2,118 research outputs found

    Adequate Water Supply Study

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    This is a study of the adequacy of the potable water supply in Northeast Florida, defined as Duval, Baker, Nassau, St. Johns and Clay Counties. It identifies sources of current supply, their limits and dangers to their quality and quantity; catalogs current uses and users and trends in water use; discusses the cost and prices of water and rate structures of water utilities; describes government regulation of water use; presents strategies for water conservation and planning for possible alternative sources. PALM

    Citizen participation in the schools

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    The Citizen Participation in the Schools study was adopted by the JCCI Board of Managers upon recommendation of the program committee. The major focus of the study was citizen involvement and participation in the Duval County Public School System. PALMM

    Certificate: Basic Skills for Resolving Community Conflict, May 3-4, 1996

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    Jacksonville Community Council Inc. and Plowshares Institute - This Certifies That Edna Saffy Has Completed Instruction in Basic Skills for Resolving Community Conflict and has been awarded this Certificate of Participation

    Higher Education Study

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze forms of cooperation among institutions and make recommendations to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of Jacksonville\u27s higher educational institutions. PALM

    Jacksonville, an energy efficient city?

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    In the fall of 1979 the Energy Study Committee received its charge: Moving Toward an Energy Efficient Jacksonville- how should Jacksonville approach this problem? This report examines the energy situation to ascertain whether crisis conditions really exist. In the broadest terms, this means a close look at two things: supplies and consumption. The report is limited to the examination of the availability and consumption of oil in both the nation and Jacksonville in the short term (the next 5 years), and in the long term (the next 20 years), for the fueling of the transportation system and for the generation of electricity to support land use patterns and the built environment. The report concentrates on Jacksonville\u27s transportation sector, primarily automobile travel and the residential sector, because these sectors are Jacksonville\u27s largest energy consumers. But supplies, systems, and buildings are only part of the energy story. Individuals in their homes, cars and workplaces are the true consumers. While this report attempts to provide some insight into how people cope with and respond to the energy crisis, it does not examine the sociological consequences caused by the crisis. The report makes recommendations as to how Jacksonville should respond to the crisis and encourages strong conservation measures. PALM

    Disaster Preparedness Study

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    Is Jacksonville prepared for a man-made or natural disaster? With the numerous risks of encountering disaster in Jacksonville due to its geography, weather patterns, transportation routes, and military facilities, how can disaster preparedness here be improved? The term disaster in this study refers to the occurrence or imminent threat of widespread or severe damage, injury, or loss of life and/or property resulting from any natural or man made cause. This includes but is not limited to, enemy attack, sabotage or other hostile military or paramilitary action, fire, flood, earthquake, wind storm, wave action, epidemic, air contamination, blight, drought, infestation, explosion, or accident involving radiation byproducts. A disaster creates a situation in which the day-to-day patterns of life are suddenly disrupted and numbers of people are plunged into helplessness and distress. The scope of the study includes a review and analysis of: Past disasters and the potential for future disasters. Roles of public and private agencies responsible for responding to disasters. Methods for communicating among agencies and with the population before, during, and after disasters. • Preparedness programs in similar cities. PALMM

    Growth Management Study

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    A review and analysis of the current growth management mechanism in the city. Identifies major problems including a lack of policy coordination, inconsistent funding and inadequate citizen involvement. Recommends the adoption of a comprehensive plan, an equitable funding structure and increased media coverage and citizen awareness of growth management issues. PALM

    Mass Transit Study

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    A study to determine if mass transit is a current need in Jacksonville. Includes current user needs, ridership patterns, fare structures, potential sources of financial support, transportation modes used elsewhere and existing city transportation policies. Identifies major problems and recommends development of a varied mass transit system. PALM

    Visual Pollution Study

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    The study recommends ways to improve Jacksonville\u27s image such as enacting stronger sign ordinances, changing policies to promote the greening of the city and creating a Code Enforcement Board. PALM
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