89 research outputs found

    Pre-Print, Post-Print or Offprint? A guide to publication versions, permissions and the digital repository

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    When depositing publications in Digital Repository @ Iowa State University, we are constrained by publishers’ policies. Each publisher has policies regarding copyright and authors’ rights that determine whether we are able to deposit a publication in the institutional repository and, if we are, what version of the publication we are able to deposit. This bulletin is designed to help authors understand the different versions of publications and where to find out what version(s), if any, they are allowed to deposit, or self-archive, in the repository.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/digirep_outreach/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Putting the Tiles Together: Building Diversity in the Archival Profession

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    In 2004, the Society of American Archivists’s (SAA) A*Census revealed that only 7% of American archivists were of color.2 In her analysis of these numbers, Brenda Banks writes, “To say that these numbers are no surprise is an understatement. The results from the A*CENSUS simply confirmed information already known—that there are very few minorities in the profession, with the largest identifiable group being African Americans at 2.8%.”3 Indeed, the percentage of minority archivists in the United States was significantly lower than the percentage of minorities in the country as a whole. The United States Census Bureau estimated that in 2004, slightly over 20% of the population was either non-white, or was of two or more races.

    Maintaining Continuity and Legacy through Academic Restructuring: Applying Archival Description to Institutional Repositories

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    Institutional Repositories (IRs) have been developed by many universities in Canada and the United States as a means to collect, manage and provide access to scholarship produced on campus. Many IRs group their content into communities, which often align with the academic and administrative units of the university. Universities, however, frequently endure academic restructuring as academic units are created, folded, merged and renamed, which raises a number of questions for IR managers. Does academic restructuring require a reorganization of the IR? How can continuity between the scholarship of a newly created department and its predecessors be illustrated? What is the value of the academic and administrative contexts of scholarship in an IR? Iowa State University’s IR, Digital Repository @ Iowa State University, was launched in April 2012 and was immediately faced with the division of the Department of Art and Design into five separate departments and the merger of two education departments into a new School of Education. This poster communicates Digital Repository @ Iowa State University’s adaptation of archival principles and practice in organizing and describing its content. Through the use of elements from archival science, it was able to address the challenges posed by academic restructuring. Specifically, the repository drew from archival arrangement and the principle of provenance to devise its organizational system and utilized elements from ISAAR (CPF), the International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families, to create descriptions for campus units represented in the repository

    Successfully Lobbying for an Implementing Increased Repository Staffing: The Iowa State University Experience

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    In 2014, the Iowa State University Library increased staffing for its institutional repository from one full-time librarian to include two professional positions and two paraprofessional positions. This poster describes how the library was able to successfully lobby for funding from the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost for two of the new positions, as well as the roles each staff member plays in the fully-staffed digital repository unit

    More than seeing what sticks: Aligning repository assessment with institutional priorities

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    Digital Repository @ Iowa State University was launched in April 2012, utilizing bepress’s Digital Commons repository platform. As we conclude our first complete fiscal year of operations, we are working to identify metrics to measure the growth and success of the repository. In identifying metrics, we are basing our decisions based on audience (who would be interested in the metrics) and purpose (what does the metric demonstrate), rather than selecting metrics based on the tools available to us

    Enhancing repository download counts: Adding meaning through context

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    Bepress’s Digital Commons provides repository administrators and authors with dashboards that provide detailed readership information. Unlike Google Analytics, the information provided is based on downloads, rather than page views

    Iowa State University: Digital Repository @ Iowa State University

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    Digital Repository @ Iowa State University (http://lib.dr.iastate.edu) is Iowa State University’s institutional repository, providing free public access to the research and scholarship of Iowa State’s faculty, students and staff. Only open access, full-text materials are added to the repository

    Building Your Online Research Presence: A brief introduction to Digital Repository @ Iowa State University for graduate students

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    Digital Repository @ Iowa State Unviersity provides free and open access to scholarship created by Iowa State’s students, faculty, and staff. It is a great way to increase exposure of your scholarship as you apply to further your education or enter the job market. By making your work available through the repository, it can be used by scholars and professionals from around the world.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/digirep_outreach/1007/thumbnail.jp

    Will They Let Me Do That? A brief introduction to copyright and institutional repositories

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    Digital Repository @ Iowa State University was established to provide open access to scholarship produced by Iowa State University faculty, students and staff. Authors who wish to deposit their work in the repository need to be aware of how copyright affects their ability to distribute their work. This educational bulletin is intended to give an overview of some of the copyright issues involved with the management of a digital repository and the steps Digital Repository @ Iowa State University is taking to adhere to copyright law.https://lib.dr.iastate.edu/digirep_outreach/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Digital Repository @ Iowa State University, Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Report

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    This annual report highlights the growth and usage of Digital Repository @ Iowa State University, Iowa State\u27s institutional repository, between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015
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