15 research outputs found

    The Leader programme 2007-2013: Enabling or disabling social innovation and neo-endogenous development? Insights from Austria and Ireland

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    Since the beginning of the 1990s, the Leader programme has been hailed as the instrument of rural policy that most explicitly takes account of the territorial dimension. This culminated in the mainstreaming of its underlying concept into the Rural Development Programmes of the current period (2007–2013), with the aim of having more effective policy implementation that considers the diversified needs of rural regions. Starting from analysis of the application and delivery of Leader under the present Rural Development Programme in two EU countries, Austria and Ireland, this paper presents an assessment of the effects of this programme change. In addition, it includes the EU-wide discussion on the (limited) effectiveness of the current implementation of Leader and the search for a reorientation towards local development activities in the EU’s reform proposals. The paper frames the analysis around the notion of social innovation, a concept of central importance to the aims of Leader. It is argued that the implementation of Leader in this period falls far behind its potential to beneficially impact rural regions; hence it should be an object of critical debate in the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy and rural development measures, as well as coherence analyses with other policies, beyond 2013

    Interim Review of the National Marine Research & Innovation Strategy 2017-2021

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    This independent review examines the National Marine Research and Innovation Strategy (‘MRIS’) 2017-2021 and progress towards achieving the goals and implementing actions as set out in the Strategy. Indecon International Research Economics were appointed by the Marine Institute to undertake the assignment. The review represents an assessment of the progress of the strategy, including a review of implementing structures and any emerging outputs and associated impacts

    Sustainability of tourism in Dublin Summary of conclusions and recommendations

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    Commissioned by Temple Bar Properties - October 1998Available from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:m00/22770 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreSIGLEGBUnited Kingdo

    Estimating the extra cost of living for people with disabilities

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    Addressing the extra economic costs of disability is a logical step towards alleviating elements of social exclusion for people with disabilities. This study estimates the long-run economic cost of disability in Ireland in terms of the additional spending needs that arise due to disability. It defines and estimates models of the private costs borne by families with individuals who have a disability in Ireland when compared with the wider population, both in general and by severity of disability. Our modelling framework is based on the standard of living approach to estimating the cost of disability. We extend on previous research by applying panel ordered probit models to living in Ireland survey data 1995–2001 in order to control for the effects of previous disability and income and correlated unobserved heterogeneity. The approach allows us to quantify, for the first time, the additional long‐run economic costs of living associated with disability. Our findings suggest that the extra economic cost of disability in Ireland is large and varies by severity of disability, with important implications for measures of poverty. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.disability , long‐run cost of disability , standard of living , panel ordered probit ,

    Regional Dimension of Taxes and Public Expenditure in Ireland

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    Morgenroth E. Regional dimension of taxes and public expenditure in Ireland, Regional Studies. In Ireland, as in many other countries, there has been an ongoing debate on the nature, degree and trends of regional imbalance. However, relatively little is known about the effects of policies at the regional level in Ireland. This paper considers two aspects of public policy, namely the fiscal system and public expenditure. In particular, regional government accounts are constructed that identify the level of taxation, subsidization and public expenditure at the regional level. The analysis of these data confirms that the fiscal system does reduce relative income differences in Ireland. Furthermore, there are substantial resource transfers across regions. [image omitted] Morgenroth E. Les impots et les depenses publiques en Irlande: le point de vue regional, Regional Studies. En Irlande, comme dans la plupart des pays, on discute du desequilibre regional, de sa nature, son importance et ses tendances. Cependant, on sait tres peu en Irlande des retombees regionales. Cet article considere deux aspects de la politique publique, a savoir le regime fiscal et les depenses publiques. On construit en particulier des comptes de l'administration regionale qui identifient le niveau des impots, des subventions et des depenses publiques au niveau regional. L'analyse des donnees confirme que le regime fiscal ne reduit pas en Irlande les ecarts des revenus relatifs. Qui plus est, il y a d'importants transferts de ressorces a travers les regions. Ecarts regionaux Depenses publiques Impots Morgenroth E. Die regionale Dimension von Steuern und offentlichen Ausgaben in Irland, Regional Studies. In Irland gibt es wie in vielen anderen Landern eine anhaltende Debatte uber die Art, das Ausmass und die Entwicklung von regionalen Ungleichgewichten. Uber die Auswirkungen der Politiken auf der Regionalebene von Irland ist hingegen relativ wenig bekannt. In diesem Beitrag werden zwei Aspekte der offentlichen Politik untersucht, namlich das Fiskalsystem und die offentlichen Ausgaben. Insbesondere werden regionale Regierungskonten konstruiert, mit denen das Steueraufkommen, die Subventionen und die offentlichen Ausgaben auf regionaler Ebene identifiziert werden. Die Analyse dieser Daten bestatigt, dass das Fiskalsystem die relativen Einkommensunterschiede in Irland tatsachlich verringert. Daruber hinaus finden zwischen verschiedenen Regionen erhebliche Transfers von Ressourcen statt. Regionale Disparitaten Staatliche Ausgaben Steuern Morgenroth E. La dimension regional de impuestos y el gasto publico en Irlanda, Regional Studies. Al igual que en otros paises, en Irlanda ha habido un continuo debate sobre la naturaleza, el grado y las tendencias del desequilibrio regional. Sin embargo, se sabe relativamente poco de los efectos de las politicas a nivel regional en Irlanda. En este articulo considero dos aspectos de la politica publica, es decir, el sistema fiscal y los gastos publicos. En particular, se crean cuentas regionales del gobierno que identifican el nivel de tributacion, subsidio y gasto publico a nivel regional. Al analizar estos datos se confirma que el sistema fiscal reduce las diferencias relativas de ingresos en Irlanda. Ademas, hay considerables transferencias de recursos entre las regiones. Disparidades regionales Gastos publico ImpuestosRegional disparities, Government expenditure, Taxes,