%,: The trace elements In trona from the deposits_ are related to the secondary minerals that may. be expected in these ore~ area

    Comparison of the Adsorptive Capacity of Raw Materials in Malting Activated Carbon Filter for Purification of Polluted Water for Drinking

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    A comparative work was carried out to ascertain adsorptive capacity of raw materilus in making activated carbon filter for ' , purification of polluted water for drinking. Three raw materials were chosen for this W,ork, they are palm kernel shells, coconut shells and bamboo. The raw materials were carbonized and then activated in a design~d and constructed anaerobic furnace at a temperature of 1000°C in the presence of steam to get a high mechanical resistance car~on. The adsQrptive properties determined for the activated carbon of the raw materials are hardness, ash content, apparent den~ity, porosity, iodine value and methylene blue. To test for the adsorptive capacity of the materials, muddy water from a pond\ in an industrial area where effluents are discharged was collected and analyzed for physical and chemical properties. There aft~r the muddy water was filtered with the activated carbon made from the raw materials. The filtrated water was further subjected to analysis. Results of Laboratory-Scale experiments and assessment of the entire process showed palm kernel shells activated Farbon to be the most effective for water purification followed by coconut shell and bamboo respectivel

    The Study Of Chemical Analysis Of Clay Deposits In Some States Of Nigeria For Refractory Production

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    This paper discusses the results of chemical studies cdrried out in some clay deposits in three states of Nigeria. The clay samples were obtained from Ngala, Shuwari and Pulka representing Borno State, Ememukohwarien and Ubulu-Uku, Delta State and Jjetu in Edo State. The results showed that alumina, silica and Lost-on-ignition (LOI) values for shuwari are 36%, 47% and 8.5% respectively; Pulka, -11.3%, 51.0%and4.01%; Ngala; 38.0%, 46.8%and 11.63%; Ubulu-Uku, 40. 0%, 39.0% and 12. 0%, Eruemukohwarien, 29. 0%, 45.8% and 1-1. 7%; ljeiu, 41.5%, -15.8% and 10.2% respectively. These results placed the Shuwari clay in the group of siliceous fireclay refractory; Pulka clay, medium duty, low-melting semi-acid fire-clay,· Ngala, low-duty and low melting fire-clay refractory; Ubulu- Uku, under the super-duty, general purpose neutral fire-clay refractory; Ememukohwarien, medium duty clay and ljetu, was placed in the range of high refractory normal fire-clay group. The possible areas of applicazions of all th<! investigated clays have also been suggested in this pape

    Environmental Effect of Petroleum Products on Discharge in Environments at Maiduguri and Port Harcourt Depot of Nigeria

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    Naturally occurring waters at the Maiduguri depot and Port-HarcOurt refinery in Nigeria have been collected to study the. effect on discharge of pettoleum product in the enviromuents. TI1e solutions were analysed for the elenlental contents. The values have been used in computer programme, to calculate fhe distribution of the species. The resu!ts show Zn and Pb rati? of 4.1 in Maidu~uri sample and average of 1.54 to 2.75 m PortlJarCourt. Chem1cal compounds a1)d subsequently seconda1y minerals are possibly able to crystallize from the solution with the higher ratio

    Effect of Cac03 and Wood Flour Filler on the Compression Strength of Coconut (Coir) Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composite

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    Compression test specimens were produced from the composite material of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP). These specimens were tested on the compressive testing machine. The results obtained showed that 5% coconut fibre volume fraction with 95% volume fraction of polypropylene matrix gave compressive strength value of 39.3 Mpa However, it was observed that when 15% volume fraction of CaC03 and wood flour filler each were added, the compressive strength increased from 39.3 Mpa to 53.3 Mpa and 39.3Mpa to 43.7Mpa respectively. This observation was discussed in respect of the two fillers

    Towards The Study Of Mineral Indication" Plants II: Physico Chemical Characteristics Of Trans EsterifiedVegetable Oil (PART II)

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    This ~Study presents the properties' of the products of deposition from esterification studies of the vegetable oils derived from mineral indicating plant source. The density and viscosity aft~r transesterification of these oils produced range between 0.84.- 0,88 and 0,15 - 2.85mM2S-1 respectively. Diesel fuel has density in the 0.86 - 0.89 and viscosity of 0.14- 2.64mM2S"1 range. It is predicted that the product of some of the oils can be source of fuel among the use
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