51 research outputs found

    Real-time imaging of bHLH transcription factors reveals their dynamic control in the multipotency and fate choice of neural stem cells

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    The basic-helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors Ascl1/Mash1, Hes1, and Olig2 regulate the fate choice of neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes, respectively; however, these factors are coexpressed in self-renewing multipotent neural stem cells (NSCs) even before cell fate determination. This fact raises the possibility that these fate determination factors are differentially expressed between self-renewing and differentiating NSCs with unique expression dynamics. Real-time imaging analysis utilizing fluorescent proteins is a powerful strategy for monitoring expression dynamics. Fusion with fluorescent reporters makes it possible to analyze the dynamic behavior of specific proteins in living cells. However, it is technically challenging to conduct long-term imaging of proteins, particularly those with low expression levels, because a high-sensitivity and low-noise imaging system is required, and very often bleaching of fluorescent proteins and cell toxicity by prolonged laser exposure are problematic. Furthermore, to analyze the functional roles of the dynamic expression of cellular proteins, it is essential to image reporter fusion proteins that are expressed at comparable levels to their endogenous expression. In this review, we introduce our recent reports about the dynamic control of bHLH transcription factors in multipotency and fate choice of NSCs, focusing on real-time imaging of fluorescent reporters fused with bHLH transcription factors. Our imaging results indicate that bHLH transcription factors are expressed in an oscillatory manner by NSCs, and that one of them becomes dominant during fate choice. We propose that the multipotent state of NSCs correlates with the oscillatory expression of several bHLH transcription factors, whereas the differentiated state correlates with the sustained expression of a single bHLH transcription factor

    The role of neurogenesis in olfaction-dependent behaviors.

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    Newly born neurons continuously migrate into the main and accessory olfactory bulbs and modulate the output of projection neurons. Despite some contradictory results, it is becoming clear that these newly born neurons play an important role in the response to some odorant cues. In this minireview, we discuss the recent findings surrounding the functional significance of adult neurogenesis in olfaction-dependent behaviors

    Genetic Methods to Identify and Manipulate Newly Born Neurons in the Adult Brain

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    Although mammalian neurogenesis is mostly completed by the perinatal period, new neurons are continuously generated in the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle and the subgranular zone of the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Since the discovery of adult neurogenesis, many extensive studies have been performed on various aspects of adult neurogenesis, including proliferation and fate-specification of adult neural stem cells, and the migration, maturation and synaptic integration of newly born neurons. Furthermore, recent research has shed light on the intensive contribution of adult neurogenesis to olfactory-related and hippocampus-mediated brain functions. The field of adult neurogenesis progressed tremendously thanks to technical advances that facilitate the identification and selective manipulation of newly born neurons among billions of pre-existing neurons in the adult central nervous system. In this review, we introduce recent advances in the methodologies for visualizing newly generated neurons and manipulating neurogenesis in the adult brain. Particularly, the application of site-specific recombinases and Tet inducible system in combination with transgenic or gene targeting strategy is discussed in further detail

    Cooperative functions of Hes/Hey genes in auditory hair cell and supporting cell development.

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    Notch-mediated lateral inhibition has been reported to regulate auditory hair cell and supporting cell development from common precursors. While the Notch effector genes Hes1, Hes5 and Hey1 are expressed in the developing cochlea, inactivation of either of them causes only mild abnormality, suggesting their functional redundancy. To explore the roles of Hes/Hey genes in cochlear development, we examined compound heterozygous or homozygous mutant mice that lacked Hes1, Hes5 and Hey1 alleles. We found that a reduction in Hes/Hey gene dosage led to graded increase of hair cell formation. However, if at least one allele of Hes1, Hes5 or Hey1 was intact, excessive hair cells were accompanied by overproduction of supporting cells, suggesting that the hair cell increase does not occur at the expense of supporting cells, and that each Hes/Hey gene functions to induce supporting cells. By contrast, when all alleles of Hes1, Hes5 and Hey1 were inactivated, the number of hair cells increased more drastically, whereas that of supporting cells was unchanged compared with control, suggesting that supporting cell formation was balanced by their overproduction and fate conversion into hair cells. The increase of the cell numbers seemed to occur after the prosensory domain formation in the mutants because the proliferation state and the size of the prosensory domain were not affected. Thus, Hes1, Hes5 and Hey1 cooperatively inhibit hair cell formation, and one allele of Hes1, Hes5 or Hey1 is sufficient for supporting cell production probably by lateral inhibition in the sensory epithelium. Strikingly, Hes/Hey mutations lead to disorganized cell alignment and polarity and to hearing loss despite hair cell overproduction. These results suggest that Hes/Hey gene dosage is essential not only for generation of appropriate numbers of hair cells and supporting cells by controlling cell proliferation and lateral inhibition but also for the hearing ability by regulating the cell alignment and polarity

    Optimization of Light-Inducible Gal4/UAS Gene Expression System in Mammalian Cells

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    遺伝子発現を光で制御できる新技術を開発 --発生・幹細胞研究への貢献に期待--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2020-08-28.Light-inducible gene expression systems represent powerful methods for studying the functional roles of dynamic gene expression. Here, we developed an optimized light-inducible Gal4/UAS gene expression system for mammalian cells. We designed photoactivatable (PA)-Gal4 transcriptional activators based on the concept of split transcription factors, in which light-dependent interactions between Cry2-CIB1 PA-protein interaction modules can reconstitute a split Gal4 DNA-binding domain and p65 transcription activation domain. We developed a set of PA-Gal4 transcriptional activators (PA-Gal4cc), which differ in terms of induced gene expression levels following pulsed or prolonged light exposure, and which have different activation/deactivation kinetics. These systems offer optogenetic tools for the precise manipulation of gene expression at fine spatiotemporal resolution in mammalian cells

    Three-dimensional live imaging of Atoh1 reveals the dynamics of hair cell induction and organization in the developing cochlea

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    During cochlear development, hair cells (HCs) and supporting cells differentiate in the prosensory domain to form the organ of Corti, but how one row of inner HCs (IHCs) and three rows of outer HCs (OHCs) are organized is not well understood. Here, we investigated the process of HC induction by monitoring Atoh1 expression in cochlear explants of Atoh1-EGFP knock-in mouse embryos and showed that only the cells that express Atoh1 over a certain threshold are selected for HC fate determination. HC induction initially occurs at the medial edge of the prosensory domain to form IHCs and subsequently at the lateral edge to form OHCs, while Hedgehog signaling maintains a space between IHCs and OHCs, leading to formation of the tunnel of Corti. These results reveal dynamic Atoh1 expression in HC fate control and suggest that multi-directional signals regulate OHC induction, thereby organizing the prototype of the organ of Corti

    Light-induced silencing of neural activity in Rosa26 knock-in and BAC transgenic mice conditionally expressing the microbial halorhodopsin eNpHR3

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    An engineered light-inducible chloride pump, Natronomonas pharaonis halorhodopsin 3 (eNpHR3) enables temporally and spatially precise inhibition of genetically defined cell populations in the intact nervous tissues. In this report, we show the generation of new mouse strains that express eNpHR3-EYFP fusion proteins after Cre- and/or Flp-mediated recombination to optically inhibit neuronal activity. In these mouse strains, Cre/Flp recombination induced high levels of opsin expression. We confirmed their light-induced activities by brain slice whole-cell patch clamp experiments. eNpHR3-expressing neurons were optically hyperpolarized and silenced from firing action potentials. In prolonged silencing of action potentials, eNpHR3 was superior to eNpHR2, a former version of the engineered pump. Thus, these eNpHR3 mouse strains offer reliable genetic tools for light-induced inhibiting of neuronal activity in defined sets of neurons

    Light-mediated control of Gene expression in mammalian cells

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    Taking advantage of the recent development of genetically-defined photo-activatable actuator molecules, cellular functions, including gene expression, can be controlled by exposure to light. Such optogenetic strategies enable precise temporal and spatial manipulation of targeted single cells or groups of cells at a level hitherto impossible. In this review, we introduce light-controllable gene expression systems exploiting blue or red/far-red wavelengths and discuss their inherent properties potentially affecting induced downstream gene expression patterns. We also discuss recent advances in optical devices that will extend the application of optical gene expression control technologies into many different areas of biology and medicine

    Functional rejuvenation of aged neural stem cells by Plagl2 and anti-Dyrk1a activity

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    老化神経幹細胞の若返りによるニューロン産生の復活と認知機能の改善. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-12-17.The regenerative potential of neural stem cells (NSCs) declines during aging, leading to cognitive dysfunctions. This decline involves up-regulation of senescence-associated genes, but inactivation of such genes failed to reverse aging of hippocampal NSCs. Because many genes are up-regulated or down-regulated during aging, manipulation of single genes would be insufficient to reverse aging. Here we searched for a gene combination that can rejuvenate NSCs in the aged mouse brain from nuclear factors differentially expressed between embryonic and adult NSCs and their modulators. We found that a combination of inducing the zinc finger transcription factor gene Plagl2 and inhibiting Dyrk1a, a gene associated with Down syndrome (a genetic disorder known to accelerate aging), rejuvenated aged hippocampal NSCs, which already lost proliferative and neurogenic potential. Such rejuvenated NSCs proliferated and produced new neurons continuously at the level observed in juvenile hippocampi, leading to improved cognition. Epigenome, transcriptome, and live-imaging analyses indicated that this gene combination induces up-regulation of embryo-associated genes and down-regulation of age-associated genes by changing their chromatin accessibility, thereby rejuvenating aged dormant NSCs to function like juvenile active NSCs. Thus, aging of NSCs can be reversed to induce functional neurogenesis continuously, offering a way to treat age-related neurological disorders

    Enhancement of Vivid-based photo-activatable Gal4 transcription factor in mammalian cells

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    The Gal4/UAS system is a versatile tool to manipulate exogenous gene expression of cells spatially and temporally in many model organisms. Many variations of light-controllable Gal4/UAS system are now available, following the development of photo-activatable (PA) molecular switches and integration of these tools. However, many PA-Gal4 transcription factors have undesired background transcription activities even in dark conditions, and this severely attenuates reliable light-controlled gene expression. Therefore, it is important to develop reliable PA-Gal4 transcription factors with robust light-induced gene expression and limited background activity. By optimization of synthetic PA-Gal4 transcription factors, we have validated configurations of Gal4 DNA biding domain, transcription activation domain and blue light-dependent dimer formation molecule Vivid (VVD), and applied types of transcription activation domains to develop a new PA-Gal4 transcription factor we have named eGAV (enhanced Gal4-VVD transcription factor). Background activity of eGAV in dark conditions was significantly lower than that of hGAVPO, a commonly used PA-Gal4 transcription factor, and maximum light-induced gene expression levels were also improved. Light-controlled gene expression was verified in cultured HEK293T cells with plasmid-transient transfections, and in mouse EpH4 cells with lentivirus vector-mediated transduction. Furthermore, light-controlled eGAV-mediated transcription was confirmed in transfected neural stem cells and progenitors in developing and adult mouse brain and chick spinal cord, and in adult mouse hepatocytes, demonstrating that eGAV can be applied to a wide range of experimental systems and model organisms