122 research outputs found

    Automatic sleep staging using state machine-controlled decision trees.

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    Algorithm for heart rate extraction in a novel wearable acoustic sensor.

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    Phonocardiography is a widely used method of listening to the heart sounds and indicating the presence of cardiac abnormalities. Each heart cycle consists of two major sounds - S1 and S2 - that can be used to determine the heart rate. The conventional method of acoustic signal acquisition involves placing the sound sensor at the chest where this sound is most audible. Presented is a novel algorithm for the detection of S1 and S2 heart sounds and the use of them to extract the heart rate from signals acquired by a small sensor placed at the neck. This algorithm achieves an accuracy of 90.73 and 90.69%, with respect to heart rate value provided by two commercial devices, evaluated on more than 38 h of data acquired from ten different subjects during sleep in a pilot clinical study. This is the largest dataset for acoustic heart sound classification and heart rate extraction in the literature to date. The algorithm in this study used signals from a sensor designed to monitor breathing. This shows that the same sensor and signal can be used to monitor both breathing and heart rate, making it highly useful for long-term wearable vital signs monitoring

    An open-source toolbox for standardized use of PhysioNet Sleep EDF Expanded Database.

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    Recommendations for performance assessment of automatic sleep staging algorithms

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    Evaluating the use of line length for automatic sleep spindle detection

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    An algorithm for heart rate extraction from acoustic recordings at the neck

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    Heart rate is an important physiological parameter to assess the cardiac condition of an individual and is traditionally determined by attaching multiple electrodes on the chest of a subject to record the electrical activity of the heart. The installation and handling complexities of such systems does not prove feasible for a user to undergo a long-term monitoring in the home settings. A small-sized, battery-operated wearable monitoring device is placed on the suprasternal notch at neck to record acoustic signals containing information about breathing and cardiac sounds. The heart sounds obtained are heavily corrupted by the respiratory cycles and other external artifacts. This paper presents a novel algorithm for reliably extracting the heart rate from such acoustic recordings, keeping in mind the constraints posed by the wearable technology. The methodology constructs the Hilbert energy envelope of the signal by calculating its instantaneous characteristics to segment and classify a cardiac cycle into S1 and S2 sounds using their timing characteristics. The algorithm is tested on a dataset consisting of 13 subjects with an approximate data length of 75 hours and achieves an accuracy of 94.34%, an RMS error of 3.96 bpm and a correlation coefficient of 0.93 with reference to a commercial device in use

    A Cough-Based Algorithm for Automatic Diagnosis of Pertussis

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    Pertussis is a contagious respiratory disease which mainly affects young children and can be fatal if left untreated. The World Health Organization estimates 16 million pertussis cases annually worldwide resulting in over 200,000 deaths. It is prevalent mainly in developing countries where it is difficult to diagnose due to the lack of healthcare facilities and medical professionals. Hence, a low-cost, quick and easily accessible solution is needed to provide pertussis diagnosis in such areas to contain an outbreak. In this paper we present an algorithm for automated diagnosis of pertussis using audio signals by analyzing cough and whoop sounds. The algorithm consists of three main blocks to perform automatic cough detection, cough classification and whooping sound detection. Each of these extract relevant features from the audio signal and subsequently classify them using a logistic regression model. The output from these blocks is collated to provide a pertussis likelihood diagnosis. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using audio recordings from 38 patients. The algorithm is able to diagnose all pertussis successfully from all audio recordings without any false diagnosis. It can also automatically detect individual cough sounds with 92% accuracy and PPV of 97%. The low complexity of the proposed algorithm coupled with its high accuracy demonstrates that it can be readily deployed using smartphones and can be extremely useful for quick identification or early screening of pertussis and for infection outbreaks control
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