33 research outputs found


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    This paper tries to evaluate the situation of the fiscal revenues in Romania in the context of economic and financial crisis, because the fiscal revenues are the major source of financing the public expenditure. The evolution of the level of fiscal revenufiscal revenues, budget deficit, public debt

    The impact of economic crisis on the fiscal revenues

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    This paper tries to evaluate the situation of the fiscal revenues in Romania in the context of economic and financial crisis, because the fiscal revenues are the major source of financing the public expenditure. The evolution of the level of fiscal revenue is very important because maintain the budget equilibrium. The article reveals the major trends of the fiscal revenues after EU enlargement and in the actual context of economic crisis and the impact on the budget deficit and the public debt. The state intervention in revive of the economy has to be financed through the budget, and this means a higher budget deficit. The proper solution in this condition for assuring the financial stability of the economy it was an external borrow from IMF.fiscal revenues, budget deficit, public debt


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    This paper tries to evaluate the situation of the fiscal revenues in Romania in the context of economic and financial crisis, because the fiscal revenues are the major source of financing the public expenditure. The evolution of the level of fiscal reven

    The impact of economic crisis on the fiscal revenues

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    This paper tries to evaluate the situation of the fiscal revenues in Romania in the context of economic and financial crisis, because the fiscal revenues are the major source of financing the public expenditure. The evolution of the level of fiscal revenue is very important because maintain the budget equilibrium. The article reveals the major trends of the fiscal revenues after EU enlargement and in the actual context of economic crisis and the impact on the budget deficit and the public debt. The state intervention in revive of the economy has to be financed through the budget, and this means a higher budget deficit. The proper solution in this condition for assuring the financial stability of the economy it was an external borrow from IMF

    The impact of economic crisis on the fiscal revenues

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    This paper tries to evaluate the situation of the fiscal revenues in Romania in the context of economic and financial crisis, because the fiscal revenues are the major source of financing the public expenditure. The evolution of the level of fiscal revenue is very important because maintain the budget equilibrium. The article reveals the major trends of the fiscal revenues after EU enlargement and in the actual context of economic crisis and the impact on the budget deficit and the public debt. The state intervention in revive of the economy has to be financed through the budget, and this means a higher budget deficit. The proper solution in this condition for assuring the financial stability of the economy it was an external borrow from IMF

    Comunitatea locală și starea ei financiară

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    De-a lungul anilor, autorităţile locale de la toate nivelele s-au confruntat cu un număr din ce în ce mai mare de probleme financiare. Acestea au apărut în relaţie cu următoarele elemente: creşterea cererilor de servicii, presiunea sindicatelor, schimbări structurale ale economiei, creşterea galopantă a ratei inflaţiei, precum şi împreună cu schimbări semnificative în relaţiile interguvernamentale.</p

    Urmărirea impozitelor și taxelor

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    Din 1991 activitatea de urmărire şi control a veniturilor bugetare este realizată de organele financiare teritoriale ale Ministerului Finanţelor, iar execuţia de casă a bugetului a trecut de la Banca Naţională la Banca Comercială, însă după 1994 a trecut la trezoreriile proprii ale Ministerului Finanţelor.</p

    Strategii de măsurare a veniturilor

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    This article presents the strategy of identifying the source of revenues and measuring them. The process is related to the decision making of choosing the adequate method of measuring the revenues and all its steps.</p

    Cheltuieli publice

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    Interesul asupra ramurii bugetare a cheltuielilor publice a suferit o semnificativă evoluţie de-a lungul ultimelor două secole, ţinând seama, mai ales de evenimentele istorice care au determinat modificări majore în plan economic şi social. Deşi la prima vedere modificarea nivelului cheltuielilor ar părea că influenţează în mod direct doar activităţile din sectorul public, totuşi în cele din urmă cel care suportă aceste schimbări este cetăţeanul ca beneficiar final al serviciilor publice.</p

    Tendințe în impozitarea din Uniunea Europeană

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    The study strives to analyze the evolution of different taxes in the EU countries, during 1995-2004, in order to observe if the fiscal pressure has diminished during this period. That’s because many countries have taken some measures to decrease the tax burden, especially on labor. Analyzing the total tax to GDP ratio for the EU 15 countries we can mention that it has decreased in four countries and the most in Ireland, with more than 2 percentage points. It was also noticed that the highest ratio appeared in Sweden and Denmark, and the smallest in Ireland. In the same time the ratio of total taxes was between 28% and 53% for all the fifteen countries. In the same time the indirect taxes to GDP ratio increased in all the countries, excepting Ireland, oscillating between 10% and 18% for the whole period. But the direct taxes to GDP ratio decreased in six of the analyzed countries, the highest level appearing in Denmark, and the smallest in Greece and Portugal.</p