159 research outputs found

    Teleportation cost and hybrid compression of quantum signals

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    The amount of entanglement necessary to teleport quantum states drawn from general ensemble {pi,ρi}\{p_i,\rho_i\} is derived. The case of perfect transmission of individual states and that of asymptotically faithful transmission are discussed. Using the latter result, we also derive the optimum compression rate when the ensemble is compressed into qubits and bits.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Negation of photon loss provided by negative weak value

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    We propose a usage of a weak value for a quantum processing between preselection and postselection. While the weak value of a projector of 1 provides a process with certainty like the probability of 1, the weak value of -1 negates the process completely. Their mutually opposite effect is approved without a conventional `weak' condition. In addition the quantum process is not limited to be unitary; in particular we consider a loss of photons and experimentally demonstrate the negation of the photon loss by using the negative weak value of -1 against the positive weak value of 1.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, close to published versio

    What is Possible Without Disturbing Partially Known Quantum States?

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    Consider a situation in which a quantum system is secretly prepared in a state chosen from the known set of states. We present a principle that gives a definite distinction between the operations that preserve the states of the system and those that disturb the states. The principle is derived by alternately applying a fundamental property of classical signals and a fundamental property of quantum ones. The principle can be cast into a simple form by using a decomposition of the relevant Hilbert space, which is uniquely determined by the set of possible states. The decomposition implies the classification of the degrees of freedom of the system into three parts depending on how they store the information on the initially chosen state: one storing it classically, one storing it nonclassically, and the other one storing no information. Then the principle states that the nonclassical part is inaccessible and the classical part is read-only if we are to preserve the state of the system. From this principle, many types of no-cloning, no-broadcasting, and no-imprinting conditions can easily be derived in general forms including mixed states. It also gives a unified view on how various schemes of quantum cryptography work. The principle helps to derive optimum amount of resources (bits, qubits, and ebits) required in data compression or in quantum teleportation of mixed-state ensembles.Comment: 24 pages, no fogur

    A strange weak value in spontaneous pair productions via a supercritical step potential

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    We consider a case where a weak value is introduced as a physical quantity rather than an average of weak measurements. The case we treat is a time evolution of a particle by 1+1 dimensional Dirac equation. Particularly in a spontaneous pair production via a supercritical step potential, a quantitative explanation can be given by a weak value for the group velocity of the particle. We also show the condition for the pair production (supercriticality) corresponds to the condition when the weak value takes a strange value (superluminal velocity).Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, close to published versio

    Maxwell boundary conditions imply non-Lindblad master equation

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    From the Hamiltonian connecting the inside and outside of an Fabry-Perot cavity, which is derived from the Maxwell boundary conditions at a mirror of the cavity, a master equation of a non-Lindblad form is derived when the cavity embeds matters, although we can transform it to the Lindblad form by performing the rotating-wave approximation to the connecting Hamiltonian. We calculate absorption spectra by these Lindblad and non-Lindblad master equations and also by the Maxwell boundary conditions in the framework of the classical electrodynamics, which we consider the most reliable approach. We found that, compared to the Lindblad master equation, the absorption spectra by the non-Lindblad one agree better with those by the Maxwell boundary conditions. Although the discrepancy is highlighted only in the ultra-strong light-matter interaction regime with a relatively large broadening, the master equation of the non-Lindblad form is preferable rather than of the Lindblad one for pursuing the consistency with the classical electrodynamics.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    A weak-value interpretation of the Schwinger mechanism of massless/massive pair productions

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    According to the Schwinger mechanism, a uniform electric field brings about pair productions in vacuum; the relationship between the production rate and the electric field is different, depending on the dimension of the system. In this paper, we make an offer of another model for the pair productions, in which weak values are incorporated: energy fluctuations trigger the pair production, and a weak value appears as the velocity of a particle there. Although our model is only available for the approximation of the pair production rates, the weak value reveals a new aspect of the pair production. Especially, within the first order, our estimation approximately agrees with the exponential decreasing rate of the Landau-Zener tunneling through the mass energy gap. In other words, such tunneling can be associated with energy fluctuations via the weak value, when the tunneling gap can be regarded as so small due to the high electric field.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Circuit configurations which can/cannot show super-radiant phase transitions

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    Several superconducting circuit configurations are examined on the existence of super-radiant phase transitions (SRPTs) in thermal equilibrium. For some configurations consisting of artificial atoms, whose circuit diagrams are however not specified, and an LC resonator or a transmission line, we confirm the absence of SRPTs in the thermal equilibrium following the similar analysis as the no-go theorem for atomic systems. We also show some other configurations where the absence of SRPTs cannot be confirmed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Full characterization of modular values for two-dimensional systems

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    Vaidman pointed out the importance of modular values, and related the modular value of a Pauli spin operator to its weak value for specific coupling strengths [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 230401 (2010)]. It would be useful if this relationship is generalized since a modular value, which assumes a finite strength of the measurement interaction, is sometimes more practical than a weak value, which assumes an infinitesimally small interaction. In this paper, we give a general expression that relates the weak value and the modular value of an arbitrary observable in the 2-dimensional Hilbert space for an arbitrary coupling strength. Using this expression, we show the "failure of sum rule" for modular values, which has a resemblance to the "failure of product rule" for weak values. We give examples of "failure of sum rule" for some interesting cases, i.e., paradoxes based on nonlocality, which include EPR paradox, Hardy's paradox, and Cheshire cat experiment.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    An interpretation and understanding of complex modular values

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    In contrast to that a weak value of an observable is usually divided into real and imaginary parts, here we show that separation into modulus and argument is important for modular values. We first show that modular values are expressed by the average of dynamic phase factors with complex conditional probabilities. We then relate, using the polar decomposition, the modulus of the modular value to the relative change in the qubit pointer post-selection probabilities, and relate the argument of the modular value to the summation of a geometric phase and an intrinsic phase.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Optimal Gaussian NN-to-MM cloning with linear optics and Gaussian cloning of known-phase coherent states

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    We show how to implement the optimal Gaussian NN-to-MM cloning with linear optics and homodyne detection. We also show that the Gaussian NN-to-MM cloning of known-phase coherent states can be performed with the fidelity 2MN2MN+MN\sqrt \frac{2 M N}{2M N+M -N} by linear optics and homodyne detection, and with 21+1N+11M\frac{2}{\sqrt{1+\frac{1}{N}}+\sqrt {1-\frac{1}{M}}} by utilizing quadrature squeezing. From the classical limit of the cloning (1-to-\infty cloning), a necessary condition of continuous variable quantum key distribution using known-phase coherent states is provided