603 research outputs found

    Kata pinjaman Arab dalam bahasa Melayu analisis kajian dari sudut perubahan morfologi

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    Kajian ini menganalisis proses perubahan morfologi yang berlaku apabila kata pinjaman Arab terserap masuk ke dalam bahasa Melayu. Kata pinjaman adalah kata-kata yang dipinjam dari bahasa asing yang diserapkan ke dalam bahasa sasaran. Dengan menggunakan penjanaan data berkomputer DBP-UKM berjumlah 5 juta patah perkataan melalui konkordans dalam perisian WordSmith Tools 5.0, yang dianalisis berdasarkan Rumus Binaan Struktur Frasa. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa perubahan morfologi yang berlaku adalah perubahan kelas kata bahasa sumber iaitu yang meresap masuk ke dalam bahasa sasaran. Perubahan kelas kata yang berlaku adalah kelas kata bahasa sumber yang pada asalnya Kata Nama (KN) berubah menjadi Kata Kerja (KK), atau Kata Nama (KN) berubah menjadi Kata Adjektif (KAdj), atau Kata Nama (KN) berubah menjadi Kata Adverba (KAdv) dalam bahasa sasaran mengikut binaan struktur ayat. Contohnya kata pinjaman Arab wujud, kuat, asyik, yang mana pada asalnya adalah KN berubah menjadi KK atau KAdj atau KAdv. Bahasa Melayu didapati banyak meminjam kata Arab yang terdiri daripada kelas kata Kata Nama kerana ianya menepati sistem tatabahasa bahasa Melayu itu sendiri. Justeru itu, peminjaman bahasa merupakan satu proses bahasa yang penting dalam perkembangan sesuatu bahasa

    Interaction in academic L2 writing: an analysis of interactional metadiscourse strategies in applied linguistics research articles

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    It has been acknowledged that academic writing is not only content-oriented but also involves various rhetorical strategies that help writers project themselves on text so that the content as well as the writer’s stance can be understood. Interactional metadiscourse (MD) strategies are established to play a rhetorical role that contribute to the persuasiveness of argument. Due to the variation of rhetorical strategies across cultures, L2 writers tend to find some problems employing appropriate interactional MD strategies to express a clear stance and engage readers in the content presented. This paper examines the extent to which interactional MD strategies are employed in advanced L2 writing. To this end, 34 research articles written by Yemeni/Arab applied linguistics L2 writers were analysed. Based on Hyland (2005a), interactional MD strategies were identified via AntConc, a concordance analytical software tool. Moreover, a qualitative analysis was conducted to examine the way how advanced L2 writers use interactional MD strategies to pursue persuasive goals. The findings indicate that L2 writers tend to employ impersonal and less dialogic style in academic writing. A closer in-depth analysis indicates that the most salient interactional strategies in Yemeni L2 writing include making bare assertion as well as marking certainty of claims. They mostly tend to make assertion as they indicate research gaps and express conviction when they state findings and summarize their research. The implications of such findings could be useful for genre analysis, academic writing and L2 writing instruction

    Kehidupan adalah perjalanan: analisis metafora konseptual dalam Salina dan La Vie Devant Soi

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    Makalah ini membincangkan tentang kajian perbandingan metafora konseptual KEHIDUPAN ADALAH PERJALANAN yang dikesan dalam bahasa Melayu dan Perancis. Metafora konseptual membolehkan idea atau domain yang abstrak difahami melalui satu idea atau domain lain yang bersifat konkrit. Dua buah novel, satu novel bahasa Melayu dan satu novel bahasa Perancis menjadi sumber data bagi perbincangan dalam makalah ini. Proses pengenalpastian metafora daripada novel menerapkan pendekatan Prosedur Pengenalpastian Metafora di mana setiap unit leksikal daripada ujaran ini diteliti dengan cermat dan diperhalusi bagi memastikan ia bersifat metaforikal. Seterusnya, data berkenaan dibahagikan kepada tiga fokus yang berbeza iaitu individu, pemilihan dan implementasi, yang seterusnya dianalisis berdasarkan kerangka Teori Metafora Konseptual serta Teori Metafora Primer dan Kompleks. Hasil analisis mendapati data ini menunjukkan keserasian dengan kerangka teori yang digunakan dan wujudnya bbeberapa metafora primer dan metafora kompleks konvensional. Di samping itu, dapatan kajian mengukuhkan lagi Teori Metafora Primer dan Kompleks kerana dalam bahasa Melayu dan Perancis metafora konseptual KEHIDUPAN ADALAH PERJALANAN terbina daripada gabungan beberapa metafora primer dan juga kompleks. Situasi demikian didorong oleh pelbagai faktor seperti agama dan moral di samping motivasi dalaman dan juga luaran. Hasil gandingan Teori Metafora Konseptual dan Teori Metafora Primer dan Kompleks menunjukkan bahawa metafora bukan sekadar penggunaan bahasa tetapi mengandungi banyak maklumat ekstra linguistik seperti budaya, gaya pemikiran dan sudut pandang sesebuah masyarakat tentang sesuatu perkara atau isu yang dibincangkan

    Extracting Significant Words In Engineering Texts For Specialised Language Descriptions

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    The academic discourse of a specialised language is characterised by specialised and technical vocabulary, and lexicogrammar. Studies on language description suggest the need to explore and determine the specific characteristics of the academic discourse of each specialised language, to serve the language needs of the learners. This study demonstrates an exploration of this discipline specificity by looking at the nouns used in a specialised language - an Engineering English. It attempts to integrate a multivariate technique, i.e. the Correspondence Analysis (CA), as a tool to extract significant nouns in a specialised language for any further language use scrutiny. CA allows visual representations of the word interrelationships across different genres in a specialised language. To exemplify this, an Engineering English Corpus (E2C) was created. E2C is composed of two sub-corpora (genres): Engineering reference books (RBC) and online journals articles (EJC). The British National Corpus (BNC) was used as the reference corpus. 30 key-key-nouns were identified from the E2C, and the frequency lists of the words were retrieved from all the corpora to run the CA. The CA maps of the nouns display how these corpora are different from each other, as well as, which words characterise not only E2C from a general corpus (BNC), but also the different genres in E2C. Thus, CA proves to be a potential tool to display words which characterise not only a specialised corpus from a general corpus, but also the different genres in that specialised corpus. This study promises more informed descriptions of a specialised language can be made with the identification of specific and significant vocabulary for any academic discourse investigation

    Lexical Features Of Engineering English Vs. General English

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    The knowledge on the features of the English varieties is essential to understand the differences and similarities of the varieties for second language teaching and learning,either for general proficiency (EGP) or English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classes.This paper demonstrates a corpus-based comparison of the lexical features between an ESP variety (Engineering English) and a General English (GE).Two corpora are used in the study; the Engineering English Corpus (EEC) acts as the representation of the specialized language,and the British National Corpus (BNC) as the General English (GE).The analyses are conducted by employing the WordList functions of a linguistic software – Wordsmith. Discussions on the differences (or similarities) of these two corpora include general statistics,text coverage and vocabulary size. The empirical findings in this study highlight the general lexical features of both corpora. The analyses verify that the Engineering English has less varied vocabulary,but higher text coverage than the GE; in other words,most of the words are used repeatedly throughout the EEC.Thus,this study further emphasizes the importance of corpus-based lexical investigations in providing empirical evidences for language description

    What do different word lists reveal about the lexical features of a specialised language?

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    Most corpus-based investigations capitalise on word list analyses: frequency, keyword, and key-keywords, in profiling the lexical features of a specialised language. Though the three word lists have been used in many corpus-based language studies, comparisons across these three types of word lists in characterising a specialised language has not been made to identify any salient information each word list can reveal about the target language. This paper provides comparisons of Engineering English using three types of word list: frequency, keyword and key-keyword lists. The purpose is to identify the lexical information that can be revealed by the groups of words listed according to each type of word lists. To conduct the analyses, a corpus of Engineering English (E2C) is created. All the word lists from the corpus are extracted using the Wordsmith software. Next, further analyses on the distribution of the vocabulary components, namely function vs. content words, and word categories i.e. GSL, AWL and Others, are conducted on all the three word lists. The findings reveal that different word lists result in different ranges of words, and the analyses of the words reveal the distinct features of the specialised language at different levels. Given such differences, this study provides insights into which word lists are to be considered in a lexical study for language description purposes. Hence, this study further verifies the importance of corpus-based lexical investigations in providing empirical evidences for language description

    Lexical Features of Engineering English vs. General English

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    The knowledge on the features of the English varieties is essential to understand the differences and similarities of the varieties for second language teaching and learning, either for general proficiency (EGP) or English for Specific Purposes (ESP) classes. This paper demonstrates a corpus-based comparison of the lexical features between an ESP variety (Engineering English) and a General English (GE). Two corpora are used in the study; the Engineering English Corpus (EEC) acts as the representation of the specialized language, and the British National Corpus (BNC) as the General English (GE). The analyses are conducted by employing the WordList functions of a linguistic software – Wordsmith. Discussions on the differences (or similarities) of these two corpora include general statistics, text coverage and vocabulary size. The empirical findings in this study highlight the general lexical features of both corpora. The analyses verify that the Engineering English has less varied vocabulary, but higher text coverage than the GE; in other words, most of the words are used repeatedly throughout the EEC. Thus, this study further emphasizes the importance of corpus-based lexical investigations in providing empirical evidences for language description

    A Cognitive corpus-based study of exocentric compounds in English

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    Exocentric compounding is a creative morphological process that contributes to the English lexicon. However, because it lacks a syntactic or semantic head, it was deemed an exceptional case in most word-formation literature and hence neglected. Previous work has only been limited to syntax-based grammar and the notion of headedness and thus failed to address the other linguistic rules that constrain exocentric compounds. The current paper aims to identify the frequency of exocentric compounds and thus to determine their viability. The research will also look into how conceptual metaphor and/or conceptual metonymy motivate exocentric compound formation. The results demonstrate that exocentric compounds are viable lexical units, generating content words (e.g., adjectives and adverbs) through productive word-formation processes, and extending word senses. The results also suggest that conceptual metonymy is more active than conceptual metaphor in the formation of exocentric compounds. The present findings have several implications for research on exocentric compounds, conceptual metonymy and conceptual metaphor

    The fine line between compounds and portmanteau words in English: A prototypical analysis

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    The current paper investigates two productive morphological processes, namely compounds and portmanteau words (or blends). While compounds, a productive, regular and predicable morphological process, have received much attention in the literature, little attention was paid to portmanteau words, a creative, irregular and unpredictable word formation process. The present paper aims to find the commonalities and differences between these morphological devices, using Rosch et al.’s (1975; 1976) theory of prototypes and basic-level categories to achieve this goal. This theory will also be employed to discuss the literature on the word formation mechanisms under investigation and propose a new categorization approach to these neologisms. The analysis suggests that compounds and blends compare and contrast and that the distinctions between them are blurry. The analysis confirms that a prototypical approach is well suited to compounds and blends in English. This has implications for future research into English word-formation processes in general and compounds and blends precisely

    Analisis eufemisme kematian masyarakat Melayu Sarawak dari perspektif semantik kognitif

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    Makalah ini meneliti proses-proses kognitif yang mendasari eufemisme kematian dalam masyarakat Melayu Sarawak (MMS). Eufemisme kematian yang digunakan oleh penutur merupakan bentuk penggunaan bahasa yang lebih halus dan sopan bagi menggantikan bahasa yang dianggap kasar atau tabu, dan tidak sesuai dituturkan secara langsung dalam komunikasi. Dalam pengungkapan eufemisme mengenai kematian, penutur berupaya mempamerkan sisi santun mereka di samping menunjukkan timbang rasa serta keprihatinan untuk tidak melukai hati dan perasaan pendengar. Kajian dari perspektif semantik kognitif ini menggunakan kerangka teori Metafora Konsepsi saranan Lakoff dan Johnson (1980). Beberapa mekanisme kognitif dimanfaatkan dalam analisis data seperti skema imej dan metafora konsepsi. Data eufemisme kematian MMS dikumpul menerusi kajian lapangan melibatkan kaedah temu bual, rakaman dan catatan. Informan yang terlibat dalam kajian ini ialah penutur Melayu di kawasan Kuching, Sarawak. Hasil analisis data mendapati bahawa pengkonsepsian eufemisme kematian MMS, khususnya untuk memperkatakan mengenai kematian didasari oleh skema imej Sumber-Laluan-Matlamat, di samping metafora konsepsi KEMATIAN ITU LOKASI YANG LEBIH BAIK, KEHIDUPAN ITU PERJALANAN dan KEMATIAN ITU PERLEPASAN [KEMATIAN ITU PERJALANAN]. Secara keseluruhan, kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa budaya Melayu dan agama Islam banyak mempengaruhi pengkonsepsian eufemisme kematian dalam MMS. Pengaruh ini dapat dilihat menerusi penggunaan kata-kata halus yang bertujuan untuk berbudi bahasa, sejajar dengan budaya Melayu yang mementingkan kesantunan dalam komunikasi. Hakikat kematian umat Islam yang akan kembali kepada Allah s.w.t. juga digambarkan dalam eufemisme yang dikaji. Sebagai sebuah kajian linguistik, kajian ini diharap dapat menjadi rujukan kepada pembaca dan penyelidik mengenai eufemisme MMS, khususnya dalam bidang semantik kognitif
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