28 research outputs found
The dynamic development of Islamic education in Gayo cannot be separated from the turbulent period of education in Indonesia in general. The emergence and development and collapse of non-formal educational institutions and the transformation of formal institutions were influenced either directly or indirectly by the renewal of the dynamics of Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia. It was clear that the development of institutional transformation in Gayo from 1900 to 1986 was started by umah education. Graduates of homeschooling education usually continue their education to Mersah (musalla) or joyah for women of Gayo. These educational institutions are known as non-formal education. The formal education from 1900 to 1986 was started by Tarbiyah Islamiyah and Sekolah Rendah Islam (from 1902 to 1940). Meanwhile, in 1970 Pendidikan Guru Agama Pertama was established. Then, in 1980, this institution changed into Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 in Takengon. After that, in 1968 IAIN Persiapan was established in Temetas Lemah Burbana as Islamic higher education. However, this institution was transformed into Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 in Takengon in 1978. The Higher Education Institution was established in 1986 as a result of the transformation of STIE, STIT, and STIP into Perguruan Tinggi Gajah Putih Takengon. STIT tranformed into STAI Gajah Putih Takengon, and then it transformed into STAIN Gajah Putih Takengon, and today it is known as IAIN Takengon. Meanwhile, the STIE and STP transformed into Universitas Gajah Putih Takengon
Optimizing the Growth of Porang Plants (Amorphophalus Muelleri) using a Combination of Market Waste Compost and Growmore Fertilizer
Porang (Amorphophalus Muelleri) is a tuber plant from Araceae family that is easily live in various types and soil condition. In the food industry porang flour is used as a thickening agent, emulsion stabilizer and gel former, while in the pharmaceutical industry it is used as a coating material. This was do the increased in demand for exports of porang tubers in the form of flour and chips. The increasing demand for porang, so that porang cultivation has economic value. The selection of the appropriate fertilizer is one of the efforts to increase porang productivity. Therfore, the aim of this research was to obtain the scintific data about interaction of organic waste market fertilizerand growmore fertilizer toward of vegetative growth of porang plant. This research used RAL Factorial have 2 factor with 3 treatments level each others were the first factor is doses of organic waste market fertilizer (0g/polybag, 200 g/polybag and 400 g/polybag) and the second factor is doses of growmore fertilizer (0 g/l, 1 g/l and 2 g/l). The parameters in this research were plant height, petiole diameter, number of petioles and number of lateral roots of porang plant. The result on this research showed that interaction of organic waste market fertilizer and growmore fertilizer was signicantly affected of plant height, petiole diameter and number of lateral roots, but did not significantly affected of number of porang petioles. The best treatment obtained from interaction of organic waste market fertilizer at dosage 400g/polybag and growmore fertilizer at a dosage 1g/l
(Comparison study in outclinic patient Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya)
Indra Ihsan Utama, Prillia Tri Suryani, Windhu Purnomo
Purpose: to compare natural visual acuity test results using the ETDRS near chart and ETDRS chart.
Method: Uncorrected visual acuity measurement using ETDRS near chart and ETDRS chart was performed on patient between 21-39 years old. Visual acuity data from both charts were statistical analyzed with paired T-test. Pinhole test data from both charts were inserted to table 2x2 and then statistical analyzed with McNemar test.
Result: A total 109 patient (218 eyes) were examined, 18 eyes were excluded. Patients age 21 to 39 years old, with mean 25,250 years old. Mean of natural visual acuity difference between ETDRS chart and ETDRS near chart is 0.165 logMAR with T-test result p= 0.000. Mean of pinhole visual acuity difference between ETDRS chart and ETDRS near chart is 0.056 logMAR with T-test p=0.000. Pinhole test in ETDRS chart compared to the ETDRS chart have McNemar result p=0.000. Sensitivity and specificity of pinhole tests on the ETDRS near chart are 64.3% and 93.2%. Especially in emmetropia group have natural visual acuity difference T-test result p=0,181 and McNemar result p=0,727 in pinhole test comparison.
Conclution: There is significant difference in visual acuity result between ETDRS near chart and ETDRS chart. This means that ETDRS near chart cannot be used as a substitute ETDRS chart. Pinhole test ETDRS near chart have a low sensitivity value. Emmetropia group have no significant different between ETDRS near chart and ETDRS chart in visual acuity or pinhole test comparison
Can Deliberative Policy Reconcile Religious Conflict? A Construction from the Insight of Jamaah Ahmadiyah Indonesia
The state has failed to manage religious conflicts. Not only from the side of the government apparatus, which helped provoke the mass to the loss of life, but also weak and biased central regulations. The fact is that national policies do not complete the agenda and content of interests. This study argues that an important deliberative policy is made in each conflict area as a reinforcement for national policy. We construct a deliberative policy flow for religious conflicts based on academic guidelines and the case of the Jamaah Ahmadiyah Indonesia (JAI) in Colo Village, Kudus Regency, Central Java Province. This study is sourced from data collected in November 2018 through documentation, interviews, and observations. We have interviewed the village government, religious leaders, active congregations, and residents. The results of the interviews were processed through the process of transcription, determining keywords, categorizing, and defining. Data refined in October 2020 through literature studies and news clipping. We have described policies as triggers of conflict, identified four patterns of JAI conflict in Indonesia, and explained the dynamics of Ahmadiyyah diversity with local Muslims in Colo. Primarily, this study contains a deliberative policy-making process. The key to this policy is a participatory, informative, balanced, and thorough discussion of all parties. The task in the future is the need to examine the deliberative policy flow that we have constructed to ensure that this can be applied.Keywords : Religious Conflict; Deliberative Policy; Jamaah Ahmadiyyah Indonesi
Pengaruh Partisipasi Anggaran Dan Penekanan Anggaran Terhadap Kesenjangan Anggaran (Studi Kasus Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Majene)
This study aims to find out how budget participation and budget emphasis affect budget gaps in majene district government. The population in this study was all official offices in Majene Regency, which amounted to 20 offices. The sample selection method is purposive sampling. The sample of this research amounted to 60 samples. Data analysis using multiple linear regression test analysis tools, data validity and realibility test and classical assumption test consisting of normality test, multicholinearity test, heteroskedasticity test, . Hypothesis testing is carried out by partial testing (t), simultaneous testing (f), and determination (R2 ). The results of data analysis or multiple linear regressions show that partially (t) the variables of budget participation and budget emphasis affect budget lengths, Simultaneously (f) budget participation, and budget emphasis affects jointly on budget lengths. In the adjusted column R square is 0.470 or 47%, which means budget participation and budget emphasis in explaining the budget equivalent variable of 47% while 53% is explained by other variables not described in this study
Aplikasi Penyewaan Lapangan Futsal di Pusat Olahraga Orion Purwokerto Berbasis Android
Reservasi tempat secara offline atau langsung mendatangi lokasi pemesanan bisa dibilang sudah tidak efektif. Selain menghabiskan waktu sehari-hari, orang-orang juga butuh tenaga ekstra untuk mendatangi lokasi penyewaan. Hal ini membuat proses reservasi menjadi kurang efektif dan efisien. Pada saat ini, Orion Sport Centre Purwokerto masih menggunakan metode konvensional dalam proses penyewaan lapangannya. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah sistem reservasi lapangan di Orion Purwokerto berbasis android agar proses reservasi menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) dengan model Waterfall. Aplikasi ini menyediakan beberapa fitur seperti pilih lapangan, pilih waktu bermain, upload bukti pembayaran, serta data riwayat transaksi. Hasil dari uji Blackbox menunjukan bahwa pada semua menu yang dibuat sudah menunjukan hasil valid atau seperti yang diharapkan pengembang aplikasi. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil pengujian User Acceptance Testing, didapatkan rata rata dari setiap pertanyaan sebesar 86.33% yang termasuk ke dalam kategori sangat baik sehingga menunjukan bahwa aplikasi penyewaan lapangan Orion layak untuk digunakan
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Campus is an urban area that experienced flooding when heavy rain occurred, especially at Graha Widya Wisuda (GWW)’s parking lot, Kamper Street (FEMA), Meranti Street, and Tanjung Street. The drainage system of IPB campus is a conventional system. It drain surface runoff as fast as possible to the outlet. Zero Runoff System (ZROS) is one of technologies to minimize runoff using water storage. The advantages of ZROS are runoff minimization, local aquifer’s recharge, and damage mitigation on public facilities. This research aimed to design ZROS at IPB Campus that capable to minimize surface runoff. This research started by water catchment area (WCA) delineation, design rainfall and peak runoff analysis, infiltration rate measurement, and ZROS design calculation. Based on frequency analysis the design rainfall was 125.68 mm. Sub-sub-WCA 1-1C (3 locations), 1-1B, 2-1B, and 2-2A were the flooding’s location. Water pocket is the proposed technology to be applied in ZROS. To mitigate flooding, sub-sub-WCA 1-1B, 1-1C, 2-1B, and 2-2A needed 44 units of water pockets with length of 1.20 m (sub-sub-DTA 1-1B, 2-1B, dan 2-2A) and 1.60 m (sub-sub-DTA 1-1C), with depth ranged from 2.41 m to 3.40 m. Keywords: drainage, flood, runoff, water balance, ZRO
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit Forensic Cases Study
The pediatric forensic case study encompasses all pediatric cases with potential legal implications, including violence, poisoning, and drowning. While many of these cases receive initial treatment in emergency departments (ED), certain patients are admitted to pediatric intensive care units (PICU) due to poor outcomes. This study aims to determine the profile of pediatric forensic cases in the PICU of a tertiary hospital in Indonesia. This descriptive-observational study used medical records of PICU patients in a tertiary hospital in Indonesia from 2017 to 2023 with a total sampling technique. Among 51 samples obtained, the majority of cases involved violence (78.4%), followed by fracture as the most common injury (29.4%), and equal distribution between chemical substances and pesticides in poisoning cases (5.9% each). Most of the cases in this study occurred unintentionally (93.3%). Remarkably, this study is the first of its kind in Indonesia and holds the potential to inform legal frameworks
Ekstrak Purwaceng (Pimpinella Alpinna) sebagai Agen Kemopreventif dan Kemoterapi Kanker Paru (Kajian Antiproliferatif Serta Uji Apoptosis melalui Jalur P53,bcl-2,rb dan Caspase- 9)
Kanker paru merupakan kanker urutan ke-3 terbanyak dan penyebab kematian utama pada pria yang kemoterapinya memberikan banyak efek samping sehingga perlu dicari kemoterapi alternatif. Kumarin psoraldin diketahui memiliki efek kemotoksik pada sel kanker dan terkandung di dalam purwaceng (Pimpinella alpinna) namun efek ekstrak air Pimpinella alpinna sebagai agen antiproliferatif, sitotoksik, penginduksi apoptosis, dan jalur mekanismenya pada sel kanker belum diteliti secara ilmiah. Penelitian eksperimental murni dengan kultur sel kanker paru A549 ini menggunakan rentang dosis ekstrak purwaceng 1-10.000 μg/mLdan rentang dosis kontrol positif cisplatin 1-10 μg/mL yang direplikasi 6 kali serta dengan rentang waktu inkubasi 24-72 jam. Pada uji sitotoksik dengan inkubasi 24 jam yang dideteksi dengan pewarnaan MTT didapatkan IC50sebesar 3.862 μg/mL, sedangkan uji antiproliferasi dengan dosis 550 dan 275 μg/mL mampu menghambat kecepatan pertumbuhan sel 24 jam pertama dan kedua terhadap kontrol. Uji ANOVA satu jalan menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan bermakna rerata kadar ekstrak purwaceng terhadap variasi waktu (p<0.05). Uji apoptosis yang dideteksi menggunakan fluoresensi etidium bromide-acridine orange mendapatkan nilai EC50sebesar 5.271 μg/mL yang ditandai dengan penurunan ekspresi Rb dan bcl-2 serta peningkatan p53 dan caspase-9. Statistik Chi-Square menunjukkan proporsi efek IC50 pada ekspresi gen berbeda secara bermakna(p<0.05) terhadap kontrol. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Pimpinella alpinna mempunyai efek antiproliferasi dan sitotoksik terhadap sel kanker paru A549 dan menginduksi apoptosis melalui Perubahan jalur apoptosis berupa penurunan ekspresi Rb dan bcl-2 serta peningkatan p53 dan caspase-9
Pengembangan Electronic Load Controller untuk Self-Excited Induction Generator Berbasis Penyearah Tiga Fase Menggunakan Raspberry Pi
A self-excited induction generator (SEIG) could provide electricity for isolated areas appropriately. An electronic load controller (ELC) with Raspberry Pi is designed to overcome the voltage and frequency changing of SEIG caused by load changing, while ab le to support distributed system trend with Framework for Distributed Industrial Automation and Control (4DIAC). The ELC design is based on the characteristics of SEIG and Indonesian electricity system standards. The design is then implemented, and the characteristics are identi?ed. The output of SEIG is regulated at frequency of 50 Hz and terminal voltage of 294 V. A voltage sensor is designed with a transformer, ?lters, recti?er, and ADC. The actuator consisted of a three-phase recti?er, dump load, optocoupler driver, and IGBT. A PI-controller based on Python is applied in Raspberry Pi Zero with experimentally tuned Kp and Ki values both of 5.0. The output changing of SEIG caused by load changing could be regulated within the Indonesian electricity frequency standard in its steady state. The maximum voltage deviation from the nominal value is -12.24%, while the maximum frequency deviation is +3.2%, and the longest settling time is 832 ms.
Keywords : induction generator, electronic load controller and Raspberry Pi